3 judges die unexpectedly in 9 days span in Cleveland with vaccine mandate

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NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago

So you’re saying there is an upside to the “vaccine”?

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

Or maybe someone is tired of being told what to do with their body. Which would be surprising in that county. That is a huge liberal area with a large Union influence.

Last edited 3 years ago by Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
3 years ago

Maybe there is still hope for Ohio.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
3 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

Nope, I would say they dies of the shot instead of a vengeful person. Ay, oh, way to go, Ohio

3 years ago

Too bad it wasn’t the traitorous judges in the Supreme Court.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jo

The elite ruling class/perps only get a placebo shot for photo ops. They can’t risk losing control. And they know the side effects.

3 years ago
Reply to  EddieHnatko

BTW, Cleveland is a hell hole. I grew up there. It used to be a mafia stronghold.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
3 years ago
Reply to  EddieHnatko

Yep they do not call it the mistake on the lake for nothing. I did love the Big Chuck and Little John show.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
3 years ago
Reply to  Jo

You can have to start somewhere.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jo

Including Trump’s pics? How’s that working out for us?

3 years ago

Maybe they were jabed?

Sa Croft
Sa Croft
3 years ago

What did their autopsys show as the cause of death? Don’t assume it was murder till the facts are known.

strider 777
strider 777
3 years ago

God’s will be done.

enn ess
enn ess
3 years ago

I’m thinking that in all probability they were conservative or at least conservative leaning judges. This stinks to high Heaven. Completely understandable since they were jabbed. But the one that had the lung transplant in 2009 lasted 12 years when the stated projected life expectancy was one 5 years, explains a lot. His/her immune sya=stem made it an extra 7 years, indicating that the jab compromised their immune system and made it noneffective. Which has been proven with the mRNA vaccine. There is more to the story, wait for it.

Not So Free
Not So Free
3 years ago
Reply to  enn ess

Covid is a good excuse to use to eliminate someone who is in your way.
Is that what happened here? No idea. Just a thought exercise.

3 years ago

3 dead judges? That’s what’s called a good start.

Steven Fishman
3 years ago

First of all, this is not a “vaccine.” Vaccines contain antibodies that prevent disease. This monstrosity is an Experimental Eugenics Depopulation Lethal Injection Bioweapon that will kill EVERYONE who has been injected within 2 to 10 years. Why? Because Messenger RNA contains cytokine storms of spike proteins and prions [Prions cause Mad Cow Disease in cattle]. EACH jab, according to Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, contains 50 BILLION spike proteins which replicate in the human body, fighting the heart, lungs, and brain for oxygen UNTIL THE VICTIM DIES !!! There is NO CURE !!!

Spike protein “vaccinations” were created at the Wuhan Institute of Virology to kill each and every human being on planet earth who is inoculated. This is global genocide. Bill Gates, who is an ardent follower of the Georgia Guidestones [which mandates that there can be NO MORE THAN 500 MILLION people on Planet Earth], gave him justification to go into the Vaccine Experiment Business and quadruple his income. Saint Fauci is deeply enshrined in this conspiracy, along with Satanist Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum. These are DEMONS !!! 

The worst part of the Lethal Injection is a phenomenon called by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Carrie Madej, Dr. Simone Gold, Dr. Lee Merritt, Dr. Judy Mikovits and Health Ranger Mike Adams as FREQUENCY TRANSMISSIBILITY, commonly also called “SHEDDING,” where a “vaccinated” person can contaminate an UNVACCINATED person through breathing, belching, farting, sexual contact, or anything expelled by any human orifice, since the spike proteins are microscopic, and by depriving the victim of oxygen, cause anaphylactic shock, toxic blood clotting, fatal lung paralysis, mitochrondrial cancer, and DEATH !!! We, the UNVACCINATED, are at risk from being anywhere near the WALKING DEAD who have taken the Lethal Injection !!! Do your research, and stop believing these lying monsters in the government and in the media. Both presidents, 45 and 46, are responsible for promoting OPERATION WARP DEATH !!! We need a leader of this Republic who has the courage to come out against the worst mass murder in human history about to be seen. We, the UNVACCINATED, will inherit the earth if we survive the carnage. But what will be left for us? 

Additionally, the blood supply in the hospitals are fully contaminated with “vaccinated” blood. Beware of this before getting any surgical procedure that requires transfusions. It won’t be long before all insurance companies go broke because they can’t pay any claims for medical or death benefits. Hospitals won’t accept you without insurance. FEMA has ordered 562% more body bags than they did in 2020. I wonder why…

3 years ago

Sounds like “Unintended Consequences.”

