Patriot Nurse: Bitterness, The ULTIMATE Disease

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fed up
fed up
11 years ago

Bitterness seems to be a liberal generated feeling mostly. Look at their protests, the killings done by the democrat registered voters and they way the liberals viciously go after the conservative base. As in, I don’t like Christmas so you can’t have that tree either.
I do understand your point regarding the health issue but your preaching to the choir. We know a bad mood isn’t good for your health. I’m a Patriot and I too have had a checked past but….. I discovered, GET OVER IT AND MOVE ON.
It seems to me the Muslims, the people of “peace” have more anger than those Christians that have God to use as a release. They’re always rioting or doing some crazy thing yet they pray all the time. Allah Akbar is the mantra just before they detonate a bomb or kill us “infidels”. What’s up with that? nice example of Gods love?
I will say that “we” are getting bitter because we are being lied to by the politicians and our way of life is being destroyed by them. I “hope” that the negative caused by the politicians lying to us ends and none of them get into Heaven, (I’d hate to see it corrupted).
I do like your Patriot Nurse videos, your cute and they’re great. Please stick to what your best at, medicine and prepper advice.

11 years ago

please!!! UNCLE!!!!!!

11 years ago

Your cute? That’s a response ? Even if you are and by the way you are , what I like about your blog is information information . Great opinions and observations of our ongoing and current crisis and the threat to this once great republic . I’m with you I don’t think I don’t believe there’s going to be a event I know there is and anything that we can do to prepair for it will help us to at least have a chance to come out the other side . Thank you patriot nurse for giving a damn

Pat Veitenthal BSN RN
11 years ago

I think we’re related…sisters by another mother perhaps? You need to read some of my stuff…