Swift Justice for Illegal Aliens

The Homeland Security Department has stopped all deportation cases until individual reviews are completed.

“This case-by-case approach will enhance public safety,” Janet Napolitano said in the letter. “Immigration judges will be able to more swiftly adjudicate high priority cases, such as those involving convicted felons.”

If there are 20 million illegal aliens in the United States and each case was reviewed in only one hour, Ms. Napolitano has a strange sense of swift justice. If the courts worked continuously (24 hours every day including weekends and holidays), it would take 2281.5 man years to process every case. Obviously the government will not prosecute every illegal in the country but even 1% would take 22.8 man years. The cost alone would make this prohibitive especially since deportation is a temporary condition quickly remedied by walking back across the border. With Eric Holder in charge of the Department of Justice, he will prosecute this new policy with the same diligence as any other law that he does not agree with in principle.

Since the 2012 elections are fast approaching, the Obama administration has just gained several percentage points in the next election in the Democrat Party’s favor. As we see in at all levels of government, the end justifies the means.

David DeGerolamo


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13 years ago

Where does it say in the US Constitution, that taxpayers must financially support illegal aliens?

As for President Obama the only way he can stay in office, is delivering more welfare entitlements to millions of the poor and those who shun employment and the low income earners. They come from every class of people who are white, black, Hispanic, Latino and other ethnic groups, who seeing America of a social country for free handouts for all. Then of course-- the Obama administration pushing for another fraudulent Immigration Reform package, similar to the one that created the massive CHAIN MIGRATION of 1986? President Obama, Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano, Majority Speaker Pelosi, DOJ Holder, Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada must all be kicked out office in 2012. All Liberals who think we should fiscally pay for illegal alien welfare and the education, health care for their families.

Now Obama’s czarist Department of Justice are now are squirreling out of deporting illegal aliens. In my book, if you broke the law—you should be arrested and deported? Or is there two sets of laws—one to cater to illegal aliens and one to the rest of us?

There have been innumerable debates over what to do about the 20 plus million illegal aliens estimated to be in the United States? There have been practically no discussions of how to ensure that millions of legal aliens do not register and vote in elections. The evidence is irrefutable that aliens, both legal and illegal, are registering and voting in federal, state, and local elections. Following a mayor’s race in Compton, California, for example, non citizens testi-fied under oath in court that they voted in this elec¬tion. In that case, a candidate who was elected to the city council was permanently ineligible from holding public office in California for soliciting non-citizens to register and vote. The fact that non-citizens registered and voted in the election would never have been discovered except for the fact that it was a very close election and the in¬cumbent mayor, who lost by less than 300 votes, contested it.

Correspondingly, in a 1996 congressional race in California may have been allegedly stolen by non-citizen voting. Republican incumbent Bob Dornan was defending himself against a spirited challenger, Democrat Lor¬etta Sanchez. Sanchez won the election by just 979 votes, and Dornan contested the election in the U.S. House of Representatives. His challenge was dismissed after an investigation by the House Com¬mittee on Oversight and Government Reform turned up only 624 invalid votes by non-citizens who were present in the U.S. Immigration and Nat¬uralization Service (INS) database because they had applied for citizenship, as well as another 124 improper absentee ballots.

Non-citizen voting is liable to grow at the same rate as the illegal foreign national population in the United States; but because of deficiency in state laws and the malfunction of federal agencies to conform with federal law, there are almost no measures in place that allow election officials to detect, prevent, and thwart non-citizens from registering and voting. Instead, officials are largely reliant on an “honor sys¬tem” that expects aliens to follow the law. There are numerous cases showing the failure of this honor system, just as in Houston, Texas last midterm. A federal ID card seems the only chance to circumvent illegal aliens using forged Absentee Ballots or registering to vote. Currently there are numerous election fraud investigations being processed in Texas, Colorado, New York, New Jersey, Wisconsin and other locations.

In November, 2009 political appointee Julie Fernandes reportedly told the entire assembled Department of Justice Voting Section that the Obama Administration “that they would not enforce the voter lists of the maintenance legal requirements of Section 8 of the National Voter Registration Act”. Its alias being sometimes called the “Motor Voter” law and deals with the state’s administration of voter registration. Fernandes also reportedly said, “We have no interest in enforcing this provision of the law. It has nothing to do with increasing turnout, and we are just not going to do it,” DOJ lawyer J. Christian Adams said Fernandes told Voting Section lawyers at a lunch…”

What are the two most critical issues in the oncoming presidential elections? Down to the wire it is the economy and jobs. Therefore, we must find jobs, lots of jobs and illegal immigrants in the lower incomes who have acquired jobs must be removed and returned to less fortunate legal workers in our country. Are you aware that illegal immigration has been encouraged very successfully by the unconscionable business organizations such as the US Chamber of Commerce; backed up by certain unconcerned Republicans and the disingenuous Democrats, propelled by the left-wing influence? Records on immigration numbers have been systematically sanitized and kept out of the main spotlight. Liberal leaning news media have massaged numbers, statistics for years, including previous administrations. Any blogger or outside comment author is quickly banned from passing on sources or statistics.

