Farrakhan: Retaliation.. If the Federal Government won’t intercede


While the US has had its share of deadly social violence over the past year, much of split along along racial lines, it has mercifully avoided a full-blown racial war. However, in recent weeks there has been a troubling increase in invocations toward even more violence, and even more deaths, which seek to achieve just that: a United States gripped in racial warfare.

The latest such call for violence was caught on tape just a few days ago, when on July 30 during a speech delivered at Mt. Zion Baptist Church in Miami, Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan called for black Americans to “rise up” and “kill those who kill us” if the federal government fails to “intercede in our affairs.”

Follows an excerpt from his troubling sermon:

I am looking for 10,000 in the midst of the millions, 10,000 fearless men who say death is sweeter than continued life under tyranny.

Death is sweeter than to continue to live and bury our children while the white folks give the killer hamburgers.

Death is sweeter than watching us slaughter each other to the joy of a 400-year old enemy.

The Koran teaches persecution is worse than slaughter. Then it says, retaliation is prescribed in matters of the slain.

Retaliation is a prescription from God to calm the breaths of those whose children have been slain. So if the federal government will not intercede in our affairs, then we must rise up and kill those who kill us. Stalk them and kill them and let them feel the pain of death that we are feeling.



Justice? If I made this statement against blacks, I would be arrested for a hate crime and literally crucified as a racist. It is a disgrace that Farrakhan does not apply his energy to saving black babies from being aborted and their body parts sold.

David DeGerolamo

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9 years ago

David, He is a dumb ignorant islamic marixst negro and his day will come when this uneducated moron will eat his words. I say let him gather his troops of losers because once he marches his broken down illiterate islamic murdering army we will be waiting for him in battle.

9 years ago

Let me see if I understand correctly:

This “sermon” was given in a nominally Christian church (Baptist).
Said “church” is obviously not fearful about losing their 501(c3) status, which means it must be on the “approved” list.

Looks like “equal justice under the law” is a thing of the past.


9 years ago

Another Teflon Jihadis

9 years ago

Well, maybe this time they mean it. -55six

Alfred Barnes
Alfred Barnes
9 years ago

If you listen carefully he concludes with “stalk them and kill them”

One would think that it would be considered illegal to make those statements, but what do I know?