Open Letter to “Zero Cool”

Sir – with regard to your comment posted on Why You Should Be Watching GBTV

You claim: “…these fear mongers/ bloggers have no credible background to authenticate their rhetoric…with no life other than to blog…”

If you cared to investigate the facts, you might find that many of us who blog about issues that frighten us have already lived long and fulfilling lives of contribution to business, community, and family.

You claim: “These people have no real perspective of what a true threat is, but rather their perceived threat is developed through their only means of information, the internet, or GBTV. They’re xenophobic people, living a false reality.”

Related research would inform you that many of us lived through the strife of the 1960′s, and may in fact have been on the opposite sides of issues that we now are able to understand more completely as a result of our life experiences.

And you claim: “Their rhetoric is un-patriotic and only serves one purpose, to divide us all and weaken our country.”

Yes, we need to unite. But we do not need to unite around interests, or issues or political parties. We need to unite on principles that support the moral and economic health of our country.

Several years ago I drafted some principles that I believe are necessary for the difficult task of unification:

I began with a blank paper titled “I believe…” (I have confidence in the truth, the existence, or the reliability of…) and spent several hours crafting a few declarations:


1. An individual is the fundamental unit of human value, an individual owns himself without precondition, and social structure must respect the sovereignty of each individual.

2. The moral basis necessary for sovereign individuals to prosper together, in social structures, in peace, is completely defined by the “ideal laws for a civil society”:
   • Do not encroach upon others or their property
   • Do all that you agreed to do.

3. Negative rights (rules against coercion) are consistent with 1 and 2, and form the appropriate basis for establishment of relationships among sovereign individuals.

4. Natural rights derive from 1, 2 and 3. Natural rights exist prior to any establishment of law or government and describe an individual’s liberty, or freedoms, to:
   • Own, develop and dispose of property (products of labor)
   • Bear arms for defense of self, family and property
   • Establish associations, contracts and self-government
   • Assemble, speak and petition to redress encroachments or breaches.

5. Capitalism is the only economic system compatible with liberty. Any attempt to incorporate altruism or collectivism is a violation of 1, 2, 3, and 4.

6. Liberty can remain secure only if government is so limited that it cannot infringe upon the natural rights of sovereign individuals or intrude into free exchange in capital markets.

7. These United States should be restored from the encroachment of National government to a limited government as defined in the US Constitution and its first Ten Amendments.

8. Once restoration has been achieved, the US Constitution should be reviewed and edited, to eliminate ambiguities of language and make structural corrections to prevent the re-growth of National government.

After I wrote those points for discussion, I experienced the full force of the modern leftist movement in its’ attempt to steal my property, liberty, and as a consequence my life.

You may also benefit from a read of my first post on NCRenegade:

So, Mr. Zero Cool … who are you and in what do you believe?

Be constructive here, or find a comfortable niche for yourself on a progressive blog site.

Hans Mentha

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