The Greatest Theft in History

I have watched Glenn Beck since he started his show on FoxNews in early 2009. I admire his challenge to us to check his stories and he is one of an elite group of people who actually admit and apologize for his mistakes. Although he reported on issues and individuals who were causing the collapse of our country, he never went after the Federal Reserve. Until now.

It appears that Mr. Beck is going down swinging and exposing the major culprit of our nation’s demise. Ben Bernanke and the Federal Reserve’s role in devaluing our dollar is exactly what Mr. Beck details in the following videos: theft.

The Greatest Theft in History


Who Is Responsible for the Collapse of the Dollar?


How Low Can the Dollar Go?


We do not know at this time when Mr. Beck will be leaving his 5:00 O’clock slot but I applaud his work and efforts to expose the evil that has coopted our country.

Read this article published on April 14th for additional information on the dollar:

David DeGerolamo

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Tim Peck
13 years ago

Where have I heard this argument before? Ah.

What Has Government Done to Our Money?
by Murray N. Rothbard