Frank Livingston has been one of the country’s premier advocates against the threat of Sharia Law being implemented in the United States. His dedication to ACT! for America in North Carolina has been unwavering. I received the following letter today from Frank outlining the reasons for submitting his resignation to ACT! for America to their National Field Director, Kelly Cook.
David DeGerolamo
RE: Regarding Correspondence with Congresswoman Ellmers Office
ACT! for America
Kelly Cook:
The questions, “Who is our enemy” and “Who are we fighting” are questions ACT! for America – Raleigh Chapter has been asking Sen. Burr, Sen. Hagan, and former congressman Rep. Etheridge for two years and we now are asking Rep. Renee Ellmers however, we cannot get a decent response to these questions. Why? We did get two responses, if that is what you would call them, ATTACHMENT #2 and #4. Read the letter, ATTACHMENT #3, we sent to Rep. Ellmers on August 10, 2011 which is being avoided by Rep. Ellmers. Why?
When I read War Footing: 10 Steps America Must Take to Prevail in the War for the Free World by Frank J. Gaffney and Colleagues, he says in their book, “We are at war with three movements in the GraterMiddle East: Baathism, Shi’ite Theocratic Totalitarianism, and Sunni Theocratic Totalitarianism” so why can’t a House and Senate committee or sub-committee hold hearings to determine our enemy or the Bush or Obama administration identify them? Why hasn’t our military ever been required to identify our enemy and to learn from history their tactics even when a former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff requested it on December 1, 2005? Why is our military fighting and dying implementing Sharia law/finance in the Middle East ? (NOTE: See Stephen Coughlin thesis, “To Our Great Detriment: Ignoring What Extremists Say AboutJihad” starting on page 71, ISLAMIC LAW – ALREADY THE LAW: CONSTITUTIONAL DEFERENCE TO ISLAM).
I am sorry you have been involved in this challenge since it would have been quickly resolved once Al and I talked. After about 10 phone calls in which I left messages on Rep. Renee Ellmers chief of staff, Al Lytton’s answering machine and provided messages to his co-workers, I had only two returned calls of which I returned. I personally know Al and we have chatted several times since we first met and I thought we had a good relationship.
I was quite impressed with Rep. Renee Ellmers campaign video that can still be found on YouTube: No Mosque at Ground Zero – TV, however, it appears she is distancing herself from this issue. Why? Could it be because she fears being campaigned against by the Muslim community, along with other politically correct organizations (Political Correctness is cultural Marxism and an excellent video on this can be found on YouTube:PJTV – Bill Whittle – The Narrative – Political Correctness, along with the article: The Origins of Political Correctness by Bill Lind, February 5, 2000, An Accuracy in Academia Address). I feel we will never stop Shariah law/finance and their quest for a world caliphate until the issue of Political Correctness/Cultural Marxism is reversed or as what I call, “the body bombs in Wal-Mart start. People do not change until what they are facing makes them feel uncomfortable or fear for safety. We experience this is teaching fore prevention and trying to get politicians to reduce the usage of combustible materials in city construction and used concrete and steel.
In a Raleigh News & Observer article, December 16, 2010, that Mohammad Elgamal, chairman of the Muslim American Public Affairs Council, a Raleigh muslim group wanted a meeting with Rep. Ellmers. Did they get it? We know Rep. Ellmers refused to speak at one of North Carolina ’s newest ACT! chapters because her staff felt it was not the right time to do so and fearing reprisals.
It appears Rep. Ellmers staff has combined eggs and apples since most of my correspondence to her office had absolutely nothing to do with ACT! for America and Al Lytton should have never contacted you about this. However, since he did it placed you in a position to remove me from a VOLUNTEER leadership position with ACT! for America – Raleigh chapter. I know the value of a Washington chief of staff is much more valuable to ACT!than a chapter leader thus I do not blame you; you must distance ACT! from the situation.
Since Al Lytton involved ACT! in this situation, I want to save you the challenge of asking me to resign; therefore, I am resigning the leadership position effectively immediately.
