It’s Official: The Republican Party Sold Us Out

I just returned from the House Judiciary Subcommittee A meeting. As reported previously, the Republican Party lived up to my expectations on meaningful 2nd amendment and immigration reform legislation today.

After a briefing by Glen Bradley concerning H241, a vote was taken on this 2nd amendment legislation but the NAY vote was louder than the AYE vote so Chairman Blust ruled that the legislation failed. No one on the committee would stand up and ask for division so that an individual accounting could be made.

The video of this proceeding and the followup interview with Rep. Bradley is shown below.

H36 was also on the agenda to make E-verify mandatory for companies who have state contracts. This legislation had a tie vote so it also failed. I will be releasing video of this vote also. We are working on verifying the Republicans who voted against this bill.

I hope that the GOP convention in Wilmington will have pleasant weather this weekend because it is about to get HOT in Raleigh.

David DeGerolamo

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13 years ago

This is disgusting! There doesn’t seem to be any in office that we can trust any more!

13 years ago

Our only hope is to primary those spineless bastards. NOT voting kills us, and so does a 3rd party.

Frank Livingston
Frank Livingston
13 years ago

We need a list of those voting for and against HB 36 and others. I am worried HB 640 will not be brought up.

NC Patriot
NC Patriot
13 years ago

From GOP Convention in Wilmington…I am looking forward to seeing a tally of the votes taken in Raleigh this week…I receive them for votes in Washington and urge all NC Voters to pay attention to promises kept and those broken by our legislators…local. county, state and federal levels. I want to be represented by someone who not only votes their conscience and the will of their district but one who had the strength of their conviction to sway others in the chamber to their point of view. That is my definition of Leadership.

Pam Reynolds
Pam Reynolds
13 years ago

No question but to VOTE EVERYONE OUT! We need to get the word out about this to everyone we meet. When talking to the repubs in the general assembly we need to simply say to them from now on… you will be voted out PERIOD as soon as its possible. I am looking forward to seeing the list.

13 years ago

Voting out Republicans will be harder than you might think. They have rounded up and herded TEA Party patriots back under the GOP tent for over three years now, thanks to talk show hosts, organizing pros like FreedomWorks, Americans for Prosperity, and American Solutions, as well as gullible original TEA Party organizers seeking guidance at the outset to fill the void of finance and experience. Not unlike the organizing campaigns of the Dems and Obama, the goal was to polarize, then attract like a magnet the disorganized particles and align them to produce desired results.

I begged for a third party solution three years ago, and had folks not been so easily herded we might have a handle on this thing by now.

As Tina stated, third party solution at this late date is irrelevant. For the record, so is turning the big-money establishment GOP on its head and shaking out a statesman patriot to save the nation. The game has been rigged all along…and with YOUR money!

13 years ago
Reply to  Mike

I still believe that the primaries are the most logical place/way to make the changes. It will require a lot of work, not just to find honorable candidates, but raising money etc. But it can be done,especially if we can start with 4 or 5 seats where a GOPer failed to support 2nd amendment AND border security/immigration issues. Those are 2 hot button issues that are easy for patriots to get behind. Find the targets, and honorable, articulate, intelligent people willing to run.

Larry Porter
13 years ago

The biggest problem as I see it is that the grassroots is running in too many directions. Every individual has his/her own agenda and goes with whoever best represents that agenda. That means there is no organization among conservatives toward one candidate. They can’t even agree on what they really stand for individually. It’s only broad strokes of “Oh yeah, that’s what we need. David hit it. The eleventh District Tea Party held a straw vote after a primary debate and when the winner was announced, half the tea Party members let out a howl that it wasn’t fair. They went on to support the man everyone knew couldn’t beat Shuler. Such is the fate of trying to get this country back through a vote. It ain’t gonna happen!

13 years ago
Reply to  Larry Porter

Larry, you nailed it! Sadly, that’s only part of the problem…

Jot this down…

The parry and thrust of the illusionist political joust in 2012 will be a repeat of the “cult of personality” battle in 2008. Whichever “hero” the masses are directed to on the right by the propaganda, the result will be the same over time in consideration of the underlying goal of the globalists. It’s never been about right or left, Republican or Democrat, Constitutionalist or Marxist; it’s about right and wrong.

It’s inevitable folks…the world is destined to change, and for the worst. The only way that can happen is to align the global economic conditions, the lifestyles, and the political oversight as closely as possible to achieve an acceptable symmetry. First the merging of the North American continent, then the super-alignment of the world powers in continuity for perpetuity. That is the goal, regardless of who sits in the oval office, or for that matter on Jones Street in Raleigh.

Imagine the power the “head” of such a world enterprise will wield! Wouldn’t it be something akin to godship? Sort of dwarfs the mere power over life and death to the nth degree doesn’t it?

Excuse me for waxing philosophical, but this is indeed a disaster of Biblical proportions, and all the masses can do is fight and struggle with one another or with the issue of the day while the evil-doers deconstruct our lives in the shadows.

How many emperors, czars, furors, kings, etc. have coveted such a prize and fallen short?

Why didn’t they succeed? Because they were not patient enough and relied on brute force to accomplish their goals. Today we are dealing with less brutish schemers who have evil in their heart, ice water in their veins, and a contemptible smile on their lips as they undo everything righteous and holy and work to eventually enslave their fellow man.

Maybe you’ve heard this a dozen times before, but all better make ready for hard times the likes of which few alive today in America have ever seen. Ignore the warning at your own peril.

We must pace ourselves in our political travail, meanwhile addressing our personal needs and those of the ones dear to us. Our families will always be far more deserving of our limited time and attention than any political ally or foe. For years many of us have neglected such obligations and responsibilities and need to reflect upon that a moment.

After that refection, cast your vote for Herman Kane and hope for the best 😉
After all, when it comes right down to it, hope is all we really have anyway. We’re all too small to change anything alone, and too isolated in one form or another to rally much more than a large picnic without party favors.

So much for philosophical. Dissenting opinions are welcome and tolerated. 🙂

13 years ago


H.36 will require E-Verify and will dramatically help prevent illegal immigrants from getting new jobs in North Carolina. Our state unemployment rate is 9.7%, so why should illegals be allowed to get jobs which belong to citizens?

H.36 was heard in the Judiciary A committee on Wednesday and I spoke in favor of it along with ALIPAC, NC Fire and Randy’s Right. About 15 of our associates also attended, and I thank them for their service to our cause. A Hispanic group and the ACLU spoke against H.36 and they said they were worried about American workers?? Does anyone believe that line. The Hispanic group, outside the hearing, suggested that I was a racist because I was promoting H.36. The American people are becoming sick of these kinds of attacks. Name-calling has become the desperate attempt of those who have no good arguments for their position, and somehow think they will frighten us. This only emboldens my resolve.

H.36 was not voted upon until a hearing yesterday and I was there again beforehand and for the hearing. H.36 was favorably approved, after a second committee action last evening

13 years ago
Reply to  randysright

Randy, I think you forgot to post the name of the author, Ron Woodard of NC Listen.

13 years ago

If I understand what happened correctly on the 2nd amendment legislation, then we need a list of GOPers on the committee, that failed to ask for division or yays and nays so we coudl get an accurate accounting of the voice vote. Those GOPers on that committee, that failed in their duties to the citizens, should ALL be primaried. But we need the list of who is on that committee. How/where can we find that info?