Marco Rubio: Oregon Occupiers Should Be Prosecuted



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Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio said Friday that people “should be prosecuted” in the three-week stand-off at Oregon wildlife refuge, but said the federal government should not resort to violence against the group of armed men occupying the area.

“We’re not going to treat them like an invading army from a foreign country,” Rubio, a U.S. senator from Florida, told a crowd at a town hall in Merrimack, New Hampshire, after an audience member asked him how he would handle the occupiers, led by Ammon Bundy, whose father, Cliven Bundy, held a similar standoff in Nevada two years ago.

“That being said, you can’t be lawless,” he said of the Oregon protesters. “We live in a Republic. That’s why we have an election in 2016.”


h/t WRSA


First, not one candidate from either party is addressing the root issue of this protest. The Hammonds are still in jail as political prisoners. The government has no jurisdiction in this matter. The Federal government is not authorized to seize land from the states except as outlined in the Constitution.

As for Marco, anyone running for political office is either delusional or complicit with evil. And this is a perfect example how the government has trashed the Constitutional foundation of this country. Imagine a statesman standing up and discussing the merits of the case that Ammon Bundy is trying to tell the people.

David DeGerolamo

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Tom Angle
9 years ago

Ah, coming from a man illegally running for president. Not to mention he has overlooked all the criminal activities of the current administration. What else could you expect from a some of a man who worked for the treasonous CIA.

9 years ago

“That being said, you can’t be lawless,” he said… Only if your in government or from Mexico, right Marco?

Stephen Hahn
9 years ago

He just lost my vote

9 years ago

If you want to fight real tyranny, fight government overreach with drug laws (thousands jailed for smoking marijuana), police brutality (well documented including where I am in Seattle, though slowly being corrected due to federal court orders), and corporate control of the media (a form of tyranny through mind control), to name a few that actually affect our lives directly. This fight against government land ownership is stupid. That yours and my land. I don’t want it to be in the hands of the privileged few.

John Marshall
9 years ago

Interesting how a man sympathetic to Castro and illegal immigration can say they are lawless when they are obeying the supreme law of the land…something Rubio the loser doesn’t understand and is also misinformed making a judgement call without the facts in hand. At least in his ignorance he did say murder them like Harry Reid, Chris Christy, and Montel Williams.

9 years ago

D’Souza is talking about moneyed interests in the government, a very real threat not unlike drug lords in Latin American countries (and here, as well). The BLM is not a threat in any way similar to the threats Souza is talking about. D’Souza is wrong, though — It’s BOTH parties, not just the Democratic party, but the Republicans are more to blame for the huge, corrupting money influence has on our system now. Most large corporations support Republicans. The Republicans are the big proponents of fewer laws governing corporations, fewer controls on party donations, and more big corporate mergers which only increases corporate power. The more corporate/government collusion and control you have, the higher the risk of fascism. That’s worth worrying about.

9 years ago

no, rubio should be prosecuted for treason and his stupidity,

9 years ago

That’s not treason. The Bundy gang wants to overturn the authority of the government which is, by definition, treason, especially in light of the fact that they’re armed and threatening. You can’t prosecute people for being stupid, but you can prosecute people for doing stupid, illegal things.

9 years ago

you have to be a government internet troll unless you really are that stupid.why don’t you spend time GK trolling around on the black lives matter movement it might fit your insanity better and the way you believe.

Average Joe
Average Joe
9 years ago

Gk there is no “gang” or “malitia” involved with Bundy. It is a peaceful protest with some members of the protest exercising their Second Amendment RIGHTS based upon past slaughters by the Federal government. Or are you of the same mindset with our Second Amendment rights as you are with our property right? Being that government may treat our God given rights as mere privileges being allowed or disallowed at their discretion.

Further the irony of your posts claiming the Bundy protest is illegal while refusing to recognize that the government itself is violating it’s own laws and limits is priceless. If nothing else at least you bring a certain entertainment value.

Now David, you asked a question earlier concerning the level of intelligence, or lack there of, regarding some people’s willingness to believe certain things. As one being capable and willing to point out the obvious I feel we must note the efforts of gk.

I pray gk educate himself rather than continuing to embarrass himself.

9 years ago

I stumbled on your site looking for Malheur updates. I’m not trolling, but I understand how you might think that. I was in the military, have a college degree, I work with laws and I’m familiar with the U.S. and state constitutions and legal interpretations. I’ve spent time at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. I’m sure you’ve heard before that NOBODY is above the law. That includes far right anti-government constitutionalists like Bundy & Co, regardless of their beliefs. I hope it ends peacefully and I look forward to the sentencing of Bundy & Co.

Average Joe
Average Joe
9 years ago

Interesting you continue to go after citizens who are addressing abuses of government while ignoring and excusing those abuses as well as seeking to justify them.

Further it is telling you express what can only be seen as a certain gladness at the expectation of the prosecution of the protesters and cannot help but wonder if you also look forward to prosection and sentencing of the violators of U.S. drug laws in Colorado and California? Or do they get a pass in the same manner of government law breakers?

