2014: The Year of Creative Destruction

christian mercenary

by T.L. Davis

As November looms on the distant horizon the political parties start the big push toward the general election. This used to mean that they would send out fundraising materials, start scheduling fundraisers and begin the long push to the general election. Today, it means that the main political parties will endeavor first to crush any primary challenges from their left, or right.

The dissatisfaction with traditional political parties has grown among the general public and have led to those still struggling to find relevance in organizations which have lost credibility. There are the die-hards amongst us who continue, despite all logical evidence to the contrary, to believe in politics. As evidence of this, 42% of the American public now identify themselves as independents. It would seem that it would be an ideal time for the Independent party to make some inroads, but that is not quite the case.

Those who identified with the term Independent were largely, when pushed, to be Democrats. One might assume that these are the disillusioned Democrats who have found that everything Barack Obama told them was a lie; who discovered that they could not keep their healthcare plan; who have had their businesses wrecked by Obama’s economic policies; who have been pushed off of the unemployment roles to reduce the amount of “unemployed” because those who no longer receive benefits are not counted as unemployed, they simply disappear from the statistics, thereby lowering the unemployment rate.


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11 years ago

The last federal election I participated in was 2008. I had determined that voting GOP was counterproductive for reasons sited by the author, so I voted Constitution Party. In 2012 I decided I no longer consent to be governed by those in DC and withheld my vote. They swear oaths to protect and defend the Constitution and then violate it at every turn. A traitor betrays the trust of his country (swear an oath an then violate it) and criminals violate the law (the Constitution is our foundational law) so the Feds with very insignificant exceptions, are traitors and criminals by definition.