9/11 hurts worse this year

9/11 hurts worse this year because many Americans are looking at the pictures of the burning buildings, the jumpers, and the piles of debris and saying to themselves for the first time, “Lucky…” Sit in stillness with that.

Slowly, gradually, in the near-silent whispers of the internal dialogue of millions of Americans, scripture and prophecy are being fulfilled. The living envy the dead. It was thought unthinkable for Americans to ever be in such a state in any significant numbers just a few months ago, and even in the days after 9/11 there was no sense of suicidal despair.

Now? As the inevitable civil war looms, and a murderous kakistocracy is the only organized force that is visible, with fully half the populace ready to call for the internment and blood of their own family members, the death of a civilization is visible like the towers burning on the New York Skyline.

And I praised the dead rather than the living:

And I judged him happier than them both, that is not yet born, nor hath seen the evils that are done under the sun.


h/t WRSA

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3 years ago

What amazes me into bewilderment is this: 20 years ago, the enemy was the radical Muslim. And now the country embraces these fuckin ragheads. And who is the terrorist today? The white conservative man. And George W. Bush can fuck off for eternity too. Meanwhile, the black thug criminal gets halos and angel wings for fucks sake.

3 years ago
Reply to  Me2

The “Enemy” was the the NWO Deep Statists all along. The Bushie, Clintoon, and Obamite Putzes. (JoBama Biden is the 3rd or 4th term for Obama depending on how you count the sElection Coup).
Can anyone really believe these buildings collapsed from airplane fuel?
What “hit” Bldg. 7 ? Same as the Vaxxx story today. Just swallow the whole stinking fish, sheeples.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  GenEarly

Yes jet fuel burns cooler than gas or other fuels.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

The one world scumbags have been at this a long time. They perfected there art, just look at the world wide mass rush to get the kill shot for something that has a 99.97% of survivability. The radical Muslims are useful to them in accomplishing there goals.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
3 years ago

i think that there is something very wrong with the people who would think, say or believe, such a thing as the following.
“9/11 hurts worse this year because many Americans are looking at the pictures of the burning buildings, the jumpers, and the piles of debris and saying to themselves for the first time, “Lucky…” Sit in stillness with that.”
And this statement does not fit with the Bible verse given.
These people were born, they each had lives and perhaps many had been born again. Perhaps this tragedy also had many other unforeseen results that caused others to seek a Higher power than man

Last edited 3 years ago by a follower, working on it.