One World Order

The new General Assembly has an easy task before them: repeal Resolution 24, H.R. 338 passed in 1942.  A quick look at the following section tells much of the story:

Man, the source of all political authority, is a manifold political being. He is a citizen of several communities; the city, the state, the nation and the world. To each of these communities he owes inalienable obligations and from each he receives enduring benefits.

The citizens of the state of North Carolina DO NOT have any inalienable obligations to the world community. The people of the United States do not receive any enduring benefits from the rest of the world. It would be quite a shock if one of the countries receiving foreign aid ($49 Billion in 2008) would say “Thank You”.  Here is the beginning of North Carolina’s Resolution to be one of the first states to welcome the coming of One World Order.

David DeGerolamo

H.R. 338

Whereas, it is necessary at the present juncture of human affairs to enlarge the bases of organized society by establishing a government for the community of nations, in order to preserve civilization and enable mankind to live in peace and be free, the following principles and objectives are here enunciated in:


Governments can only be established through the deliberate efforts of men. At this hour two elemental forces are struggling to organize the international community: totalitarianism and democracy. The former, a recent version of repudiated militarism and tyranny, is predicated upon the principle of compulsion, rules through dictatorship and enslaves men; the latter, a proved bulwark of the rights of man as a human being and a citizen, derives its authority from the consent of the governed, embodies the will of free men and renders their collective judgments supreme in human affairs. The corner stone of totalitarianism is the ethnographic state, whose restricted interested define the scope of its favors; the foundation of democracy is man whose integrity is inviolable and whose welfare is its primary concern. The motivating power of the former is violence; of the latter, freedom. One feeds upon unscrupulous ambition; the other upon an enlightened sense of obligation.

Man, the source of all political authority, is a manifold political being. He is a citizen of several communities; the city, the state, the nation and the world. To each of these communities he owes inalienable obligations and from each he receives enduring benefits. Communities may exist for a time without being incorporated but, under the stress of adversity, they disintegrate unless legally organized. Slowly but purposefully through the centuries, civilization has united the world, integrating its diverse local interests and creating an international community that now embraces every region and every person on the globe. This community has no government, and communities without governments perish. Either this community must succumb to anarchy or submit to the restrains of law and order.

Click here for the complete PDF.

David DeGerolamo

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14 years ago

David –

You should have stopped the first sentence of your second paragraph after the 14th word…

The sovereign individual has no obligations.

We may accept obligations as an expression of our free will, just as we define “duties” within our personal philosophy.

We do not owe other humans or communities any of the fruits of our mind or labor.

As Ayn Rand stated through her character John Galt:

“I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.”

14 years ago

By “dominated” I assume you are referring to all the aid that we have provided to these countries, which is from the sweat and sacrifice of Americans., and “sick and misguided values” such as caring for the poor and oppressed.