13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi

Hillary Clinton’s nightmare. Opening Jan. 15, 2016. Will we ever hear from the people evacuated from Benghazi?

David DeGerolamo

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S. B.
S. B.
9 years ago

What difference does it make? That’s what our higher ups believe. They want to sweep it all under the rug. Most Americans now don’t deserve men who put it all on the line for us. Since more Americans care about Twitter and Dancing With The Stars then holding people accountable,the criminals in charge will probably get away with it. Some days it’s embarrassing to live here.

Average Joe
Average Joe
9 years ago

I have my doubts that anyone supporting Hillary has any concern for what was done and happened to the brave individuals. ‘What Difference At This Point Does It Make?!’ was her position then and even more so now.

We are not dealing with honorable nor honest people. To offer them the benefit of treating them as such only allows them opportunity for more mischief. Better to accept the reality of their ‘character’ and act accordingly.

9 years ago

Looking forward to the movie, just finished the book. Really good read. I hope a lot of people see this movie as I feel this will indeed be damaging to the Hilderbeast. Also I’ve met Kris Paronto AKA Tanto, an outstanding individual. Do America a favor and treat someone you know whom might be unaware of the Benghazi Sept 11 2012 story, to a ticket.

9 years ago

The hair on my whole body raises when I think about the blatant despicable lies that BOTH of the Clinton’s have spoken from their unholy lips.
May this movie ring TRUTH to the world and that it’s outcry of anger pierces her ears and her heart so that she knows that there is a price to pay for her lies and the death of innocents caused by her hands and her evil negligence.

9 years ago

Just maybe an uprising due to a video will be what it takes to bring a despot down? We can hope!

Bruce A Wineman
Bruce A Wineman
9 years ago

You are all correct. I note that there was NO mention of the Enemy in the Front office (if we are allowed to call him that, yet) was part of the LIE about the cause of the Bengahzi slaughter. She has other issues that seem to go unaddressed. There is the Treasonous action of having put restricted information on Public Servers, The involvement in a financial scandal in Arcansas, the questionable death of a man in the early Clinton administration and the fact that she has NOT even stepped inside a Court Room with relationship to any of these activities. They had a “Dude” who was accused of having “soft balls” following last years Super Bowl in Court on several occasions but not this “itch”. We are expected to have respect for this Legal System (it sure has nothing in common with a Justice System). How many of the names that keep coming to the top are from that same Legal Profession (I remind you that there is NO regulation of that profession by anyone outside that Elite Group (I remind you that the Bar Association(s) are all comprised of Attorneys). So what do we expect? We are all divided (no one with a microphone seems to be willing to offer any simple plan for we, the masses, to get behind, so we continue to “swing wildly in the dark” with no definitive direction on which to focus. We believe the same but lack direction!