Laurence Doe Innis, brother of Liberia’s latest confirmed Ebola patient, sits with hands on his cheeks, worried about what is going to happen to him in the next ten days or so. Doe says he is worried because he helped get his sister (who tested positive for Ebola) to the Redemption Hospital where it was noticed that she had symptoms of the deadly Ebola Virus. He said his sister, Ruth Tugbheh, 44, got sick on Sunday, March 15 and her condition became worse on Thursday of the same week.
“On Monday she had a fever, but we were still looking after her and on Thursday she became worse and at night when I came she was in pain,” said Innis. “She asked me to help take her to Redemption Hospital. She walked from her room to the train tracks. We stopped the motorbike rider and put her on the bike and I sat behind her and it took us to Caldwell Junction. At Caldwell Junction we walked all the way to Point Four and took another bike into New Kru Town.”

He said at the Redemption Hospital the health workers quickly recognized the symptoms after thoroughly examining her, they decided she should stay at the hospital, but did not tell him why. He said on Friday he received calls from several organizations about his sister’s condition. “I was very speechless because I’ve never had such an experience or met such people in my life. They asked me questions about my sister because I took her to the hospital,” he said.


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