We Stand at a Pivotal Moment in History. Do We Have the Collective Courage to Make the Right Decision and Do What is Right?

Is this Revolution/Civil War we are about to have justified?

You already know my answer to that question, but I would like to know your answer. For it is not just up to me. However much I wish it were.

When is it justified to take up arms against a tyrannical government? I say we have long passed that point and we are more than justified.

Our government seeks our submission to their rule and they would like to give us $600 for our suffering.

They are using fear of a virus as their method of control and it has also allowed them to blatantly steal an election. They don’t care that it’s obvious. They are posing the question, “yeah we cheated, so what, What are You going to do about it?”

Our government only has power if we consent to it.  It is time to quit fearing death and take back our power and reclaim our God-given rights!

It’s time to quit fearing about what comes after. We have been handed a good framework from our founding fathers. If their intentions were truly followed we wouldn’t be in the situation we are today.

Yes there will be a time of chaos. Hopefully a short time. But we are going to have to give up that security and comfort our lives have in order to fight this evil we are faced with.

I know, you are thinking to yourself right now, man this guy is crazy. Am I? Or is that what you have been programmed/conditioned to think? One of my favorite movie scenes is from Open Range when Charley Waite says “You may not know this, but there are things that gnaw at man worse than dying.” That statement is so true for me.

Liberty, not fear of death should be our guiding principle in this battle we are now faced with.

All rebellions/revolutions throughout history have started small. But not one person can make this decision. It is going to take many of us. Are there enough of us?

We stand at a pivotal moment in history. Do we have the collective courage to make the decision and do what is right?

Revolution requires each and every individual to commit to the cause and pledge their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor.

What say you?


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4 years ago

I’ve been “ready” for quite some time, already, per my moniker.
I may be old and decrepid but I can, and WILL, stand watch.

Dana Martin
Dana Martin
4 years ago

It is our Constitutional duty, it is our duty to our service members who have been injured and killed, it is our duty to our fellow citizens. I took the same oath.

It is our responsibility, should we shirk this we will be held accountable.
Our Lord requires that we defend that which he has bestowed us.

In loyalty,

Lon Schultz
Lon Schultz
4 years ago

The drought is killing the tree of liberty, we must act now, if Trump won’t we must!

4 years ago

I’m in.

SFC Johnny US Army Retired
SFC Johnny US Army Retired
4 years ago

You are right Mr. Wes and millions know it on both sides. The commies are counting on our actions to be what they have always been. Do nothing. I’ve heard some say who will pay the Dish TV bill if I fight? Who will cut the grass or scoop the snow? It’s better to leave well enough alone. I remember being scorned when leaving for Vietnam and spit on after returning. Some things never change. Certain mind sets will never understand further than their latest comfort or what their leftist friends say. We have great Generals in Flynn, Boykin and McInerney. There are others. Unless we fight in mass we will be destroyed two and ten at a time. I’m just a country boy with both feet on the peel. I can’t fight anymore but I can load magazines, give food to those who fight or a bed to weary fighters or provide medical care when required. I don’t know how; I just know we must!

4 years ago

Amen — those that remember those times — we have the ability, now we have to have the will to do it

4 years ago

To me, that $600.00 bucks was symbolic of what they think we are worth, except, they don’t even think we are worth that much. Our own vote wasn’t even worth that to them, hell…they just stole the votes….and they think so little of us, that they ain’t even saying that they DIDN’T cheat. We have been fucked out of our voice by Google, Twitter, Facebook, etc…our FBI says the white supremacists are our greatest threat, though I haven’t seen any of that in 4 years, but they send an army of agents to look at a rope in a garage at NASCAR, but look the other way when garages full ballots are trucked all over the country. We got spies driving Senators one way, and spies fucking them the other way, and nothing happens. And, I still don’t know why socialists are allowed to run for office in a country founded as a Republic. A president elect is involved with Chinese kickbacks with his son as the conduit, and the FBI won’t investigate, because…in DC, to do your job, means to look the other way.

If we don’t see a reason now to do something…we never will.

dennis winebrinner
dennis winebrinner
4 years ago

they take 25% of what i work for , then return 2% and expect me to be grateful…uh…no
they work for me, i do not work for them.
yes, i am a little old to be playin war games, so when i join in, i will be playing 4G warfare. think viet cong…sunni “terrorist” (one persons terrorist is anothers freedom fighter). i know how to be the gray man, the lone wolf, the ghost in the night.
and there are thousands just like me who are waiting until the time is right.
patients grasshopper, patients.

David Bovender
4 years ago

So they piss down our neck (600 bucks of our own money) and tell us it’s raining. Then they tell all of us vets fuck you we don’t want your vote anymore. No heroic deeds called for. We are down in the guts of this machine. The power plants, water plants, gas lines, truck lines, railroads, refineries etc.,etc, etc. We the unimportant and deplorables make this MoFo go. We know a hundred ways to put sand in the gears and bring this bitch to a screeching halt. Bastards better understand this shit ain’t gonna fly. Fix it. Jan 20 or else.

God's Grace
God's Grace
4 years ago
Reply to  David Bovender

The saying is “don’t piss down my BACK and tell me it’s raining”.

Bob T
Bob T
4 years ago

The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles. Colonel Jeff Cooper

We fool only ourselves if we believe that it will not cost a very high price , regardless the price it is better to die FREE MEN that to live as slaves . 10,000 days a foe once fought to overcome their occupiers , ours shall be such and more I would not doubt . I am here and I say AYE AYE theres a contract to fulfill and Liberty holds the deed . I can only regret that time has come upon me not the fresh out of MCRD Marine but still a salty old Marine who needs to prep more on the body and spend more range time .

May the Lord be merciful and hear our prayers..
No King but Jesus, bend no knee to none but Thee,
Semper Fidelis Bob T

4 years ago

Just found your site. Hope we can meet up before the shooting is over.