Time To Put Fear Aside And Begin

So, Twitter has been dumping all kinds of files and exposing all the corruption we already knew existed. It’s all the buzz with us like minded folks. But when I tell people that NOTHING will happen, all the joy fades rather quickly. For the Truth Hurts!

This is TREASON!!! Plain and Simple.

TPTB are laughing at us everyday and smacking us around, daring us to do something about it. Why won’t we? Are our material possessions more important that Liberty?

Our loved ones.

That is why we refuse to jump. But our loved ones will become slaves or suffer a worse fate if we do not act. Evil is gaining ground every day! It is becoming more embolden, more brazen, and is acting without fear of repercussions. Our country is done. What rises from the ashes is going to be determined by who has the will to fight to the bitter end. I hope the darkness is not about to rule for the next however many centuries. For if we do not win this coming battle, I fear what takes hold.

They have dropped the mask that they have been wearing. Without a mask to hide behind and without any truth to stand on, evil can be defeated, for it is exposed. It cannot withstand the truth. It’s lies will no longer have the power they once had. They want to exterminate us deplorables. They want the fight. Why won’t we give it to them?

Our loved ones.

I think most of us could care less about our jobs, our trucks, our houses, our material possessions. But we do care about our families. Our founding fathers had families. Yet they found the courage to fight. Don’t give me any of that, “well it’s different times” garbage. Farmers and peasants stood against the mightiest military at the time and defeated it. Because they believed in their cause. Their cause was just. They had faith. Why don’t we?

Many are afraid of the unknown. What comes after? What happens if we lose?

What happens if we continue to do nothing?

We have voiced our grievances with this government. They have chosen to ignore us. They have stolen our country and have shown us that there is only one path forward now. The blatantly stolen elections over the last two years should have woken up many, but I’m still hearing “we’ll get ‘em next time.”

It’s time to honor the Declaration of Independence and throw off this “government” and institute a new one, for our train of abuses are many. There will be nothing easy about it. Many lives will be lost. But Evil must be confronted at all cost. What we are doing now is only aiding Evil in its march towards darkness.

It is a scary thought. But we are on the very cusp of losing everything we hold near and dear. If we do not unite. If we do not find a way to fight, Darkness wins.

I prefer peace. But to get there we have to defeat this great evil we face. Words will not win this. Action is required.

It is time to put fear aside and Begin!


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tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

Agree, the first step is the hardest, I do not put much stock in material possessions. It grows darker every day, the gobohomo agenda is thrown in our face constantly, I cannot and will not abide or live with these sick perverted demons. It gets harder all the time seeing what is happening to this country and our fellow patriots, especially the children. My thoughts run with their death and destruction and that is the only solution left for us. Just because it has not started as of today does not mean it will not happen tomorrow. I pray that we begin and not stop until they all have a dirt shirt.

Last edited 2 years ago by tom finley
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No Thanks
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Amen! I am out of work, basically broke, cobbled ass credit and on and on. I feel like I don’t have much to lose. No kids thank God. I refuse to bring kids into this fucking disgusting, dog shit world.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  No Thanks

Yea brother, we need to get started, praying for ya, we all need to lock and load.

Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

That material possessions, that’s holding back the majority. -- “You will own Nothing” they have told us their plan. Folks are worried about boats, 401’s so they let it all slide in hopes of skirting the new system.

2 years ago

“If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed;if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.” Winston ChurchillI believe this is where we are at in this country and world and have been the last 3 years.

2 years ago

Exactly so; Our Loved ones.
So we cannot forget that, for example, that the Boer War was lost not on the battlefield but in the concentration camps. For it was Lord Kitchener who invented them to incarcerate the Boer women and children, and the death toll from disease was horrible. The fighting resolve of the Boers was destroyed by this act of war against non-combatants. And the Boer are paying the price still with Plaasmoorde (farm Murders) and land confiscation. No reason not to fight but something we must plan for.