Currently the main headline has been quickly flows through the national press, which illegal aliens are leaving and returning to their own country? What they are not selling you, is that over 20 million illegal aliens have settled here; and this may be uncounted. Millions live in houses of legal immigrants, hidden away from authorities, spending taxpayer’s money; Using friends ID or stolen documents to take American jobs. Millions could be shielded by unions, working in construction, hotels and motels or on a grand scale in Sen. Harry Reid’s entertainment Mecca of Nevada. The Pew Research Center says there are 8 million illegal immigrants are working and who have stolen jobs from American workers, through the collusion of business owners and many radical open border groups.

These groups are under the unfounded supposition that we need more and more workers, legal or illegal? This is not saying we shouldn’t give expeditious visas to engineers and scientists and those who have high professional achievement. Highly skilled individuals, who have shown their skilled abilities, will never drop to the poverty line as they will always have high paying jobs. On the negative side, people who are sliding past the border line, or the other 40 percent who lie at entry ports at airlines and shipping terminals are committed to staying until caught. The majority of economic illegal aliens are well versed in welfare laws and the use of false ID. These economic nationals have a better idea of each States entitlement system, to be able to play to their advantage then law-abiding Americans.

California is a very Liberal state that is under the impression that American taxpayers should support the illegal immigration occupation of that State. All Border States are under a giant pressure from especially illegal pregnant mothers, who are determined to bring their unborn child here so they can get free hospitalization; then after conceiving the 300.000 children annually born to illegal aliens, in receipt of instant citizenship can collect cash payments and a whole bunch of handouts, that US citizens and residents never see?

Figures from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Social Services

Immigration is having a bigger impact than ever on the American economy, but the current presidential candidates seem reluctant to speak up. June figures from the Department of Public Social Services in California report $54 million in welfare benefits were issued to illegal alien parents of their native-born children in Los Angeles County alone. This was announced by County Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich. The $54 million consists of $22 million in CalWORKs (welfare) and $32 million in Food Stamps — an increase of $3 million from June 2010. This represents 22% of all CalWORKs and Food Stamp issuances in the County. The projected annual cost has jumped to $625 million.

“With the $550 million for public safety and nearly $500 million for health care, the total cost for illegal immigrants to County taxpayers exceeds $1.6 billion dollars a year,” said Antonovich. “These costs do not include the hundreds of millions of dollars for education.”


Should we expect Perry, a Republican who once served in the Texas legislature, to make the same admission about his pro illegal immigration stance? After all, he gave illegal aliens discounted in-state tuition at public colleges and universities in Texas then traveled to Mexico to brag about it. He also slammed Arizona for passing a tough immigration control law, believes the southern border fence is unnecessary and opposes the E-Verify federal verification program that prevents illegal immigrants from landing state jobs. E-Verify the job eliminator for illegal aliens and the new deterrent is equally needed to start clipping the wings of the open border zealots, the religious entities, unions and the unhappy business leaders who determined to keep cheap labor pouring into the U.S.
Rick Perry is a true Capitalist and elitists, and carries a poor NumbersUSA immigration scale of (D-).
Perhaps Americans shouldn’t hold their breath for an apology on the open borders issue since it’s likely that Rick Perry is betting it will earn Latino votes.

• The threat of a Congressional amnesty may be off the table for now, but millions of illegal immigrants are still taking American jobs.
• Congress continues to import an additional 75,000 foreign workers every month at a time when American workers are facing massive unemployment and collapsing wages.
• The immigration crisis is as severe as ever, and elected officials from both parties have refused to do anything to address the role mass immigration plays in our national jobs crisis.
• Americans need a president who will take our immigration crisis seriously.

Right now, the political parties and presidential candidates are staking out their positions on immigration. Together, we can influence the candidates to improve their immigration positions and publicly commit to defending the American worker. See the immigration grade scores of contenders in the Presidential race at NumbersUSA. Learn who is involved in corruption and collusion of all lawmakers at Judicial Watch.

• Will the Republicans reject another open-borders candidate?
• Will President Obama move to a more reasonable position as he strives for re-election?
• Can candidates and prospective candidates like Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry, Sarah Palin, Mitt Romney and Herman Cain recognize the urgency voters have about this issue? Michele Bachmann has openly discussed this ominous issue that is erupting from every newspaper and media every day. Only—and only the TEA PARTY are willing to talk about Illegal Immigration. So this is the time to separate the wheat from the chaff, so to speak and learn who is ready to fight for every American and not try to pacify illegal aliens, with the possibility of Immigration Reform- we all know as mass amnesty. No TEA PARTY leader will enact any law that rescinds the Reagan 1986 Immigration Control and reform Act. All cities branded as a Sanctuary for Illegal aliens, will either conform to the law, or lose federal funding. Rescinding another CHAIN MIGRATION, because it is leading to Overpopulation in our future.

