Obama limiting military hardware to police departments

The White House on Monday announced new limits on federal programs that supply local police with military-style equipment.

After four months of study, a Cabinet working group tasked by President Obama to reform the initiatives unveiled eight categories of military supplies local law enforcement will be banned from acquiring from federal agencies or with federal funds.

The list includes grenade launchers, tracked armored vehicles, armed aircraft, bayonets, and guns and ammunition of .50 caliber or higher.

There is a “substantial risk of misusing or overusing these items,” which “could significantly undermine community trust,” the group’s report reads.

Other federally supplied equipment, such as wheeled armored vehicles, drones, helicopters, firearms and riot gear, will come with new strings attached for local police to ensure officers are trained in their use and in “community policing, constitutional policing and community input.”

Police must provide a “clear and persuasive explanation” for the need of the equipment and get approval from their local government.

The steps are part of the White House’s effort to reestablish trust between law enforcement and their communities in response to a string of police-related deaths of black men in Baltimore, Ferguson, Mo. and North Charleston, S.C., among other cities.



The money phrase:

Police must provide a “clear and persuasive explanation” for the need of the equipment and get approval from their local government.

Smoke screen.

David DeGerolamo

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9 years ago

“Smoke screen.” You are too polite, David.

I read this and my immediate response was more along the lines
of “Bovine excrement!”

Ever and always with evil; watch the other hand…


9 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

It is but evidence of your higher nature. It causes us to hesitate in being too blunt, for charity’s sake.

And yet the time for absolute bluntness comes. The grace of our Christian tolerance has been abused to the point where it is Just to withdraw it, and to deal most harshly with all who see fit to scoff at the True Law.

Even so, come quickly Lord;
even so, come quickly.

9 years ago

Smoke Screen, Aha, maybe he is getting ready to hire on the terrorist groups he brought into country illegally to be the new police, which will be well funded and will do his bidding when he wants. His goal is to murder as many American people as he can. this needs to be watched very closely as to how this evolves. This man is a wild Bush animal and at some point the American people will have to do the unthinkable or they will die. All I can say is LOCK AND LOAD and keep your powder dry.

9 years ago

It should be fairly obvious and intuitive that local LEOs do not need such equipment.

Tim Pope
9 years ago

I saw a mainstream news headline today that said something like, ‘ISIS on the Move, Obama Targets Cops’ Military Toys, No Hard Feelings Guys?’ At some point, the American people had better start discerning and figuring out the age-old Hegelian principle of political conflict resolution. I’m putting the finishing touches on a lengthy article which proves the drastic increase in police militarization by orders of magnitude coincided precisely with the U.S. financial crisis of 2008. It’s about the protection of the State from the people during mass civil unrest in response to economic collapse and starvation/food riots. Problem, Reaction, Solution.

9 years ago

Remember to watch the other hand. They give with one hand and take with the other.

NOTHING is done by this administration without a political purpose and merely looking good for the media is NOT that purpose. They know looking good doesn’t matter anymore because they will be protected by THEIR government owned media. They could shoot people down in the streets and no one would notice. Oh wait, they already do. Never mind.

Anyways, it appears they are on the road to the nationalizing of the police force. It’s the usual pattern used by the federal government. Start with a carrot, get the local organization hooked, then stop giving it what ever reason they want to make up. Then the locals will BEG for the feds to give back what they were getting. The feds then say, well, we can’t do that unless you give us total control, you can’t be trusted with this much power, only we can.

Look at the education system. That is exactly the tactic they used and continue to use there.

Today nationalized education, next stop nationalized brown shirts totally under federal control.

Anyone still want to believe they don’t intend to totally dominate and control us? This is EXACTLY what the nazi’s did in Germany in the 1920’s and 1930’s. The people then just stood and watched too. I think we all know how that ended.

Do we learn from history this time or continue to let it repeat as we humans usually do.

Go today and read the grievances listed in the Declaration of Independence. I bet you find that almost every one used then against the King of England also applies to us TODAY. That should tell you something about the state of our government today.

Tyranny is tyranny, whether it’s the King of England in the 1700’s, the German government in the 1930’s, or the US government in the 2000’s.

So why are we so quiet. Does freedom mean less to us today than it did our Founders?

Evidently so.