This action will allow me the opportunity to continue asking politicians to hold hearings to determining our enemy and to force discussions on Sharia finance. The House and Senate Armed Service Committee Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities must hold hearings on the excellent work by Stephen Coughlin. Coughlin completed legal research on Islam for the DoD Joint Chiefs of Staff and his work is reflected in his thesis, “To Our Great Detriment: Ignoring What Extremists Say About Jihad” which can be read online. Both subcommittees need to call Coughlin, along with all former chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to testify and query them about what efforts our military has made to know and understand our enemy. We need to be asking our military how they are addressing the issue of a world caliphate.
We have provided DoD with a FOIA request for the work Stephen Coughlin completed for DoD however, they continue to ignore our requests. We asked Rep. Renee Ellmers to follow up on our request, however, she never did.
The House and Senate Armed Service Committee Subcommittees on Emerging Threats and Capabilities must hold hearings on the excellent work by Stephen Coughlin. Coughlin completed legal research on Islam for the DoD Joint Chiefs of Staff and his work is reflected in his thesis, “To Our Great Detriment: Ignoring What Extremists Say About Jihad” which can be read online. Both subcommittees need to call Coughlin, along with all former chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to testify and query them about what efforts our military has made to know and understand our enemy. We need to be asking our military how they are addressing the issue of a world caliphate since this appears to be what the Muslim Brotherhood world-wide is pushing. Please read David Barton, WallBuilders newsletter, winter 2006, A Muslim Sworn Into Congress. And what was told to John Adams and Thomas Jefferson was told in 1786 by the ambassador to Britain , Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja, the “Dey of Algiers” ambassador to Britain . When asked why the muslim Barbary Pirates had been attacking American merchant ships since we won the Revolutionary War he answered that Islam “was founded on the Laws of their Prophet, that it was written in their Quran, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and that every Musselman (Muslim) who should be slain in Battle was sure to go to Paradise.”
We have provided DoD with a FOIA request for the work Stephen Coughlin completed for DoD however, they continue to ignore our requests. We asked Rep. Renee Ellmers to follow up on our request, however, we have heard nothing!
Former Chairman, General Peter Pace (ret) said this about knowing our enemy and it is reflected in Coughlin’s thesis, page #2 where he said,
“I say you need to get out and read what our enemies have said. Remember Hitler. Remember he wrote Mein Kampf. He said in writing exactly what his plan was, and we collectively ignored that to our great detriment. Now, our enemies have said publicly on film, on the Internet, their goal is to destroy our way of life.”
The reason the Intelligence Community is unable to define the nature of the jihadi enemy, the Chairman implies, is because we have not “read what the enemy has said.” In other words, we have failed to undertake an assessment of the threat based on the jihadi enemy’s declared strategic doctrine.”
Coughlin goes on to report in his thesis: “This conclusion leads to three fundamental research questions:
• Why have we failed to do a doctrine-based threat assessment?
• What is the doctrinal basis of the jihad threat?
• How can we come to understand the jihadi threat?”
After four years, why hasn’t these questions been the subject of several subcommittee hearings, especially by the Chair of the Senate Armed Service Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities, Sen. Kay Hagan (D-NC)? It would also be appropriate for Rep. Mac Thornberry (R-TX) House Armed Service Committee, Emerging Threats and Capabilities Subcommittee chairman to do the same.
We submitted ATTACHMENT #1 on January 7, 2011, again on March 2, 2011 and have never received a complete response from Rep. Renee Ellmers showing us that she was intersected in the safety of North Carolina voters or our national security by finding out why DOJ refused to do their duty to protect us against our enemies. Why has Rep. Renee Ellmers failed her duties and her oath of office to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic”? Her office refused to send the request to the Speaker of the House or even acknowledge we sent it, except or two lame responses. Why? We must keep in mind, former North Carolina State Senator Larry Shaw D-Fayetteville) was and still is the chairman of CAIR and represented Fayetteville senatorial district. Why the reversal from her YouTube video, “No Mosque at Ground Zero” to her refusal to address the issue of Sharia law/finance?
