![Inventory of New Houses Piles Up to Highest since 2008. Sales & Prices Drop. Stocks of Homebuilders Swoon | Wolf Street](https://wolfstreet.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/US-new-house-sales-2022-03-23-inventory.png)
Even in the face of rising mortgage rates and stagnating construction numbers, the housing market is still scorching hot. Because of this, it may be difficult to believe that more than 16 million homes across the U.S. are sitting vacant.
But this doesn’t mean millions of abandoned and dilapidated homes are withering away in the suburbs. Vacant homes can be unoccupied for many reasons beyond being uninhabitable. For example, a house can be vacant because it’s still on the market to be sold or rented or it’s a vacation home not currently in use.
From Jim Stone:
WHY ARE REAL ESTATE PRICES THROUGH THE ROOF WHEN AMERICA HAS RECORD VACANCY? ANSWER: Investment firms used “corona relief” cash to buy up all the homes of the dead to hide the vax death induced market crash, and they offered exorbitant amounts to make sure it happened because it was not their money being used anyway. The census bureau is trying to cover it up but blew it anyway by issuing current housing stats to financers, not expecting the financers to blow their cover. CASE CLOSED.
I do not know if Mr. Stone is correct. I do know that housing prices are still high and inventory is low where I live. I also know that no one wants to work. Some people are calling this the Great Resignation.
![Изображение «↬ lit. ATLAS SHRUGGED» от пользователя 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐚 ...](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2Foriginals%2Fc0%2Fdf%2F08%2Fc0df081098fd36034d3bd2a1a2bd2b12.png&f=1&nofb=1)
As depicted in Atlas Shrugged’s ghost trains, people are giving up and our infrastructure is comparable to third world countries. We want no part of a government that loots the fruits of our labor and redistributes it to buy votes and rig elections. Or make people take gene therapy to combat a bioweapon that the government funded (both the bioweapon and the “vaccine”).
What I know as a fact: we cannot continue along this path of destruction of our morality, values, economy, security, educational system and economy. I believe the traitors who usurped the Old Republic know this and are getting ready to implement their plan Bs. I pray for justice and judgment according to our Lord’s will.
David DeGerolamo
Having been retired too early due to health, I’ll never be able to own a home again. During the pre ’08 obozo’s run up to president, my employer at the time told me that the plan is to get as many people as possible into rentals so he was investing in apartment complexes. He still is. He also said the idea is to crush the middle class. You know, the ones that want the fedgov to just get the Hell out of my life. I have never bought into the MSM statement that people just up and quit their jobs. After all, how do they then pay for their phone, internet, gas, food etc.
I agree that our present path is leading to our destruction. The greater question is can we stop it and if so how? At the present I don’t see our economy capable of surviving the engineered destruction. To many people became fat, lazy & poorly educated to continue on with the growth of our nation. History reflects this.
If anything can be salvaged, I think a group of individuals need to focus on our Constitution and Bill of Rights & salvage it from the individuals that have so poorly protected it. This would include the people that didn’t care to stand tall in the protection and preservation of their own rights and privileges granted under the document. It may not have been a perfect document in all respects but, it was not followed as written either. There were changes made for self serving purposes to brought us to this time and place.
Its too late to salvage anything and I don’t know that we could even gather 2-3% of the population to make a stand. My job requires forecasting and trend analysis in the auto and food industries and trends regarding food are dismal. I’m also a farmer so seeing fertilizer, herbicide and seed prices continually rise is forcing rethinking of what and how much to plant. Right now we’re looking at beans as they require the most minimal investment…good bye corn. Speaking of food I believe we’re looking at a 100-125% increase in food costs by August as warehouses such as Aldis have already tapped in reserves. Big box stores were pulling 14 month product out until October-November now its selling canned and bottled items from this past fall…we have no reserves. Two years ago Ford and Toyota were predicting $8-11 dollar gas/diesel for 2022/23 so auto was aware of this prior to Covid. Taking a look at history…Revolutions always start when populations go hungry…this will either move the masses to Revolution or Capitulate to Tyranny in desperation for Insect Protein and Soylent Green. The attached pic is from our Local Wally-World…pasta section, nothing but a few boxes of macaroni and eggs are now $2.77.
