WRSA Radio EP 78 – Accountability

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tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

Thank you, Wes, for taking a stand and getting the truth out.

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
2 years ago

It’s quite plausible that one if the two far left justices (kagan or sotomeyer) leaked the ruling. Don’t count on busting this case. Not with roberts in charge.

2 years ago

Well if you dislike the goobermint telling you what you may and may not do with or to YOUR body…..you are really going to dislike the WHO doing exactly that. Vote for the biden advocated amendments will be voted upon between 5/22 and 5/28/22 at the UN. (see Pandemic Treaty)

Robert Orians
Robert Orians
2 years ago

So glad to hear truth amongst all the lies going around the patriot interwebz . I am so tired of all the go along to get along patriots yelling vote moar harder . I voted and talked the squaw into voting for 12 years while she was convinced it was all kubuki theater . Turns out the ole gal was right . She’s a goodun’ though and doesn’t rub it in . Too much , heh .

2 years ago

There it is!!!!! BAM, SPOT ON!
If the White Man ain’t free…
