Did You Watch the Latest Tucker?

I finished watching the latest Tucker Carlson interview with RFK Jr. that was posted earlier today. Since there were no comments about its content, I will assume that it was TL;DR (too long; don’t read) or TL;DW in this case for people to watch.

And that is a shame. There is so much information in that 1 hour and 21 minutes that should be disseminated and discussed by the people in this country. Fauci’s crimes, bioweapons’ laboratories across the world funded by the US illegally, the CIA and mafia involvement with John Kennedy and his assassination and the drug cartels’ money operations with human trafficking.

While the information was disheartening, it makes me mad that our “media” suppresses it at the behest of the CIA. If I knew how to get people to watch the interview, I would do it.

This is a more appropriate graphic:

I don’t know what it will take to have people discern the truth and fight evil but the longer we wait, the worse it will be.

David DeGerolamo

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1 year ago

I haven’t seen the interview, but I will listen to it at least one time. Now about the humans NOT thinking-they do not want to think or do anything to help themselves. They want someone else to do it for them-like going to the allopathic physican who givens them a “pill” to make it better or expecting a politician to fix everything. “Ain’t gonna happen,” we, Americans in general are so lazy and self centered, it is all the average person can do to take of him/her self.

Green Hornet
Green Hornet
1 year ago

I saw snippets but I also work about 16 hours a day. I just can’t get it all in. Thw info I do get…and share…usually hits a brick wall. Either no one cares, or they’re like me, working to death.

1 year ago

I saw the interview and was impressed with the depth of understanding the problem displayed by RFK Jr. While he offered no solutions, he does see the problem, unlike Joe Biden who claims there is no problem.

1 year ago

You convinced me to spend over an hour watching it. I learned a lot from it.

1 year ago

“Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it.” ― George Bernard Shaw

1 year ago

Most of the folks I talk to just do not know what to do.
We share info on prepping, forming freedom cells, the fact that Broad River Water Authority is fluoridating us against our will, and anything we’ve learned about “the situation” with our silent NC General Assembly and our AWOL US Congress… but after that, we don’t have anywhere to go with it.
That is why I keep telling folks the same message Local Activist says -- everyone has to form groups and do stuff. We have to get websites going. We have to compile distribution lists, learn to process donations, and get ORGANIZED.
Remember the Occupy Movement? No second act. I had a front row seat. I could have taught everyone in the room how to start and run a non-profit. We could have put together meetings with our local representatives, and so much more…
But the Fort Myers, FL Occupy protestors didn’t want to organize and DO WORK. They actually thought that their protests alone would be enough to restore our Constitutional Republic. Back in 2011-2012, I didn’t have the communication skill set to move them off that rock -- and I sure as hell wasn’t going to do it all for them.
Form groups. Have meetings. Make decisions. As Project Veritas used to say: BE BRAVE. DO SOMETHING.

1 year ago
Reply to  60GigaHertz

60, I tried to do something once upon a time. I had utterly horrible results. Never got anywhere with info…shut down everywhere… then stalked. So when you do something people, understand the blow back will be worse than whatever you are speaking about….. but yeah, if ever this same type of scenario presented, I’d probably do the same things all the same again.
What I mean is that apparatus is so large… you dont really have a chance which is unAmerican at best

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

I have not watched it as of yet, I always believed it was the cia.

1 year ago

Since there were no comments about its content, I will assume that it was TL;DR (too long; don’t read) or TL;DW in this case for people to watch.”
I haven’t watched any of the Tucker videos. In general, I don’t watch videos anymore, including ones like peak prosperity that I really like. I just videoed out. Nobody posts much text that I can quietly read, and instead posts a video that I have to listen to them and often times is filled with ads or other filler nonsense. I don’t have time or desire for that anymore.

1 year ago

I watched it all. I see that RFK, JR sees many of the issues of the country especially with the government operation on many levels. I see that he could make changes but I also see that as a Democrat I am not sure if there will be change.
RFK, JR pointed out issues with the CIA and foreign countries, the Ukraine, and what is happening today with illegal immigration. He pointed out he did not believe in Trump’s Wall but traveled down to the southern border and saw the illegals coming in from all over the world, the Cartels are leading the immigration system, and now believes that Trump was right on the Wall and that illegals hurt the American citizens.

1 year ago

Didn’t watch this one. Have watched and read a lot of RFK material. I read faster than most people can talk, so even speeding up the video doesn’t always help me. Cursed with some type of ADD.

1 year ago

I watched the interview and recommended it to my peeps. The information in the interview was so educational. Know thy enemy. Totally worth the time.