2 years ago

Americans just love to talk a good talk, show off all their tacticool gear and their new Red Rider 200 shot ar-15 with the compas in the stock. I hate to be a downer, but I think courage has been breed out of Americans (most of them anyway). Let’s face it, cold dirty and hungry versus cold beer, hot wings and the big game on the tube is a no brainer for the entitled public. I have practically begged people to come and train, and still I was alone on the range yesterday. I’m sorry to say I am losing hope with each and every day. America has fallen like an over ripe fruit.

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2 years ago
Reply to  RShooter

Honestly I agree with you and have said many times WTF -- we are armed to the teeth but to what end?? We are do NOTHING impotent pussies from where I am sitting. I am ashamed and embarrassed as virtually ALL of us should be.

2 years ago

Issues I see with this are identifying targets, infrastructure, safe houses and gathering intelligence.
Picking up your rifle, marching outside and start firing will get you crushed quickly.
Resistances need organization and we’re nowhere near the lefts efforts.

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No Thanks
2 years ago
Reply to  Rob

That is true too because we have done virtually NOTHING!! All we do is talk and talk and talk some more like a bunch of fucking 13 year old bitches. Time we get it together it will be way too late.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  Rob

Agree! Courage and bravado are two different things. Technology gives the masters of mayhem a tremendous advantage. The recent weather should give people something to think about. Most do not believe in weather warfare. The best thing we can do educate those in our sphere of influence. Once we run out of family friends and coworkers, use the keyboard and send info out.

No Thanks
No Thanks
2 years ago

I would much rather “Die in Action” than sit back like an impotent, do NOHING bitch ass pussy truly. Guys I think we are really at that point in time. . .

2 years ago

I agree -- who is first?

2 years ago
Reply to  F V

That’s the key … who’s willing to get the party started? It won’t start until enough of us get “uncomfortable” enough. We should all already be “uncomfortable” with this illegitimate tyrannical government that doesn’t give a crap about us. I’m sure all of us reading and posting on this site are on a “list” somewhere … I just don’t care anymore and I do have all those things to lose.

2 years ago
Reply to  JG62

We are under God’s judgement as per Isaiah chapter 3
A Snip well worth reading in whole

Judgment on Jerusalem and Judah
3 See now, the Lord,
  the Lord Almighty,
is about to take from Jerusalem and Judah
  both supply and support:
all supplies of food and all supplies of water,
2   the hero and the warrior,
the judge and the prophet,
  the diviner and the elder,
3 the captain of fifty and the man of rank,
  the counselor, skilled craftsman and clever enchanter.

4 “I will make mere youths their officials;
  children will rule over them.”

5 People will oppress each other—
  man against man, neighbor against neighbor.
The young will rise up against the old,
  the nobody against the honored.

6 A man will seize one of his brothers
  in his father’s house, and say,
“You have a cloak, you be our leader;
  take charge of this heap of ruins!”
7 But in that day he will cry out,
  “I have no remedy.
I have no food or clothing in my house;
  do not make me the leader of the people.”

2 years ago

Our history is being erased.
Our social structure is being dismantled.
Our fiscal and monetary policy has spun out of control, and nobody cares.
Our educational system is a shambles.
We produce less and less every year.

All morality is relative, and virtually all of our “rights” are constantly under attack and or being diminished.

We have no borders.
Our culture is sick and demented.
We cannot even agree on standardized language as a form of basic communications.
No military capable of fulfilling it’s basic reason for existence.

And a long list of other defects.

Patriotism? Just what the hell is that these days?

It seems left to the tiny remnant of the Patriot Community that imploded after the seizure of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, a movement shot through with grifters and federal agents. Gone to ground or simply gone?

There are a few left out there, some urging direct action. My answer to them is thus:


Because even if those advocating a second Sumter aren’t feds, the chances of restoring the America they pine for are nil. Is America even worth the effort?

