5 little girls dumped, no father, no mother…

A Texas rancher living north of Eagle Pass discovered five unaccompanied children abandoned by smugglers on their farmland Saturday night. The five small girls, ranging in ages from one to six years old, were led across the Rio Grande River and abandoned the evening before. The human smugglers left them with no food, water, or any adults to care for them throughout the night.


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3 years ago

I am not sure I want to know the rest of the story. I can only imagine what happened to the mother.

I would take them in.

Last edited 3 years ago by tangle
NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  tangle

As a rational empathetic adult you would have to take them in…and then return them to their rightful country.

W Wilson
W Wilson
3 years ago

When their “parents” come to claim them , lock them up , put kids up for adoption.

Eddie Hnatko
Eddie Hnatko
3 years ago

They are referred to as anchor babies and children. I have a different theory. The world is filled with pedophiles and sex traffickers and Satanists. Take your pick. I believe the parents of these kids, and others like them, are paid by the cartels who transport them. Once in the US someone claims them as their children. They are then distributed for nefarious purposes. No one here verifies anything and the kids disappear forever. Recently folks were being asked to foster as many as 25. So you not only get paid by our government but you turn around and rent them out. I don’t like any of this.

Traci C Marr
Traci C Marr
3 years ago
Reply to  Eddie Hnatko

It makes me sick to my stomach but I think the same thing. I don’t think all parents happily turn them over to the people “paying” for them. I don’t think they really have a choice.

gail jansen
gail jansen
3 years ago

She is right. If this doesn’t make each one of mad to the point of action, then what will?; abandoned puppies?
Our children, our future, the talents “on loan from God” are being devoured by evil which is as much our own evil as the formal Luciferians when we turn our backs. A few years back I did some research on the percentages of genius children being born. (This had to do with claims of NWO Indigo children). Normally genius IQ people comprise about 3% of the population. The genius IQ among children being born around 2015 was in the 25% range. I don’t know what the % is today but even if it is around 15%, God is sending us an abundant harvest of children for our world. What are we doing? Isn’t this too a spiritual crime against God as much as a political one?

gail jansen
gail jansen
3 years ago

Eddie is correct. These children are pawns of nefarious purposes. I also loathe it.

3 years ago

If you mention (((who))) is mostly involved in Trafficking, Sexual Slavery, Organ ‘Harvesting’, Ritual Murder (sacrifice to moloch) and every other form of Perversion (((holy-wood))) you are labelled a “Naziracistantisemite”.
And now, you’re a White Supremacist Domestic Terrorist.