Steven Fishman
3 years ago


To: President Donald Trump:
On “Justice with Judge Jeanine” on October 30th, in a live interview, once again you bragged and took credit for fast-tracking three “vaccines” in Operation Warp Speed. You took pride in that and said that “the vaccines work.”  Are you kidding me?  You know better! Shame on you! Tens of thousands are DYING from adverse reactions to OPERATION WARP DEATH!
My question to you is this: Are you living inside a plastic bubble at Mar-a-Lago and have no idea how horrifically the “vaccine” kills people, or are you part of the Global Genocide Conspiracy of Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, George Soros, and Tony Fauci?
How can you say that you do not know how the “vaccine” is not a vaccine at all, because it does not produce antibodies to cure COVID, but instead is made of Messenger RNA containing spike proteins and prions comprised of graphene oxide that contains microscopic chards of metal that cut to pieces every blood cell in the human body over time, causing blood clotting, lung paralysis, mitochondrial cancer, and death? Do you not know that graphene oxide steals oxygen from your heart, lungs, blood, and brain until there is no oxygen left to sustain life? Have you looked at the VAERS statistics lately to see how much damage the so-called “vaccine” has caused, keeping in mind that only between 1% and 10% of Vaccine Adverse Events are ever reported to VAERS?
Have you never seen any videos or lectures by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. Carrie Madej, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Lee Merritt, Dr. Jane Ruby, Dr. Simone Gold, Dr. David Martin, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Dr. Peter McCullough, or your very own doctor, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, warning everyone that the “vaccine” is nothing more than a Eugenics Depopulation Lethal Injection Bioweapon? Have you ever taken the time to listen to even one podcast by Brighteon.tv/Brighteon.social Health Ranger Mike Adams?
On the other hand, many of us have seen the video of you together with Satanist Klaus Schwab at the 2018 World Economic Forum in Davos, celebrating and ushering in the “Great Reset.” What was that all about, Mr. President?
Cutting to the chase since I know you are very busy: Do you want to be remembered as the greatest president in United States history who protected our Republic from Socialists and Marxists; who defended our borders; who made us energy independent; who knew how to end the war in Afghanistan without leaving $86 billion in equipment behind and without ever leaving Americans and Afghan allies behind like the Crash Test Dummy in the White House right now did?  How you never allowed insane regimes like North Korea or Iran to develop nuclear weapons? or —
Do you want to be remembered as the president who did not take responsibility or ever apologize for OPERATION WARP DEATH, which ultimately will lead to the wretched agony, demise, and death of over 200 million Americans?
Proverbs 16:18 says that “Pride comes before a fall.” All you have to do is admit that you listened to so-called “experts” like Criminally Insane Tony Fauci, and that you did not realize until it was too late that they had and still have the most evil and demonic intentions. All you have to do is put your pride aside and tell the American people that you made a horrible mistake about the so-called “vaccine.” There are many Republicans who took the Lethal Injection after you endorsed it and are seriously injured or dead. It was not just Democrats and Independents who took the kill shot. You truly need to atone to them. If you speak out now, the America I know will love you for it. 
Maybe you did not receive my 138 emails that I sent to you at pressoffice@donaldtrump.com, but one year ago in October of 2020, I begged you not to push the “vaccines” as part of your campaign. Your former Pastor, David Sorensen, said the same thing, just as I did, that if you push the Lethal Injection, you would never be elected, because God would never condone it. Now you are looking at 2024. Okay. However, I don’t think you’ve even considered how many Americans will be dead by then from the death jab, or even by the midterm elections next year. 
I am just one person – a nobody. But a good 20,000 of your base of patriotic Americans are questioning why you ever promoted OPERATION WARP DEATH without researching the harm it will do. I hear people wondering about that wherever I go.
What I will gladly do is write a speech for you if you want one, letting the American people how sorry you are and how much regret you have for encouraging them to be “vaccinated” with Pfizer Poison or Moderna Murder. And that you should have done it already but your pride got in the way, but that you can no longer keep silent about your guilt over it. And how you listened to Fauci and thought that he and the CDC had the best interests of the American people at heart when you stood next to him in the Rose Garden, but then admitting: “Boy, was I wrong!” Do this, and you will come out on top, admitting your mistake, and even now at this late stage, saving a lot of lives of the “undecided” who are still considering taking the Lethal Injection. You are the best president we ever had, but you are only human. Tell America that. Even Sean Hannity took the shot because he believed in you. You were not a medical doctor. You relied on Luciferian Fauci to your detriment as well as the detriment of the American people. Eventually Demon Fauci, Bill Gates, George Soros, and Klaus Schwab will be tried in a Nuremberg-style court and hopefully guillotined or shot in front of a firing squad. 
It isn’t even about your future run for the presidency. It is about your legacy. How do YOU want to be remembered 100 years from now? Your destiny is ultimately up to you. 
Steven Fishman                              Dated: October 31, 2021
(949) 382-4254

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
3 years ago
Reply to  Steven Fishman

I understand your anger, but Trump does not care. He is part of the evil that runs this country. If you need examples, let me know, I will be happy to give a few.

Steven Fishman
3 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

When are we going to get a presidential candidate who has the courage and the fortitude to come out and tell the American people that the Eugenics Depopulation Lethal Injection Bioweapon is nothing more than a Gain of Function Laboratory in the inoculated body, which destroys our natural immunity? Who is going to lead our country and rescue us from Biden’s brand of Marxism if they can’t even tell the truth about the Vaccine Holocaust?

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
3 years ago
Reply to  Steven Fishman

You look to someone to save you. If you are looking for salvation, turn to Jesus. If you are looking for political salvation, We the People are granted the right to enforce the laws to the Union. Just look in the mirror and you will wee the leader you need to help make that happen. Until there are enough of us willing to stand up, it is a game to waiting and spreading the truth. You will not find anyone inside the political realm that will do anything. But if you feel the need to vote, write my name in. But I will expect all to fulfill their duty as an American. No excuses will be accepted.

Last edited 3 years ago by Thomas Angle