Romney, Gingrich, Santorum, Paul, etc. …

Do you persist in your belief that a Republican president can “fix things” ?

“The flaw in the republic is that it appears to draw upon the populace for representatives to act in congress on the wishes of the people. That cannot happen. Once sworn in, each representative becomes the government and immediately finds themselves at odds with the liberty seeking populace. Therefore, we cannot solve our problems through political means.

“We see now, after a few hundred years, that what was designed could not be fulfilled. The promises made by the Constitution cannot rise to fruition amid the daily function of government. The answer, then, is to create and populate a permanent resistance to government, not as a means to an end, but as an end in itself.”

More food for thought in the complete post by T.L.Davis.

Makes me reflect upon How Do We Value The Absence of Something.

UPDATE:  (after reading and replying to early comments)

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13 years ago

An Obama second term would be a true disaster. I don’t think any candidate can “fix” things, but a new president can buy us more time -- and there’s no reason to think any of those running would surrender to the U.N. Like Obama will.

13 years ago
Reply to  tmedlin

If no candidate can “fix” things, then our course of action is clear if we are to be freemen as God intended.

13 years ago
Reply to  tmedlin

Are you so enslaved by the idea of voting for the “lesser of two evils” ?

I want a return to Liberty, not a subtle diminution of slavery.

Historical guidance for the suggested “permanent resistance to government”:

“It is the nature and intention of a constitution to prevent governing by party, by establishing a common principle that shall limit and control the power and impulse of party, and that says to all parties, thus far shalt thou go and no further. But in the absence of a constitution, men look entirely to party; and instead of principle governing party, party governs principle.”
-- Thomas Paine, First Principles of Government, July, 1795

13 years ago
Reply to  Hans

nope, not enslaved…but I’m so sick of hearing about “voting for the lessor of two evils”, I could puke. That particular phrase gets thrown around (not by you, Hans) but by others who simply regurgitate it as a campaign line for their chosen candidate.
I DO believe there is evil in this world -- I just don’t believe in using to describe everyone I have a political disagreement with -- even if it’s a stark and fundamental disagreement. For example, I don’t believe Obama is an evil man -- I believe he’s the useful idiot of an evil man -- but so useful, that he could destroy our country. So, yes, I WILL cast a vote AGAINST him. And no, I don’t have the mistaken belief that if elected, any one of those running against Obama will be able to “make things better” -- for different reasons. The most I could hope for, from any of them, is to slow/delay the destruction. I believe the die is cast (as David indicated in his response) When I look back at what I’ve accomplished in the last 4 years, I believe we can be ready for the real battle for our country if we have a couple more years to prepare. If Obama gets re-elected, I fear that REALLY ugly times are imminent, and I’m not quite ready, or maybe just not as ready as I would like to be. As far as “party” -- I couldn’t care less about ANY “party”. But yes, I DO agree that there are people who think that simply electing someone from the GOP will “fix things”. Those people are in a deep sleep, and are about to have a rude awakening, no matter who wins this next election.