Why hasn’t the DOJ prosecuted the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR); Islamic Society of North America (ISNA); North American Islamic Trust (NAIT) and others identified as unindicted co-conspirators inthe Holy Land Foundation trial? We just filed a DOJ/OIG complaint asking who stopped the prosecution of those named. How can the DOJ and FBI turn their backs on a statement like this one listed in the book; Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld that’s Conspiring to Islamize America on page 313; Fig. 4; item 8; “Proposed Muslim Platform for 2004” which states; “Attempt to understand Islamic movements in the area; and start supporting Islamic groups including Mr. Ben Laden and his associates”? Why has DOJ stopped the FBI from investigating this and DOJ from prosecuting it? We give you permission under the Privacy Act to follow up on our request. Will you look into this and send us all communication addressing this request? Why hasn’t CAIR been forced to register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (See info at ); please look into this and provide us copies of your efforts? We just sent you a letter by “snail mail” requesting you send a letter to both Senate and House chairmen of the Armed Service Committees asking them to hold hearings to determine our enemy; i.e. Islam; Muslim Brotherhood and their associate organizations listed as unindicted co-conspirators in the Holy Land Foundation trials.
We sent the following to Rep. Renee Ellmers on February 4, 2011 (NOTE: the entire Webmail is ATTACHMENT #1 asking for a meeting:
“We would like to talk about how we can help her put NATIONAL SECURITY as our #1 priority in the nation. We also want hearings on the Muslim Brotherhood, CAIR and other unindicted co-conspirators identified in the Holy Land Foundation trials. (UPDATE: We met with Steve Howell on August 4, 2011 and we gave him copies of all the requests we submitted that addressed Shariah law and reminded him of our requested meeting with her. We have heard nothing to date not even from the District Manager, Pat Fitzgerald. I am still waiting for a meeting date with Rep. Renee Ellmers. (NOTE: We also provided her with copies of all correspondence)
Please review the article from the president, Association of Former Intelligence Officers, S. Eugene Poteat titled, “Refusing to Identify or Name Our Enemies: A War That Dare Not Speak Its Name” that will help outline our government’s challenge.
He states, “The fundamental principles of intelligence, as they are for war, have been understood since the beginning of time. The ancient Chinese warrior Sun Tzu taught his army to “know your enemy” before going into battle. For if you “know your enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.” But…“If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat.”
Please watch LTG Boykin (Ret), former Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence talk about our enemy at Fort Hood .
Here is a second video where he explains Shariah law/finance:
If you think our government has our NATIONAL SECURITY as their #1 priority, think again. Watch the PJTV Video: “The Censorship Agenda: Obama Bans “Islam” says it all.
The meeting would include other ACT! chapters in North Carolina .”
We received this response on February 14, 2011 and we have been trying to get our North Carolina politicians to ask for hearings on the work completed by Stephen Coughlin for the DoD and is reflected in this thesis, “TO OUR GREAT DETRIMENT”: IGNORING WHAT EXTREMISTS SAY ABOUT JIHAD (with appendices)” however, each one has refused to even do so. Why?
Dear Mr Livingston:
I can assure you I would do everything in my power to prevent Sharia law from being imposed on American’s in the United States , particularly our women, it that even became a remote possibility. In fact, I know very few American women who would submit or tolerate suggestions that they submit to Sharia law.
But in the larger sense, Sharia law would be unconstitutional in the United States in any case. As you are award (sic) Shiria (sic) law is based on Islamic fundamental religious belief and the First Amendment to our U.S. Constitution mandates that Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion. Over the years, case law has settled that Congress may not subject Americans to any law that imposes a religious belief or practice on them, and that includes Sharia law.
So please don’t worry any longer about Sharia law being imposed on us. I do thank you for sharing your concerns with me and for paying attention to the dangers that face us. If I may be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. For additional information, please visit my website From this site you can access statements about current events or pending legislation, and receive detailed information about the many services that I am privileged to provide for North Carolinians .
I hope this has settled your misgivings and made you feel more secure.
Renee Ellmers
Member of Congress
If you wish to contact me, please do so at Please DO NOT reply to this message.
We provided an additional quote from the president of the Association of Former Intelligence Officers, S. Eugene Poteat along with his entire article, Refusing to Identify or Name Our Enemies: A War That Dare Not Speak Its Name. Here is a quote from his article:
The fundamental principles of intelligence, as they are for war, have been understood since the beginning of time. The ancient Chinese warrior Sun Tzu taught his army to “know your enemy” before going into battle. For if you “know your enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.” But…“If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat.”
