the emperor is one now, but the people still to this day cannot see it. totally blinded by all the perks the government is giving the lazy no good whores. why work when you could earn $50,000 per year for staying home and having your rent paid for free along with the free cell phones on there monthly government welfare checks. so when the emperor needs them to riot anywhere in there country, and evil and demonically possessed minion from the WHORE house sends the text messages out to all the barn animals.
Just paint it black and add breathing sounds…. there’s no telling how far it could go… maybe even president. I’m sure the Emperor would approve!
the emperor is one now, but the people still to this day cannot see it. totally blinded by all the perks the government is giving the lazy no good whores. why work when you could earn $50,000 per year for staying home and having your rent paid for free along with the free cell phones on there monthly government welfare checks. so when the emperor needs them to riot anywhere in there country, and evil and demonically possessed minion from the WHORE house sends the text messages out to all the barn animals.