What Would Our Founding Fathers Do?

This article shows why I called this site NC Renegade. Since my agenda is and has always been to leave our children a legacy of freedom, I have no political affiliation and vote for the best candidates in elections. If the choice is the lesser of two evils, I will not vote in that particular election. Political parties and politicians are the cause of our country’s economic crisis and the churches are the cause of our morality crisis. We the people are the cause of our children’s educational crisis by letting the government and union workers indoctrinate our most precious resource. It is not up to patriot groups to tell “useful idiots” who to vote for or which lever to pull. It is up to patriot groups to educate people on the principles of our nation and to instill a sense of individual pride in people to research and vote for the best candidates regardless of the party affiliation. Anyone who asks someone else for whom they should vote, should not be allowed to vote.

I have always considered myself an editor and reporter for patriot group activities. Seeing these groups managed by the Republican Party or just be a front for Republican Party officials and candidates is an affront to our country’s founding principles and what I think the patriot groups represent.

Here are two quotes from our founding fathers:

However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.

George Washington, Farewell Address, Sep. 17, 1796

If ever the Time should come, when vain & aspiring Men shall possess the highest Seats in Government, our Country will stand in Need of its experienced Patriots to prevent its Ruin.

Samuel Adams

What do you think of the following announcement?

If you want to see what Ralph Hise and Jim Davis are doing in Raleigh, click here. Compare this to the legislation being filed by Glen Bradley and George Cleveland.

David DeGerolamo

Date: March 9, 2011 12:26:10 PM EST
Subject: Upcoming Convention

Dear fellow Tea Party Members,

Last November you changed the face of Haywood County and North Carolina politics. The election of Ralph Hise and Jim Davis set the stage for a conservative takeover of the State Senate and House of Representatives. Your efforts and dedication to the cause secured these victories as well as putting three conservative minded judges on the bench. In total, this was an amazing victory that you can be proud of.

That was then, this is now. We must begin now to position ourselves to finish the job in 2012 at the state level by replacing Beverly Perdue, Phil Haire and Ray Rapp and at the local level by “re-populating” the school board as well as several other city and county offices.

I urge you to help us take the first step toward a 2012 sweep and a return to the principles upon which our country was founded. That step is a very easy one compared to what we went through to get here. Your attendance at the Haywood GOP Convention is vital to show support for a strong, TEA Party based, slate of officers running for leadership positions in the party. Anyone can attend, and anyone registered Republican can vote for the officer nominees. Help us, and yourself, build a rejuvenated GOP so we can attract strong winning candidates for state and local races.

The meeting is Saturday, March 12th, starting at 9 a.m. at Bethel Presbyterian Church.

Let your voice be heard, let your presence be felt. Don’t expect someone else to provide the support that is needed to let Haywood County know that conservative values and common sense are here and are a force to be reckoned with.

Thank You,

Bruce Gardner

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Larry Porter
13 years ago

As I wrote to Bill Sterrett, Haywood County has one of the most conservative Republican leaders in Western NC in Karl Lang. He is a good man of honor and principles. In fact, he is disliked and admonished by all the others in our district because he is his own man. The letter by Gardner simply shows his ignorance. And it shows that this grassroots organization has simply fallen into step with the Republican Party. And yet they ignore a real conservative leader in the district.
Haywood County, for which Gardner is so proud due to the results of the last election, elected two Republicans, Ralph Hise and Jim Davis. I don’t know much about Davis but Hise is a RINO former Spruce Pine mayor. There was a true “Tea Party” candidate running for the senate seat Hise got, Tamera Frank. She got hardly a glance from this group. When asked, they said we don’t support candidates, although they did throw their paltry support behind Hise. We still have all five Dem. commissioners and a Dem sheriff. Again, they refused to get behind the opposition for sheriff, another true patriot.
This grassroots group, who did call themselves a 912 group (I was one of the founders) and now calls themselves Tea Partiers, has shown their real insignificance. They are a non-entity in the battle for this country.

William Sterrett
William Sterrett
13 years ago

It has become crystal clear now as to exactly why the Haywood 9-12/WNC Tea Party leadership want to control the message. They have a republican agenda, and a following of good people who are being kept in the dark by the restricted flow of information. In Liberty, Bill

Cliff Muncy
13 years ago

Sometimes I wonder what would happen if two distinct goals were accomplished. On the one hand the TEA partiers and various patriot groups do advocate participation in the current de facto government as (at least a partial) solution to our problems. The conservative values of some of these elected officials has been stated here by Mr. Porter and by Mr. Gardner’s letter above. On the other hand, for many years now there have also been people like Bill Randell, John Ainsworth, David Phillips, Art Northrup — people who believe that when the government fails to stay within the constraints of the Constitution, it is up to We the People to resist unconstitutional legislation in our own personal lives. We are the 4th branch of government.

Right now, there is no lack of participation in this current, de facto system. Those not following the path of resistance do so out of ignorance, fear, intimidation, and a general lack of its popularity.

It has been stated before that this is currently a nation of men, rather than a nation of laws. That justice cannot be expected in courts ruled by judges whose paychecks come from the very entity charging state citizens with some sort of crime, and totally ignoring any challenge to this entity’s lawful establishment.

Well, what if the goal of having good judges, representatives, etc. is accomplished in the de facto system. And at the same time, what if more people begin to participate in lawful state governments (like the NCAR), bringing to these judges the argument that Reconstruction of the states was unconstitutional. In a nation of men, would this “changeout of men” contribute to the ultimate goal of abandoning nationalized citizenship in exchange for state citizenship — bringing back our sovereign, self-governing states once again? In a nation of laws, where justice prevailed, would such a changeout really be necessary?