Ukraine paid a heavy price in blood in trying to hold onto that supposedly “worthless” city. Simplicius provides the details of the Ukrainian military obituary:
Why is Bakhmut called a Meat Grinder?
Who was decimated in Bakhmut:
45th Brigade
43rd Brigade
26th Brigade
28th Brigade
62nd Brigade
63rd Brigade
53rd Brigade
60th Brigade
24th Brigade
57th Brigade
30th Brigade
Advance Rubizh Brigade
Advance Azov Brigade
Advance Uragan Brigade
Advance Spartan Brigade
109th Brigade
116th Brigade
119th Brigade
241st Brigade
93rd Brigade
77th Brigade
46th Brigade
4th Brigade
17th Brigade
61st Brigade of Jaegers
Special Forces and Spetsnaz Regiments:
5th Assault Regiment
8th Regiment of Special Forces
Kraken Battalions:
122nd Battalion
68th Battalion
214th OPFOR Battalion
49th Rifle Battalion
15th Mountain Assault Battalion
Border Guard Donetsk
8th Regiment of the UDAR UAVs:
WASP Legions:
Dudaev Battalion
Georgian Legion
Mansur Battalion
Shamil Battalion
Normandy Legion
Most of these battalions have suffered more than 70% casualties just aganist PMC Wagner.
The twenty five brigades listed above represents a force of at least 50,000 men (assuming only 2000 men in a reduced brigade) and as many as 125,000. Simplicius also lists at least 9 battalions and 5 regiments — that is 4500 and 5000 additional troops respectively. Do the math. If Ukraine deployed 134,500 troops to the battle for Bakhmut, 70% casualties means that Ukraine suffered as many as 94,150 killed and wounded.
The battle for Bakhmut/Artemovsk will become another of history’s war lessons. The level of devastation and destruction was a level that Americans cannot (and will not even try to) comprehend. Imagine living in a city and seeing this picture when you look out your window:
Bakhmut firebombed with phosphorus
More people died fighting Russian soldiers in Artemovsk than died in Nagasaki or the low end estimate of Hiroshima. And these were soldiers, not men, women and children living in a city. But the Ukrainian forces who were killed in Artemovsk were not Russian soldiers: they were Wagner mercenaries supplied by Russia with artillery and aerial support, weapons and ammunition. So a group of mercenaries/convicts took on the best of Ukraine’s soldiers and NATO “mercenaries” supplied with $200 billion (minus the cut for corruption and the “big guy”) of the West’s weapons and support and won. Convincingly.
So why is no one stating the obvious: NATO cannot win a war against Russia. If NATO could defeat Russia, the Russian Federation will resort to nuclear weapons. Hypersonic nuclear weapons. The West’s economies are bankrupt, the rest of the world is aligning with Russia and China and people in the United States still believe the propaganda spewed forth by the media and government.
I pray that people wake up and realize the position we face now:
- Best case is an economic collapse and the de-dollarization of the world’s monetary system.
- Worst case is a nuclear conflagration delivered by hypersonic missiles.
And the worst case will be much more devastating than the two low yield warheads dropped on Japan.
David DeGerolamo
Your conclusions are right, the problem could be TPTB might want a nuclear war. It looks to me like they are destroying western society, is it on purpose or are they just stupid or delusional? It really doesn’t matter to us why, what matters is what we do about it! If you live on or down wind of a nuclear target or on a coast, it would be a good time to move. For the rest of us who are awake, keep on prepping. Contrary to public opinion a nuclear war is survivable!
This administration and the Pentagon are insuring the we will find ourselves at nuclear war. Just posed the following on another site, they are depleting our forces equipment and ammunition supplies, making it impossible to find part to repair our Humvees and Bradley Fighting Vehicle. Should we find ourselves in need of fight off an invaded, the country will not have the needed resources to do so. Meanwhile this perverted admin is flooding the country with illegal untermench, after having eviscerated our military. As we borrow ammo from South Korea and deplete our stockpiles in Israel. Unfortunate to have bought off Chinese representative as the pRESIDENT, Too bad we don’t have Americans in the corrupt administration.
And then there was this news: G7 meeting
“Biden and his cronies soon dispensed with hollow talk about “peace” and “nuclear disarmament” to make the G7 summit a rallying call for more hostility toward Russia and China. There were plans for more economic warfare (sanctions) against Moscow, which was vilified as usual for “unprovoked aggression” against Ukraine.
There were pledges of supplying more weapons to the powder keg that the U.S. and its NATO partners have created in Ukraine. There were high-handed dismissals of international diplomatic efforts to resolve the conflict, which have been proposed by China, and Latin American and African nations.”
🎬 I think you are correct in stating: The only option the West has now is to mobilize NATO and openly confront the Russian Federation.
“The only option the West has now is to mobilize NATO and openly confront the Russian Federation.”
Ah, you mean like they HAVE Been doing with sanction support, military support to the point that NATO’s OWN Military’s are Stripped of Equipment and Ammo. So Stripped that the USA’s BACKFILL was depleted the War Stocks pre-positioned in the USA, Europe AND Now Israel?
NATO cannot defend itself without prompt use of nuclear weapons. Re-read the article above.
As Sun Tzu said so well:
An Evil Leadership will burn down their own country to rule over the ashes.
Yep, they have been TRYING HARD to provoke Putin (Assassination attempts, blowing up Kersch Bridge and sinking Moskva the Flagship of the Russian fleet) to DOING something that would JUSTIFY a NATO Nuclear intervention.
Putin Loves his country. He knows they are trying to provoke him, and he is simply waiting until economic collapse and the following social unrest from Gimme Dats rioting over lack of food to destroy our once free Republic.
Protect your family and trusted friends. America is suffering from Gods punishment in leadership right out of Gods judgement against Judah in Isiaha chapter 3.
I agree with you. Things are really bad. Let us pray for one another.
I think you see things clearly.
Look…the loss of 50,60, 100 million people…hell ..500 Million…
IS a damn small price to pay… to get it.
A quick (Tactical) Nuke exchange …2-4 ok 8….Dial a Yields…. spread between Europe/Russia and the US.
Lets even toss in Chiner.
Just a couple firecrackers in each.
Perhaps Dialed down to there lowest “Brisance”….heck even Maxed Out.
The Globe will survive. Shtuff will comeback.
(Mothernature cant be beat by us pee-ons…she can be hammered, not beat)
And It would truely begin. A.REAL…..Global. Reset.
It would make it ALL possible.
Just think…
….ALL the Great NEW Sound Bites..IN PRINT…Tagged to a wall (😂now thats funny.)
…AND NEW Legislation and Global Governance.
…perhaps some form of the Glow-bal Marshall Law for some years.
Or perhaps just in the Strike/Struck Countries.
They Start Anew.
The Machine can’t be killed or healed…at least by “todays” citizens.
It’s To BIG, with TOO much Money, is too well camouflaged (UNI party) , to well Armed and has ALL the time.
(Jusss like the cops..)
Nothing…is beneath the skinsacks. NOTHING.
History teaches us that as do there words and actions!
I’ve NO DOUBT…they have considered it…
……..if they aren’t damn well planning it.
Would you like to no more?🧐
We are not likely to ever know the actual truth of what has been happening in this war. Both sides lie routinely….as does the west…about what’s happening.
Yup, and it only took them 224 days!!