UPDATE: All of the units at Frys are now sold.

Motorola DTR600 900MHZ 30CH 2-Way Radio Full-Graphic, Backlit Display 30 Floor / 350,000 Sq. Ft. Coverage Area
Frys#: 10055501
$239.99 Regular
Instant Savings:$79.01
You will need a minimum of two units. These are frequency hopping units. You also should buy the cable interface to program the units.
Update: Link for the programming cable,
David DeGerolamo
David, do you know if they can be programmed with CHIRP?
The programming software is available from Motorola. It was free but I have not checked in the past year.
Ok where do we get the cable for the DTRs
I will add to this to the post also.
Thanks, just one more thing to buy….
Hi David, We are starting a group to patrol our neighborhood. What would you recommend for handheld sets for each member? Also, I recently got my technician license and am searching for an affordable base station system for myself, what would you recommend, including components/ accessories?
DTR 600s. Base station for UHF/VHR -- Kenwood TMV-71A https://www.hamradio.com/detail.cfm?pid=H0-008951
you need a power supply, antenna, antenna cable based length to unit and antenna bracket for a minimum
I grounded my unit with bare copper.
Thanks for the information. Can this also be used as a police/emergency channel scanner? If not, what would you recommend that won’t break the bank?
Motorola is owned by the Chinese communist party. If you buy it you will support them be smart people. I’d rather have a carrier pigeon before our support those bastards
The Deep State is owned by the Chinese communist party.
Beware. Spread spectrum is not the security measure you may think.
Any Idea when they will be back in stock?
You can buy these units at other vendors but not at that price. I doubt that Frys will have them back in stock. A first hand report today told me that the store in Atlanta had very low stocks on everything.
I like Zastone walkie talkies. The A-9 series is 10 watts, mono band, ‘black box’ style with 16 channels. They can be programmed on a computer with free software. UHF if you are in the city, VHF (2 meters) if you live in the ‘burbs’ or rural. Check on e-bay with a seller like RadioTop. The units sell for about $55. They can be programmed for encode/decode for repeaters. Yeah, they are made by the Chinese and probably sold by them. Get your comms in order.
At least get the Motorola talk about 2 watt FRS walkie talkies (for neighborhood use). Nothing wrong with classic mobile CB with SSB. But you will have to get the antenna in order with SWR and a much bigger ground plane. Learning curve there everybody. Time is short.