Politicians, who won’t recognize the urgency of the immigration issue, will be removed.

MY EARLIER BLOGS: http://brittanicus-enoughisenough.blogspot.com/

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13 years ago

Urge Congress to pass the halt act.

Did any Americans expect the Obama government to sidestep the Congress by executive order, giving 300.000 nationals to probably receive a free pass? I guess when the polls say your ability to run the government is in the doldrums, the only method of hoping for better outcome in 2012, is for the ethnic majority--legal and illegal is to get out the vote. Because our federal voting laws are so negligent, voting numbers for Obama, will be magnified illegally by foreign nationals in that election. More and more states are requesting official picture ID to vote, such as a Drivers License, but even that ID is not without risk?

Of course the Obama administration and the hard core leftists that are in the Department of In-Justice agency, this new policy will remain subdued when carried by the Liberal press. So the majority of the general public will stay satisfactory ignorant. Simply put, you only hear the propaganda and rhetoric from the Left wing of reporters in the national press. The moderate side of the media is disturbed by the costs involved, when the dollar figure expenditures are alerted by different states, to appease the illegal alien invaders. Highest on the dollar spectrum is the instant citizenship for babies, a misinterpreted text under 14th Amendment. Over three hundred thousand babies annually are smuggled into America inside the pregnant Mother across borders or through airlines entry points. Once here the baby born gets an automatic birth certificate, the illegal mother can collect all manner of welfare payments, including the free hospital stay. It bears repeating that the small state of Rhode Island, is caught up in this forced judicial law as are all Americas taxpayers.

The fact is that it’s perfectly legal for a impoverished, pregnant illegal alien, who presents herself as such, to receive state aid in Rhode Island or come to that most states, especially frontier states. It’s the law! As Rep. Peter G. Palumbo (D-RI) reported, if pregnant illegal aliens show up at a Human Services office in Rhode Island, they are given the option of Blue Cross, United Healthcare, or Neighborhood Health insurance. They also receive a $450 a month debit card, and $275 a month in food stamps. According to Palumbo, the extension of such entitlement programs to illegal aliens is costing the state approximately $150-$350 million a year. Next year Rhode Island costs will rise, as well as the estimated $113 Billion dollars for the country--currently will sky rocket.
We cannot forget that the Heritage Foundation apprised the majority of taxpayer’s fears, if Obama signed into life another executive order for the second mass AMNESTY, the dollar projection would be a negative $2.5 TRILLLION.

We’ve got to reverse Obama’s Backdoor Amnesty. No Backdoor Amnesties! No states without E-Verify protection or “Secure Communities.” No more giving away American jobs to illegal aliens! There is no other option, but to remove through mandatory E-Verify (the business safety-net that identifies foreigners in the workplace) and in addition start amplifying ‘Secure Communities.” 22 million US citizens and legal residents should not be searching for a job, when the Democrats are abusing the “Rule of Law” that all Americans are committed too, written down in the US Constitution.

Last week, the White House announced a new plan that will provide an amnesty to non-criminal illegal aliens. Under the new policy, deportation cases will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis, and certain illegal aliens will not only avoid deportation, but could also apply for work permits.

Under the plan, 300,000 illegal aliens could receive work permits while 22 million Americans who want a full-time job can’t find one!

Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, Rep. Lamar Smith, has introduced legislation that would prevent Pres. Obama and the Department of Homeland Security from moving forward with this policy. The HALT Act (H.R.2497) would prevent the Obama Administration from:

• granting parole (except in narrow circumstances),
• issuing deferred action (except in narrow circumstances),
• issuing extended voluntary departure to removable aliens,
• granting work authorization to aliens on a discretionary basis,
• granting TPS to any new groups of aliens,
• waiving the three and 10 year bars to admittance for aliens who have been illegally present in the U.S., and
• Granting cancellation of removal to illegal immigrants.

Contact your U.S. Representative urging him/her to support Rep. Smith’s HALT Act. Remember the TEA PARTY leadership is against any form of AMNESTY, as this reckless law that President Obama has just past. The more millions that are encouraged to smuggle themselves into this nation, the more money it cost taxpayers. The worst flaw in Immigration laws is CHAIN MIGRATION. This law must be rescinded, after the original sponsor drops his surety and taxpayers become the payee for those family circle sponsored. They collect (SSI) Supplementary Security income and state payments, which none of these sponsored people have ever paid into. Read all the facts at NumbersUSA, Federation for American Immigration Reform, V-DARE and Judicial Watch for corruption in Washington.

• Our nation should welcome employees with the high credential, especially in the technology. Economical illegal aliens should hunted down and ejected, as they are welfare recipients that we can no longer afford.