2 years ago
Reply to  Steve

Steve, can I assume you have no family, children or grandchildren to suffer from Socialism and worse?

I cannot disagree with your points; they are factual but to stand down and hope you don’t end up on the Gulag Bus seems less valued than slavery.

Unless you’re interviewing for patsy for the feds I suggest a lot of folks here learn to shut their yappers and get busy with real life.

2 years ago
Reply to  Michael

Socialism. OK, let’s talk about it. Since “socialism” is why we are in such a bad way fiscally.
Stolen elections notwithstanding, “Americans” vote to line their own pockets at ever opportunity. Vastly more willingly took poison than not. Nobody refunded their stimmy checks to the fedgov.
You know why politicians lie? It works, that’s why. People LOVE to be lied to.
When the system finally and blessedly falls to pieces, they will, in true form, run to government to save them. They will do anything, ANYTHING to eat, feed their children and stay warm. The scare very easily. But government won’t be able to help them even it is so inclined this time.
So the real answer is the impending collapse, joblessness and famine, and heavy handed attempts by a very much weakened uniparty power structure to maintain control.
Add a financial system implosion and currency collapse.
Empty bank accounts and empty bellies is what will change things.
You want me to tool up and go to war? Wake me when the shooting starts. Because as Mike Vanderboegh said: NO SUMTERS.

2 years ago
Reply to  Steve

Steve again I cannot disagree with your facts.

Joe 6 pack (the 90% that want to be left alone and respond well to propaganda) was around during the 1776 nastiness selling his farm goods and boots to the British because THEY had GOLD Coins while the “Rebellion” had paper promises.

General Washingtons letter to his wife about a wagon load of continental “dollars” scarcely got a wagon load of provisions. Thus, the rags around the feet of soldiers at Valley Forge and the desperate attack on Christmas Day on the Hessians to prevent the Continental Army from wandering home.

Thus, I say (a lot) Protect your families and trusted friends. When it all “Falls Down” a lot of unhappy TRUSTED the Gov for Social Security, Pensions and the Gimme Dat’s freebees goes away all Hell will break out.

I agree No Sumter’s, but like the North provoking it the Feds will continue to rub in it to provoke US.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

It is now known that the US State Dept. and the UN have several offices in Mexico, Central America, and South America, assisting the “resettlement program”. That’s what they call it. That’s how millions can travel more than a thousand miles to the US border. This is all in co ordination with US NGO’s and for profit charities. This is the intentional destruction of the demographic integrity of what was our country. To me, this is the most pressing issue. Few people even know about this.

2 years ago

Okay, when asking why don’t “we” do something, that means someone has to get together and start this. Who is leading and if there is a leader why doesn’t “he” do something to get the ball rolling? I nominate former Delta and SF guys who know how to plan and execute better than anyone to get the ball rolling so where are “they”? If they don’t do shit, and they are the ones capable of pulling off any real operation to start this, then WTF do you think is going to happen with overweight Billy Bob, popping his heart meds after Overeating for Christmas, drinking a beer and polishing his AR talking how the gubmint better not do shit or he’s going to fill them full of lead. Lots of sites are saying that action should be taken but a man, and men, of grit, strength and capabilities must get the ball rolling. Why are all the tactical patriots talking shit about doing something not doing something? That’s my question. You aren’t going to get anyone to do anything until a leader stands up, like George Washington, leads men of action, and concrete results can be observed. Only a handful, if that, will even respond when the gubmint comes to their door and knocks on it.

2 years ago

It seems that we will need to do something, but the uncertainty of doing the wrong thing is a hindrance. No one wants to waste their life just to do something. I pray everyday for God to show me what it is that I should be doing to stand against this tyranny. I do not have a clear answer, but right now I resist at every opportunity. Sheepish compliance has emboldened the evil perpetrators of the White genocide being carried out in front of our eyes.

Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
2 years ago

Best hurry up and decide. US requiring Vid test for travelers from China now. That lock down in Buffalo,…things to come?