U.S. Attorney Statement on Assault of Portland Motorist and Continued Violence Citywide

Department of Justice

U.S. Attorney’s Office

District of Oregon


Tuesday, August 18, 2020

U.S. Attorney Statement on Assault of Portland Motorist and Continued Violence Citywide

PORTLAND, Ore.—U.S. Attorney Billy J. Williams released the following statement today regarding the recent assault of a motorist in Downtown Portland and continued violence citywide:

“Like many Oregonians, I was sickened by the video circulating online showing a man being pulled from his truck in Downtown Portland and beaten and kicked until he lies on the pavement unconscious. While the circumstances leading up to this brutal assault are still under state and federal review, I must condemn, in the strongest possible terms, this depraved violence.

We must all continue to work together to achieve peace in the streets of Portland. If we are not successful, I fear one day soon we will wake up to news that a Portlander has been killed. We cannot let this happen.”



The above statement and $2 will get you a bad cup of coffee. Sad times watching a great Republic collapse from the inside for power and greed.

David DeGerolamo

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4 years ago

And had that Citizen successfully Defended himself with a Gun (or his Car) this same political tooll of the deep state bureaucracy would be falling all over himself to “Persecute Him to the Fullest Extent of the Law”

It would be VERY Interesting to see what would happen if a City Councilman, or federal bureaucrat of some Importance were Assaulted or Murdered by the bolshevik mob.

Janeane Kassik
Janeane Kassik
4 years ago

Don’t they read their own news
??? There HAVE been deaths in Portland from the rioters.