Most of the time, I “feel” like I am living in an Atlas Shrugged redux. However, yesterday, I went to the grocery store to buy some lunch meat. I was quickly told that their selection was limited. I was then treated to an extended monologue by the young male employee of the shortages throughout Ingles. As I listened, I remembered the 299 Days book series and the analogy to the circumstances he outlined.
He finally came to his conclusion that “things will get better”. I asked him why he thought so and he replied “because they have to”. In the 299 Days scenario, the people believed the government when they were told everything was under control and the economy collapse would be corrected in a few days. A few days later led to the confiscation of all bank and retirements accounts because everyone would be receiving “freedom cards” to take care of all of their needs. These cards soon came to be known as F cards.
I encourage people to read the series and do not want to give away any details other than to say that things did not get better. People tend to live with their normalcy bias and do not want to face reality. Do you think people are waking up to the lies and evil that we face?
David DeGerolamo
I really do not think they are waking up at all. At least not in eastern WV.
OK, so this whole scenario in the book 299 Days took place in Washington state. I moved from Washington state to Idaho a little over a year ago. It was right in the middle of the pandemic and Washington state had virtually shut down all businesses in the private sector. All of those people couldn’t earn a living or pay their bills. The only people who had a job and money were state employees. This whole thing was playing out just like it was scripted in the book. It was actually very spooky because I was reading the series of 10 books while living in my travel trailer waiting for my house to close here in Idaho so I could move in and get the fuck out of Washington state. Glen Tate wrote that book in 2014. I think he had a glimpse into our future and it scared the hell out of me. Everyone needs to read his series of 10 books and share it with friends and family.
I don’t know if i should even read these books now… Already so fed up! My wife read 1984 and told me I’d probably want to avoid it for now. She knows i am already stressed daily by the conditions in our country and can’t seem to find the silver lining anywhere….
Try Silver or just invest more into Plan B: beans, bullets, and bullion. There are no easy answers, but there are simple solutions. God Bless and CYA my friend.
I will check it out… I think we are maybe all more “old school” here and these kids now will be getting much worse with the amount of tech that is raising them practically. The tech is going to ruin America from the inside…as we are seeing play out now perfectly. “Without firing a shot”
This hurts to think about and hurts to see. I am not in favor of Any kinda government being involved in ANYTHING at this point, i think we’d all do better without them trying to “help”…especially last few years they have been so blatantly exposed in corruption. They barely even care to hide it, yet people just comment it off…they comment/vent and move on to next story… i am embarrassed of what America i have been involved in, embarrassed and scared for my kids and their kids!
They can list me all they want… I WILL STAND BEHIND OUR TRUE GOD GIVEN LAWS OF THIS LAND UNTIL MY LAST BREATH. My family died in wars to get this far as a country w/freedom. Not to become those we fought against!!
I just don’t look for trouble anymore, yet it keeps knocking at my door. When WE THE PEOPLE answer this knock together, united!! Only then will the knocking stop. I keep prayimg for the men and women to wake up or grow a set.. I just think God is testing us really, we’re failing!
God bless those fallen, for these pedo crooks to run USA🤬
Ingles seems to have that issue up and down the line. We were seeing over our way as well and top it off our Walmart was the same and it wasn’t hard to see the writing on the wall. Logistics in the mountains seems to be an issue. Our secondary hide here in the midwest is a bit better but we do miss Ingles and what they did have.
Excellent series. It was sheer agony waiting for the next book to be written as I was reading them “real time” as they were being written.
some are still following Q’s clues and insist that pretty soon, the military will arrest the traitors and pedophiles and send them to Guantanamo where they will face firing squads; Trump will be returned to office; and the new monetary system will be based on gold and will be our “Jubilee”. Oh yes, and the bankers will have nothing to do with the new money system.
The people following the psyop called Q are in a cult. It amazes me that some conservatives, rationale in other areas of their lives, are still following and falling for the nonsense and hopium.
Some Conservatives also rushed to get Vaxxxed, because a 98.9% survival rate was just “too dangerous” to face. And HCQ and other remedies didn’t have Gubmint “approval” and was censored. Then of course the totally useless Face Diapers. Maybe the Next Lockdown over the Delta Variant and “Booster” Shots will wake them up, maybe but i’m not placing any bets on the Sheeples.
People need to believe, believers like Vox Day doubly so.
The alternative for them is too bleak, war to the hilt, knife to hilt.
As Axl Rose was want to sing “What’s so civil about war anyway.”
The people of Vicksburg, MS. kept waiting and hoping on Joseph E. Johnston’s Confederate Army to come rescue them from starvation and constant bombardment from Grant in 1863. Except Johnston didn’t have an army!!!
“Hopum” is the last gasp before defeat. The people of the South, who still retain their knowledge of history, know about defeat and denial.
Our Country was OVERTHROWN in the sElection Coup of 2020. FACT. Now, How to successfully deal with that Fact, is the question to be considered..
Thanks David,
Been looking for another book or series that is interesting.
Earth just got Lucky
a follower : Did you know that the word Luck, does not apear within the Bible?
There are few awake to the decline.
Normalcy bias will only go away when normal goes away, and then we’ll have a country full of unprepared morons to deal with. This will not end well for the morons.
They are yelling their intentions into our faces, and we continue to ignore them.
Klaus Schwab “ of the most striking and exciting transformations caused by the pandemic has been our transition to the digital everything…”
We will be digitized, our DNA will be the identity used to control our education, jobs, food, housing and ultimately our lives should we be deemed unwanted.
Does anyone really believe we have 299 days left?
299 days left
before what? chuckle!