The Federal Reserve’s POMO policy to shore up the stock market is working well today as seen below from
The bars under the graph represent the volume of stock sales. Each time the market starts to collapse, the volume rises and “stabilizes” the market. These purchases under POMO are artificially giving a false sense of security to the American people and making an inevitable correction worse.
David DeGerolamo
[…] Thank the Federal Reserve for POMO div.rax_subscribe { width:60%; float:left; border:8px solid #EBEBEB; text-align:center; background-color:#D0E4F5; } div.rax-email-subscribe { background-color:#4086C7; padding:5px 8px; height:60px; } div.rax-email-subscribe span { color:#FFF; font-size:12px; } div.rax-email-subscribe input.rax-button { font-size:14px !important; padding:2px !important; *padding:0px; } div.rax-other-subscribe { margin:10px 5px; } div.rax-other-subscribe img { display:inline; } .clear { padding:0; margin:0; clear:both; } .rax-credit { width:60%; text-align:right; font-size:9px; color:#CCC; } .rax-credit a { text-decoration:none; font-size:9px; color:#CCC; } .rax-credit a:hover { text-decoration:none; } Subscribe to NC Renegade Posts via Email […]