by Sam Culper

I’m going to start pushing out sporadic news reports with some level of intelligence-related interest, and calling them (for now) the Executive Summary (EXSUM).  EXSUMs are typically written for flag-officer commanders who only have time to hear the most pressing developments.  I present them for your viewing pleasure.

Critical Infrastructure.

Know where it is, and how it can affect you.  We already know that the electrical grid is a vulnerability.  Whether you believe in false-flag terrorism, Islamic terrorism, or a mix of the two, you really ought be to preparing for an event in which something like this causes some serious problems.  Attackers infiltrated a California substation, disable 911 phone lines, and then fired 100 rounds that caused some damage to transformers.  What’s most interesting is what the authorities now believe about the attack.

“Initially, the attack [on the substation] was being treated as vandalism and handled by local law enforcement,” the senior intelligence official said. “However, investigators have been quoted in the press expressing opinions that there are indications that the timing of the attacks and target selection indicate a higher level of planning and sophistication.”


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11 years ago

Thank you Mr. Culper. This can reduce my reading by several thousand words. I see it as the Reader’s Digest for preppers. Great work, Sam!