My background was in the steel industry. Here in Michigan we saw the end coming as far back as the 90’s. The machine tool industry was in trouble even before then. The family farm was in trouble in the 70’s or before. The trouble the farmer faces today began around the turn of the last century. The price supports, even though they were temporary fixes began the beginning of the end to farming. Today if I have properly evaluated it, the farmer is faced with industrialization of agriculture. The seed, fertilizer, price of the crops produced to the sale of those crops are controlled by government. The cost of equipment is out of the reach of most individuals & fossil fuel dependent. I won’t even try to determine why the individual person has lost nearly all will to work but I will speculate it began with the idea of the new deal and free crap.
I will agree that there is a huge amount of darkness to be dealt with. I have faith in the basic human nature to survive. My point I was trying to make was that some group of individuals somewhere need to study history much like our fore fathers did and truly learn from the mistakes that were made during this period history. I am not saying that we can push back time to what we had. We must look forward to correcting our mistakes. I certainly don’t think I want my grandchildren and great grandchildren to live under bill gate’s or klaus schwab’s & company’s idea of the perfect world. This is going to be a genocide of biblical proportions if we continue down the path and follow the narrative of the present OWO in my opinion. If all that is left is to fight then we fight. I certainly don’t like the idea of giving up all that I and other have worked our butts off for to someone that has no dog in the fight.
We will need to become self sufficient on homesteads or in small towns just to survive and have any freedom, in this new world order! We also need to Galt out, to help bring this system down! Maybe many of those who who are not willing to work these days are really Galting! I Galted ten years ago, to be sure it has been difficult, but it leaves me feeling warm and fuzzy at night!
In Central Idaho land and houses are off the charts. last year I and most of my neighbors received unsolicited offers for our “vacant” lots. These came from entities with names such as “One Horse properties” (AKA BlackRock in my estimation). I received 2 such offers witht he second higher than the first, they were on an order of 8-10X the current valuations. Needless to say my property tax assessment nearly doubled from the previous year. Housing construction locally is a minimum of $400 / Square foot with $500 not uncommon. An “average” home is no North of 1/2 million $. locally there are many unoccupied homes but that has always been so in this destination resort area.
In Texas property taxes are brutal, however, the real issue is the insane amount of the property tax that is allocated to local communist school districts. The town were I live has a population of 1,400 people but it has 3 huge world class schools. Each school makes the White House look shabby. School taxes are breaking the backs of people that actually work for a living. Paying very high school taxes does not increase the IQ of little Beth. Who is John Galt? TEXIT!
The increase in valuation is being seen or felt in all areas of the country. I have been told by a realtor friend that large corporations are doing exactly as you posted. They are offering huge sums of money supplied by government backed programs to drive the market up. My guess is they want to vacuum up the remaining equity of the little guy out there. We as individuals may see the day when we will be told our homes are not ours any longer. It is becoming more and more difficult to make the ends meet.
The exact same thing here in Northern MT. A cheap home is 600k. A decent one with a few acres if you can find it is a million. And there is zero inventory. I’m back in the mountains 50 miles to the closest city with lots of dense forest. Just going to Ca to visit family is painful. God help us.
Leftist companies are buying up every house they can. Often at a big markup to insure they rt the house and not some peon. The goal is to eliminate private home ownership. They want EVERYBODY renting…and dependent on them. The goal…..you will own NOTHING and be happy. You will -travel NOWHERE and be happy. You will STARVE and be happy.
I just stuck on David’s last sentence: “I pray for justice and judgment according to our Lord’s will”. In reality this is what we need to focus on. Satan likes to array himself with all manner of boastfulness as if he is superior. But he is already defeated and he knows this Jesus said ” when you see these things look up my return is at hand”. So David is right we will see God’s judgement and his mercy we can hope for. Unfortunately America as founded lost its way and turned to idol’s and it too will be judged. Many of the things Putin said in his last speech is true. We are the Empire of lies. Who would trust us? who believes us? How can we escape God’s judgement? The answer is we will not Things are going as God planned long ago you had better get prepared and be watchful it is about to get really rough for everyone here in the USA.