3-3 is Threeper Day: Celebrate It

christian mercenary

We all know we have been sold down the river by a government intent on changing America into something else; something heartless and cold. Though they couch it in touchy-feely verbiage and use phrases that can only be translated into hostility toward traditional America and Americans, phrases like: cultural sensitivity, diversity and equality (that the African-American community has recently found out does not mean them after all, it means the newest, strongest voting block: the illegal immigrants from south of the border).

Let me reach out to my African-American friends, whom I count as many, who have expressed to me their dismay that Barack Obama has decided that he may have needed the black vote to put him into office, but he does not need them to keep him in office. Now that he has run his last campaign, he doesn’t need their vote and has turned his attention to shoring up the Democratic Party. Some blacks are starting to understand that Barack Obama is not an African American as much as he is a politician. The billions he has spent and will continue to spend on cultivating the illegal immigrant vote works to the detriment of the African-American and he doesn’t care. Barack Obama is interested in securing the Latino vote for Democrats and will take food out of the mouths of the black voter to do it. He has done it already. He is sending them to college with money better spent on keeping his supporters fed and clothed.


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