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there aren’t going to be any ground level nukes, not if China can help it, they can just pop an EMP and wait a few months while all the garbage people kill each other off, then waltz in and take the whole country, no fuss, no mess, just a Norinco bullet to the head of anyone left
There has already been a sea level detonation, Honga Tonga.
Find write up on the vapor cloud, they ‘know with precision’ the energy released. Latent heat of vaporization is over five hundred calories, for water. As opposed to one cc, ml, being heated one degree C, it takes five hundred forty calories for that same gram of water to transition from 100C liquid water to 100C steam vapor.
Hence the use of steam turbines in nuclear plants today.
PS Did FreeNCblog mod pass?
If someone has been contaminated by fallout, can they be decontaminated? How? I ask because a family will probably be spread out all over the place. Some may have been outside of the fallout area, while others may have been inside the fallout areas. When they regroup at home they need to have a plan, in order to avoid total chaos and disaster.
How about this nightmare. Your entire family is spread out all over the place. But none of them were in the fallout zone. But your home is in the fallout zone. Quick. What’s your plan?