Intelligence and military officers know this, and it is common sense. But something has changed. When the enemy, in this modern era, cleverly uses the cloak of religion, we are reluctant to name the threat, and we are urged not to judge, nor recognize, or name, the followers of that religion as terrorists, or silent co-conspirators. But it is precisely their silence—and our denial of who they really are—that worries me.
What amazes me is the person who provided this response did not take the time to research the video and information however, I cannot honestly say Al Lytton or anyone else took the time to review the material either. So why is a person that used Islam in her campaign material to get into office now turn her back on those that have a big interest in national security?
How anyone in their right mind deny what LTG Boykin (Ret), former Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence says about our enemy!
We even asked Rep. Ellmers and her staff to watch these two important videos from PJTV on YouTube:
PJTV, The Islamic Infiltration, Part 1
PJTV, The Islamic Infiltration, Part 2
We asked Rep. Renee Ellmers (August 10, 2011, see ATTACHMENT #3) to send letters to Speaker of the House, Rep. John Boehner, House Armed Service Committee, Rep. Buck McKeon (R-CA) and House Armed Service Committee, Emerging Threats and Capabilities Subcommittee chairman, Rep. Mac Thornberry requesting them to hold hearings to determine our enemy. We had to resubmit the request several times because staff told us they did not receive it. Once we had confirmation by a staff member they had received it but later said they had not! (NOTE: See the copy of the letter in this e-mail and download the attachments.)
The hard copy was sent to Steve Howell (August 10, 2011, ATTACHYMENT #3) and e-mail copies sent to Al Lytton, Chief of Staff; Lorie Byrd, Communications Director; Josie Rundlett Scheduler asking for the meeting we have been trying since January 7, 2011 to have on Sharia law and finance in North Carolina and the United States.) on Friday, August 12, 2011 10:45 AM. We sent a follow-up e-mail request (Mon 9/26/2011 11:42 AM) to the following to make sure they received it. Rep. Renee Ellmers (Armstrong); Rep. Renee Ellmers (Byrd); Rep. Renee Ellmers (Cooke); Rep. Renee Ellmers (Howell); Rep. Renee Ellmers (McCall); Rep. Renee Ellmers (Rundlett); Rep. Renee Ellmers (Wood). When I talked with Pat Fitzgerald on September 27, 2011 I asked her the status of my August 10, 2011 request. And who was handling it I Washington, DC. She told me she did not know anything about it and did not have the letter. I again sent a copy on Tue 9/27/2011 1:18 PM to Rep. Renee Ellmers (Fitzgerald) ( Pat: Here is the letter and attachment I sent to Rep. Ellmers on August 10, 2011 (snail mail) and twice by e-mail on 08-12-11 (10:46 am and again at 11:00 am)
\Why is her office running so fast and far away from the Sharia law/finance issue?
We recently received this from Patricia W. Fitzgerald, District Manager for Rep. Ellmers (November 1, 2011).
Thank you for updating me on your questions regarding the Muslim Brotherhood and Sharia Law. I have spoken with both our Chief of Staff as well as Steve Howell regarding this situation and your questions.
Our thoughts regarding the issue of Muslim Brotherhood and Sharia Law, is that of House Armed Service Committee has had hearings on Iraq, Afghanistan, and the war on terror and we feel they have been addressing who our enemy is during these hearings. Because Congresswoman Ellmers does not serve on the Armed Services Committee, we will defer to the committee chair and the committee for the types of hearing they would call for the future.
When you read our August 10, 2011 letter, ATTACHMENT #3, you will see that we addressed several issues but the letter we received only address one.
We could never get a comment from anyone in Rep. Renee Ellmers office concerning the PowerPoint developed by the Citizens for National Security, Homegrown Jihad in the USA: Muslim Brotherhood’s Deliberate, Premeditated Plan Now Reaching Maturity©. We provided copies to Al Lytton, Pat Fitzgerald, Adam Wood, Steve Howell and others in hopes they would see the dangers we are facing and our government is ignoring it!
We provided the following and asked Rep. Renee Ellmers to follow up on our DOJ complaint however, nothing, no response. Why does a politician go dumb when they get to Washington , D.C. and ignore requests by voters/taxpayers?
