How to Rob Our Freedom

The 1948 cartoon “Make Mine Freedom” outlines how class warfare, race hatred and religious intolerance are used to rob us of our freedom. The video below shows current “congressmen” attacking the TEA Party and extremists as a means of robbing Americans of our freedom.

As despicable as these politicians are, their constituents continue to elect them to high offices due to social engineering used to buy their votes. As America ceases to stand for principles which are the foundation of our country, we see the consequences shaping the destruction of our economy, unity and freedom.

“Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become more corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters.”

Benjamin Franklin

I see no virtue in the political leaders shown here. I see ones who are corrupt and vicious as they want to rob us of our freedom in order to be our masters. Although our churches bear the blame by trading tax exemptions instead of making moral and virtuous citizens, we also share in this loss by not standing up to our churches, educational institutions and politicians. It is hard to address our politicians when they will not give their constituents an audience through town halls as demonstrated during their latest six week summer vacation. When we look back at this period of time in the future, how will we not wonder why we allowed this to happen when the warnings were so clear?

David DeGerolamo

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