Russian electronic station on Jabal Al Harrah
See additional comments on Tea Party Nation.
I wrote earlier about the strategic importance of Tartus, Syria: the Russian naval base in Tartus is the reason they vetoed the UN resolution against Syria. Valerie Jarrett’s “right to protect” policy has not been implemented in Syria for one simple reason: any UN or US incursion into Syria will start a world war with Russia and its allies.
As our nation’s foreign policy and state department degrade into complete incompetence, Russia is using this as an opportunity to build the necessary infrastructure to control the area from the Mediterranean to Afghanistan.
The latest response from Hillary Clinton concerning Syria:
“I think there is every possibility of a civil war. Outside intervention would not prevent that, it would probably expedite it,” Mrs Clinton said at a meeting to try to galvanise a seemingly powerless international community.
So where does this leave the United States? And just as important, where does this leave Israel? Russia will not accept a prolonged “rebel alliance” to overthrow Assad in Syria that will jeopardize their entire foreign policy. Any Israeli attack on Iran (or any attack period in this region of the world) is now compromised by the new Russian early warning system in Syria outlined below.
I have listed a series of related articles at the end of this article that share a common factor. It is a factor that will become this administration’s legacy for all issues: there is no solution other that political posturing to address any problem. The Obama policy of never letting a crisis go to waste has now put our national security interests into jeopardy. The time for using a crisis to advance a political agenda is now actually killing people in the Middle East. It is also responsible for the meteoric rise in gasoline. What is the solution to this crisis? Russia knows the answer to this question and it is not in our best interests.
David DeGerolamo
Russia upgrades Syria-based electronic station to warn Iran of US/Israeli attack
The Russians have upgraded their Jabal Al Harrah electronic and surveillance station south of Damascus opposite Israel’s Sea of Galilee, adding resources especially tailored to give Tehran early warning of an oncoming US or Israeli attack, DEBKAfile’s US military sources report.
Before it was boosted by extra advanced technology and manpower, the station covered civilian and military movements in northern Israel up to Tel Aviv, northern Jordan and western Iraq. Today, its range extends to all parts of Israel and Jordan, the Gulf of Aqaba and northern Saudi Arabia.
Part two of Moscow’s project for extending the range of its Middle East ears and eyes consisted of upgrading the Russian-equipped Syrian radar stationed on Lebanon’s Mount Sannine and connecting it to the Jabal Al Harrah facility in Syria. Russian technicians have completed this project too. Russia is now able to additionally track US and Israeli naval and aerial movements in the Eastern Mediterranean up to and including Cyprus and Greece.
According to our sources, the Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Kutznetsov’s stay at the Syrian port of Tartus through most of January and up to mid-February had the special mission of keeping an eye out for any Israeli preparations for attacking Iran, Syria or Hizballah. It filled the gap left by the Russian station south of Damascus which was fully occupied with feeding data on Syrian opposition movements to Bashar Assad and watching out for signs of foreign intervention, military or covert, against his regime.
The Russian vessel meanwhile followed increased traffic of US drone over Syria keeping track of the Syrian arsenal of missiles with chemical, biological and nerve gas warheads.
Washington disclosed on Feb. 25 that the US State Department had sent out warnings to six countries, Israel, Turkey, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Iraq, to beware of these deadly weapons. It was not clear whether the warning referred to a possible Assad regime’s decision to use WMD against those nations or the danger of their transfer to terrorists embedded within those countries.
Moscow decided to boost its radar tracking and surveillance reach for Iran’s benefit in response to a complaint from Tehran that it could not longer count on Russia for a real-time alert on an incoming US or Israeli military strike, because those resources were stretched to the limit in support of the Assad regime.
After expanding and upgrading their range to meet Iranian needs by interconnecting the two stations and adding extra Russian manpower, Moscow ordered the Admiral Kutznetsov to depart Tartus on Feb. 13 and sail to home port at Severomorsk on the Kola Peninsula. The Russian stations in Syria and Lebanon were by then ready for their expanded missions.
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