Subj: DOJ Complaint
I am asking the Department of Justice, Office of Inspector General (DOJ-OIG) to conduct an investigation to determine the following:
Why has my previous requests (November 18, 2010 and April 13, 2011) been ignored as to why the DOJ failed to prosecute the individuals and organizations listed as unindicted coconspirators in the Holy LandFoundation trial? See list here:
Once again, who in DOJ directed the FBI been to stand down on further investigation of CAIR and the 12,000 documents uncovered by the investigation of Chris Gaubatz and the four undercover investigators? His work lead to the book, Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld that’s Conspiring to Islamize America by P. David Gaubatz and Paul Sperry.
How can the DOJ and FBI turn their backs on a statement like this one listed in the book, Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld that’s Conspiring to Islamize America, page 313, Fig. 4, item 8, “Proposed Muslim Platform for 2004” which states, “Attempt to understand Islamic movements in the area, and start supporting Islamic groups including Mr. Ben Laden and his associates”? Why has DOJ stopped the FBI from investigating this and DOJ from prosecuting it?
Sent: Fri 4/15/2011 10:55 AM
To: Rep. Renee Ellmers (Lytton)
Cc: Rep. Renee Ellmers (Cooke); Rep. Renee Ellmers (Rundlett)
SUBJ: Misprision of Treason: Top DOJ officials abandon CAIR terror finance prosecutions……..Did Obama and Holder Scuttle Terror Finance Prosecutions?
Rep. Renee Ellmers (R-NC)
I am asking you to please send a letter to the Speaker of the House, Rep. John Boehner asking him to initiate an investigation on this matter. The investigation must include Pres. Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder. Please provide me with a copy of your request by e-mail only so we can notify our ACT! for America members throughout North Carolina.
In addition, we filed a DOJ/OIG complaint early this week asking for an investigation as to why DOJ has not initiated charges against the unindicted co-conspirators identified in the 2008, Holy Land Foundation trial.
We also asked them to investigate why nothing has come of the 12,000 pages found in CAIR headquarters by Chris Gaubatz, (undercover investigator) that provided facts about CAIR operations and information for the book, Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld that’s Conspiring to Islamize America by Paul Sperry and Dave Gaubatz. (NOTE: See ATTACHMENT #5 for Dave’s entire affidavit.)
In case you are not aware, Dave Gaubatz conducted an undercover investigation at the Islamic Center of Raleigh on April 22, 2009. Here are some of the things he found:
The Islamic Center of Raleigh:
A. Does advocate violence against innocent Muslims and non-Muslims that do not adhere to and desire an Islamic Ummah (Nation) under Sharia Law in America.
B. Does advocate treason and sedition against the U.S. using violent and non-violent tactics/methods as do such Islamic terrorists groups as A Qaeda have and currently utilize.
C. Does pose a serious risk of educating innocent Muslim children into the violent aspects of Islamic terrorists groups and their violent activities directed against America.
D. This Islamic Center uses materials from convicted terrorists and supporters to educate their worshippers.
E. Is not a religious institution, but more in line with a political/government system (per their material).
F. Additionally it is his professional opinion this Islamic Center has the support of Islamic organizations such as CAIR, its chairperson, NC State Senator Larry Shaw (D-Fayetteville) and the Muslim Student Association to name a few. [Note: This was the assessment prior to Shaw deciding not to run for office after this assessment exposed him.]
Dave Gaubatz recommended law enforcement conduct a complete investigation of the leadership of the Center, its supporters and to remove their IRS approved non-profit and tax exempt status as applicable.
Overall, Dave Gaubatz rated the Islamic Center of Raleigh, NC as ‘HIGH’ in regards to posing threat to the security of the United States . He stated, “In my opinion it would also include Wake County and Raleigh.”
Dave has challenged CAIR chairman, former North Carolina State Senator Larry Shaw (D-Fayetteville) on several occasions in the past on how our military is being placed in danger.
Please review ATTACHMENT #6 and read the article and report: New Study Finds Shariah Law Involved in Court Cases in 23 States
I do hope Rep. Ellmers staffer, Adam Wood takes the time to read this since he tried to assure me that Shariah law could not be practiced in the United States due to our Constitution. This discussion came about when I read him the letter from Renee Ellmers, February 14, 2001.
Thank you so much for the opportunity to help fight Sharia law and finance however, in order for this battle to be won, we must get our politicians to take their oath of office seriously!
Frank Livingston, EFO
Garner, NC