Drudge is back up. I hope this was not a trigger for anyone.
David DeGerolamo
They want to take down all conservative blog, news, and other type of sites that tell the truth, this could be a beta test for Drudge.
It is coming, we all know it! However, I think you are right on top by having the The Appalachian Messenger!
Nice job!
Agreed. The Appalachian Messenger is a key component for organizing in the future. Check the June 5th edition.
They want to take down all conservative blog, news, and other type of sites that tell the truth, this could be a beta test for Drudge.
It is coming, we all know it! However, I think you are right on top by having the The Appalachian Messenger!
Nice job!
Agreed. The Appalachian Messenger is a key component for organizing in the future. Check the June 5th edition.