I am an American who will be entitled to cast my vote for President of the United States Of America in the presidential election of 2016.  I am neither a Republican nor a Democrat, because I have lost confidence whether nominated candidates from either Party would intend to abide by the purposes and intent of the Constitution  Of The United States, and  to fully protect my interests as a citizen  of the United States  Of America. I am NOT a citizen of the World, subject to a New World Government controlled by world elitists and power mongers of any nationality or globalist political persuasion. I do not believe that this Nation  and its citizens should be or become world isolationists; but I do believe that its leaders  should never exercise the exclusive power or otherwise be permitted by a majority of its ‘VOTERS”  to  restrict or otherwise  usurp the  Constitutional  protections or prerogatives  of any American citizen for any perceived , invented or alleged reason, including,  but not limited to,  THE GREATER GOOD,  ETHNIC DIVERSITY,  GLOBAL EQUALITY OR HARMONY, ALLEGED HUMAN ENTITLEMENTS, or any other cause or goal which tends to place the interests of America  below or subservient to  central  world control or any interests inimical to the interests of this Nation.  For decades,  the citizens of this Nation have been told by its “leaders” and brainwashed to believe that  it cannot remain a respected world force unless it liberally shares its power and quality of life with “less fortunate “ Nations  led by divisive and corrupt  individuals who have cheated, stolen from,  and hated this Nation, but continually sell their perceived friendship and loyalty for huge  contributions  of largess from this gullible society, without so much  as a thank you; and perceived by such nations as an entitlement for their support or loyalty. History has established, again and again that when the largess stops or diminishes, so does the loyalty and support.

I am not a globalist, and am suspicious of any aspirant to power or leadership of this Nation who is.  Currently, it appears that the ELITIST NEW WORLD ORDER GLOBALISTS are again set upon  selecting one of their own to lead this Nation into a condition of world subservience, and  away from its symbol of world power.  Both leading potential Democrat candidates for  the 2016 presidency  are avowed globalist,  New World Order proponents, who believe in centralized world government and destruction of this Nation as the symbol of world leadership and  world power.  How do I know this?  Because they have said so publicly, and every move they make is transparently (to  me) consistent with that goal.  Both Clintons and VP Biden are New World Order , elitist, globalists, controlled by a shadow international power structure, which I believe to be inimical to my personal beliefs.

Several of the  leading Republican aspirants, Jeb Bush and others, are elitist globalists.  The Bush family of politicians, beginning with George HW Bush,  has been and remains  a strong, and leading proponent of  a New World Order and world central government.  It  is obviously  the goal of the globalist elite to capture the Presidency, and assure the surrender of this Nation to world government and control.  It is obvious to me that Jeb Bush and several other  “conservative” Republican Presidential aspirants are globalist elitists, far removed from the interests of the American middle class, which has  made no concerted effort to confront the power exerted by  the elitist shadow US and world governmental  power and control. A relatively small segment of that middle class  (the Tea Party patriots)has helped elect several “young turk”  members of Congress, who have also failed to challenge the elitist corrupt and globalist leaders of both Parties, and the corrupt and anti- American Administration, led by a very corrupt and dangerous  sociopath.

It is obvious to me that during the divisive and heavy handed  administration of George W., the gates of greatly increased executive power  were opened to  incredible abuse of that executive power by totalitarian refusal to respect the United States Constitution, and rebuke of capitalization  by  the current loose cannon, Obama.  This Nation is now regarded by informed political and economic pragmatists to be almost completely emasculated as a world power.  It might not survive the remainder of the Obama power grab. However, assuming that it survives Obama, a 2016 election of another elitist New World Order, globalist President by either major political party , would  complete the demise of the Nation I, and millions of other freedom loving  men and women have respected  and fought for.

I have remained outspoken in support of the only known obstacle to political and economic destruction of this Nation –a Constitutional  federal government with true separation of powers, and election of statesmen Representatives and Senators;  and an informed electorate which will not abuse its voting privilege to expect  hand outs,  entitlements,  governmental  redistribution of wealth created by those who work to those who could work, but choose to receive largess to meet all of their needs.  We have elected many  new and responsible  members of Congress who hold the future of this Nation in their hands, and will need the assistance of a supportive Chief Executive if this Nation remains salvageable until 2016. IF, via the “primary” system,  a globalist and New World Order elitist emerges as the Republican candidate for President, it will mean that the uninformed, detached and politically stupid  Republican voters will reap what they deserve – responsibility for the final demise of this Nation as we once knew it  or it can ever again be.  I will have no part of that responsibility, and WILL STAY HOME AND PREPARE FOR SURVIVAL.  Election of either a Democrat  candidate or a an elitist Republican, would result in the death of the Nation I still support and respect.  Its demise might be more protracted by election of an elitist Republican  rather than a Democrat,  but its death would be inevitable, and beyond  human control.  A choice between a Clinton or a Republican elitist  would, in my opinion,  be akin to a final choice between death by arsenic  or strychnine; and I will not make that choice. I would prefer a third choice – to die for a more worthy cause  –  A FREE SOCIETY CONTROLLED BY THE PEOPLE.

Chuck Light

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9 years ago

Beautifully stated, you took the words from my mouth but I have been saying this for almost 20 years, thus have not voted for a candidate of the 2 crooked parties for a long time. Most easily apparent for those who still do not get it, here is an example, think of all the horrible legislation and all the bad things done by the Congress over the last 100 years. Now think of the people who got this stuff passed, Dennis Hastert, Nancy Pelosi, John Boehner, Tip O’neil. Would you trust any of these people with your grandchildren for a weekend, with any of them? Then why would you give them power over your grandchildren’s future? Dirty, rotten scoundrels