GLSEN’s 2021 National School Climate Survey is now closed!
Thank you to everyone who took the survey or shared the survey with someone you know. Your efforts will help GLSEN inform education policymakers and the public about the experiences of LGBTQ+ students and how to create safe and welcoming schools for all. Stay tuned for the findings – the 2021 National School Climate Survey report will be released in Fall 2022!
Disney Funded GLSEN, and LGBTQ Foundation, Launches Another Push To Infiltrate Schools
Disney continues to push its woke agenda, pushing an LGBTQ agenda in education for children. On Tuesday, GLSEN took to Twitter requesting LGBTQ families to take a survey regarding schools
There is a simple solution to all of this.
In 2-4 months when grocer shelves are empty and the remaining food is so expensive it will be beyond the masses ability to acquire all this LMNOP horseshit wont matter!
Go to their site. See the board of directors. These parasites should not have any voice in decisions about your children.
Shouldn’t be fooling with other folks chilluns . Gonna get yourself hurt real bad I’m afeared .
Its too bad its closed. I woukd have LOVED to fill it out. A few times!
boycott dizney and any of their products and any company that coops with the organization. Perhaps piles of burning dizney products and DVD’s at the front gates to their various parks, hotels and other ventures.