Confronting Evil

Today nearly 50 of us went to the Drag Queen Bingo gathering. Last week in Fond du lac after church. This week in Waukesha after church. It was 13 degrees outside today. About 150 attended the drag queen show – and it included children being taken inside. When I first arrived, a man was yelling at me from the porch of the tavern. When he stopped I asked him “So when did you decide to give up your manhood?” By the look on his face I could tell he hadn’t pondered that much and that he also understood my point.

Most men in America have lost their manhood and what is the duty of a man. We live in a nation which has done this to men systematically and by design – by the government, academia, and the media. And the rot it has produced is growing.

We had some good conversations and some heated ones. Even three pro-abort deathscorts from the baby-murdering deathcamp were there. One mocked me for my arsons before I knew I Christ. I told her Jesus changed my life and offered her my card with my website so she could read of what He did in my life. She took it.

We also preached outside the place declaring His law and pointing men to Christ. Some people passing by went out of their way to stop and thank us for being out there. We were out there for two hours. One man acted like he would run us down with his truck; he then exited his truck and shoved one of the women with our group. Quite the shoving match ensued between a dozen of us and a dozen of them. They learned we are not pacifists.

Six squad cars arrived. The deputies tried to make us leave an area that I explained to them was public right of way. We refused to move (the tavern people had yelled in our faces earlier to get off the area and we had informed them also that it was right of way and refused to move). When the supervisor arrived (as I had requested their superior) he informed both the tavern people and his deputies that we had a right to stand there. The man who shoved the young woman with our group was ticketed.


When evil raises its ugly head, it must be confronted. The sodomites and lawless/immoral people already have the large city magistrates in their pocket. Now they have spent this last year – not only in Wisconsin but in other states that we know of – trying to bring their filth to every hamlet, town, and village. I tell Christians everywhere in these small areas that – you must confront this evil or you will not recognize your community in five years.

As Christians, we are motivated to confront evil for three reasons: 1. Our love for the Lord, 2. Our love for those engaged in the evil, and 3. Our love for our neighbors (society at large).

Understand, those who confront evil are always few in number (just read Scripture and history) as most only care about themselves. Understand also that the many who refuse to confront the evil will actually distort and redefine “love” in order to justify their indifference to the evil. Even Christians join in this redefinition of love and condemn the Christians who confront the evil.

The way we know how to love God and love our neighbor is seen in the law and Word of God. We demonstrate love for our neighbor by doing what is seen in His law and Word. Love is defined by the law and Word of God. If you divorce the ethic of love from Scripture, you can twist and redefine it to justify anything (even two men or two women marrying one another).

I can assure you, this tavern will think twice about hosting such filth again in the future. If there was no response – if no one confronted their evil – they would feel emboldened to continue in their evil and corrupt the lives of more adults and children, and the evil would be further embedded in the community.

We confronted evil publicly. Declared the truth of God’s law and Word. Pointed men to Christ. May Christ be praised!

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a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago

Can’t believe how popular this filth has become. Rex recently posted a bit of a rant pointing at the American legion and drag shows. Hard to believe and yet, Easy to find with the google.
“American Legion” kind of reveals itself with the name. i hope they are not all this way.
Do not have face book so could not see the rest of article.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago

After Rex went on a rant about the “American Legion” i had to search.
Gives more meaning to Legion than i wanted to know.
Simply sinful events .com
All ages Holiday Drag Show.
Drag Queen Bingo.
Remember Rue Paul at the New-York Stock exchange?

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 years ago

We all wail and lament… but here is someone actually doing something! Not keyboard masturbation, concrete action in meatspace. Bravo!!!

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Joe Blow

90 Miles From Tyranny : Facebook ‘silencing’ activity related to FBI whistleblower Steve Friend Off of the topic, but I thought this needed to go out. One in a million, a patriot.

2 years ago

“When the wicked rule, the people groan.”

2 years ago

Thank you for being God’s brave vessels of Truth! Your reward will be great! “Save others, snatching them out of the fire” Jude 23 (all of Jude pertains to this)

2 years ago

Genesis 19:24-25 then the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out of heaven; And he overthrew those cities, and all the plain, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and that which grew upon the ground.

This is the first mention of “fire” in the Bible which is later to be connected with Hell and the Lake of Fire. The “god” of the news media and soft Christians as Brother Trewella mentioned has made the God of the Bible out to be only a “God of Love”, he would never do such a thing. The God of that Bible is HOLY! He’s RIGHTEOUS!
The God of the Bible wipes out people with fire, and the old men, cripples and babies go with them.

Leviticus 18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind; it is an abomination.
This covers all the Socratic, fairy, Frisco, faggot fruitcakes. Their lifestyle is an “abomination” according to the Holy Spirit. What the news media, psychiatrists or talk show host think about these matters is of no value whatsoever. The sin is not only an abomination, but the “Sodomites” involved in it, under the Mosiac Law, are to be out to death -- capital punishment (Lev. 20:13). All scripture is KJV 1611.

The LORD don’t play….