2nd Lockdown? It Appears We’re Being Conditioned for it…

On the 28th of July, an article in SHTF Plan, here, indicated that we’re being warned about the 2nd lockdown coming soon.  This time, we might be really locked down, depending on how the remaining police and national guard troops respond to the tyrannical orders of the governors who spit and piss on constitutional rights.  This pic immediately below shows peaceful protest that may never be seen again.

An aside.  You are aware, aren’t you, that the term, ‘lockdown’ is a term coined by prison guards to ensure inmates are tightly controlled?  Just wanted to make sure as it’s now part of the lexicon used in schools, churches, corporations, etc.  We ‘lockdown’ to make sure nobody can move or do anything not authorized by the ‘aw-thor-i-tays.’  Digression complete.

This morning, as I read the on-line news, my gubernator, Gretchen Twitmer, was quoted CNN with Chris ‘Fredo’ Cuomo, saying, ” I’m trying to nip this in the bud,” says @GovWhitmer on Covid-19 in MI.

“If we want to have any shot of getting our kids back in schools safely in four weeks, our actions today are going to dictate whether or not that’s possible… that’s why we have to tighten things up now.” pic.twitter.com/QWmrq1PlSG

— Cuomo Prime Time (@CuomoPrimeTime) August 1, 2020

They always, ALWAYS telegraph their moves.  They really are going for broke on this;  clearly, Whitmer’s mission is to destroy Michigan’s economy and make the state population of 10 million people dependent on the government.  All sorts of things can happen then.  All for the betterment of our communist masters.

This is the precursor to the American Holomodor.   It will happen by design, because the economy is being shut down by design.   If food can’t be brought in, people can be starved into submission.  Food is a weapon.

Read the Whole Article Here… h/tKnuckledraggin

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4 years ago

I don’t think that Michigan is the place for the commies to try this… outside of the Somali Refugee Camps (cities) it’s a resource-rich State full of Gun Owners. “Lockdowns” and “Checkpoints” are not logistically possible outside of Urban Areas, and I don’t think the commies have thought much about it, since they only seem to leave their Hives by Air Travel…

It still comes down to Logistics and Manpower -- some areas, due to Geography, could (at least for a while) be ‘locked down’, but the numbers of local thugpigs and imperial stormtroopers simply do not exist to effectively ‘control’ more than a few Urban Areas.

So, what happens once the Checkpoints get Rolled by an Armored Dump Truck,
Grenade Bombed by a Drone swarm, or Snipered… Then there’s the question of how many ‘peter piggies’ report for duty after a few of their Houses get the Flammenwerfer Treatment at 0300….

You DO Know where the ones in your A.O. live, don’t you?