In the end gk who and how is government power to be kept in check? Do you expect those exercising and abusing said power to change their minds out of the goodness of their hearts and reverse course? If so then why has that goodness of their hearts not prevented them from the abuses in the first place? In your mind, what next? Or have liberty minded people no recourse but to accept the tyranny and abuses?

9 years ago

Changes should be made through our democratic legislative process. We’re a representative democracy and making changes can be painfully slow, but that’s our system. We the people here in Washington State, for instance, have made it legal to own and use marijuana which I think is the right way to go, although I don’t partake (though I have). It took years of hard work by dedicated people, but the system worked. Armed demonstrations were not part of this; people acted like grownups.

9 years ago

You have got to be kidding me GK, no one is above the law, why don’t you tell that to obama, hillary and Bill Clinton, Pelosi, Reid, Boehner, McConnell, Eric Holder, Jarett, Lynch, and basically all the bureaucratic heads of every law enforcement agency under the sodomites supervision. all these scumbags believe they are above the law. so all the law you have been led to believe was right and just has been bastardized under this group of hardened criminal thug gangsters. go back to sleep GK , you are far better off in a daze.

9 years ago

I think you need a vacation. I, personally, like Mexico, which has its problems, but the Mexican people are wonderful. I lived in Guadalajara for a year my last year of high school. Warm, thoughtful, easy going people, though a bit socially conservative, and they are also hard working and very decent. You ought to think about taking a couple of weeks, maybe in the Yucatan. Great Mayan ruins and wonderful colonial cities. You need to chill out.

Average Joe
Average Joe
9 years ago

Gk, first as David correctly pointed out you have changed nothing by your vote. Further I notice you again fail to address your double standard. Either you are incapable or unwilling to explain yourself but either way it speaks volumns. In the end your efforts differ from the Bundy protest only in the sense you seem happily willing to continue the charade while they manned up and took bold action.

If as you claim we actually lived in a representative democracy, which we do not we were designed as a representative republic, we wouldn’t even be discussing most of these issues. From the refusal to bring up Obama on impeachment charges to the invasion of our country it is obvious to any rational human being the republic is all but dead or could possibly even be dead. Only time will answer that question but it becomes more obvious by each passing abuse we are most likely a republic in name only.

While it is most likely you will avoid a direct answer again, did the Southern states have a right to leave the union?

9 years ago

let me answer the question for the idiot moron GK , yes they had the right to secede from the union under the constitution, since the so called schooled in law refuses to answer. he must of attended the same law school as the sodomite.GK is a troll for the government and he is being paid by our tax dollars illegally snooping around on sites like this so he can report back to his bolshevik superiors on how they can shut us down using the CIA or the NSA, two of the most lawless agencies in our nation.

9 years ago

These guys are throwing an armed temper tantrum. They’re terrorists. They called off the latest community meeting in Burns for safety concerns due to these assholes. They’re hiding behind their guns because their ideas are wrong and most people understand that. Get real. Also, read the definitions of “republic” and “democracy.” We’re both.

9 years ago

Sorry, David — You are attacking the wrong person about work. I’ve worked since I was a teenager. I was on my own at 17. I’ve worked in construction and in factories. I was in the Coast Guard for four years and then I worked while getting a college degree. I worked eight hours a day, again, since that and will for more years. So don’t tell me about work. I’ve worked my ass off for a lot of years. I hope you have, too, because it helps people develop character.

I call the Islamic terrorists “terrorists.” Bundy & Co. are not truly terrorist as in ISIS, of course, but they are intimidating people with their antics. They will wind up as felons, though, unless federal and state prosecutors wimp out.

The “Presbyterian War” was a war for religious freedom. Your and Bundy’s battle against the government is not religious.

With regard to guns, they are designed to kill people, and when someone is walking around with one, most sane people feel uncomfortable. I’ve shot M-16s and 45s. I had guns as a kid. I know what guns are designed to do. I do not trust people who feel so insecure that they carry a gun.

Average Joe
Average Joe
9 years ago

Gk…is your last name Butterfield by chance?

9 years ago

and you went to school, my son graduated and has a masters in history and he knows the difference between a republic and a democracy the two are not the same, i learned this in 4th grade in the early 1950’s. what school did you attend and when did you graduate, If it was the same school the sodomite attended the that would explain your incompetence and boobery, if there is such a word.

9 years ago

I agree, a republic and a democracy are not the same. No educated person would think they are. But they are not mutually exclusive. The U.S. is a republic and it is a democracy, albeit an imperfect one. Some people argue with this, but that is the most commonly accepted definition.

No, my name is not Butterfield.

Bundy & Co. carry weapons with the implied threat of violence because they know that they cannot win the battle of ideas.

Average Joe
Average Joe
9 years ago

Gk…I see where it bothers you that some people like to exercise their Second Amentment rights. I just wanted to let you know it troubles many of us when people like you exercise your First Amendment right and shudder to consider you may actually vote.

In the long run it is best for me to respect the word of God….

“Do not answer a fool according to his folly, or you yourself will be just like him.”

At the same time I would like to nominate you for the Samuel Clemons Award and thank you for removing all doubt.

9 years ago

I have cousins in North Carolina. We disagree politically, but we’re respectful of one another. Clemons also said, “Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured.” Arguing over ideas is one thing, but anger and hatred are another thing altogether.