IT BEGINS: Fully Vaccinated People in Oregon Must Show Proof of Vaccination Status in Order to Enter Businesses Without a Mask

Oregon has gone from a liberal hell hole to 1930s Germany overnight.

The Oregon Health Authority is now requiring businesses and religious institutions to enforce mask mandates by forcing people to show proof of vaccination.

The CDC last week updated its mask guidance and said fully vaccinated people no longer need to wear masks indoors.

In order to prevent the unvaccinated from walking around unmasked, Oregon health officials are now creating a caste system by marking the unvaxxed lepers.

“Businesses, employers and faith institutions now have the option to adjust their masking guidance to allow fully vaccinated individuals to no longer wear a mask in their establishments,” OHA’s website said. “Businesses, employers and faith institutions doing so must have a policy in place to check the vaccination status of all individuals before they enter their establishment. Businesses, employers and faith institutions who do not create such policies will maintain the same masking guidance listed below, regardless of an individual’s vaccination status.”

Read the Whole Article Here…

Coming Soon!

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Lisa M Andrews
Lisa M Andrews
3 years ago

Kiss my grits … you got nothing I can’t get elsewhere

3 years ago

Time to burn it down.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago

Out of all the shit they have done to us since 9/11, gene therapy papers would be our line in the sand?

comment image

3 years ago

True Nazi’s.
So be it.
They ought to read history.

3 years ago
Reply to  Chris

They did…why do you think they are doing this?

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  Chris

The German sheep accepted it. Do we really think the American sheep won’t?

3 years ago

To arms!

Dana Henry
Dana Henry
3 years ago

Thinking way out of the box here and worst-case scenario. In Oregon, the inmates truly are in charge. I want to get moved before their dike governor institutes border checks of drivers passing through their state examining vaccine records. Maybe I’m borrowing trouble that will never be. But, that’s the same governor that authorized the murder of LaVoy Finicum an old man just trying to keep his balance in deep snow with his hands in the air. Shot in the back three times.
Anything can happen there.

3 years ago
Reply to  Dana Henry

Actually, the state cannot interfere with interstate travel in any way on federal highways.

Dana Henry
Dana Henry
3 years ago
Reply to  Unclezip

I’m borrowing trouble but they are so lawless I wouldn’t put it past them. I do tend to project “what-if’s”. They ignore the Constitution, cheat, and murder its citizens.
I’ve got an alternate route in mind in case it does happen.

3 years ago
Reply to  Dana Henry

Tbh you’re not the only one that has had that very thought cross their mind. It’s obviously not any better just north here in Washington with Komrade Inslee, but like you I’ve already planned and figured alternate routes. You can’t trust these bastys any further than you can throw them.

Last edited 3 years ago by tommiboi
3 years ago

you know how they have those youtube videos every year for the worlds most dangerous jobs ? Usually ends up being something like the guys working top side on aircraft carriers, that sort of thing ?
Well, I think there’s a new top entry to the list. $15 an hour to be a Costco door minder telling grown men they cannot feed their families ?
Asking for a bullet in the face. Very dangerous low pay gig there ..

Otis D
Otis D
3 years ago

Because pushback has been basically non existent.

Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
3 years ago

Do corporate board rooms have secret service protections? Rhetorical.

3 years ago

I have a suspicion that the feral government is letting the most communist States try this, before they attempt it Nationwide. Of Course, the many States that never even promulgated the bullshit ‘mask requirements’ are not likely to go along with that either. Several States (Texas is one) have Bills in their Legislature to Prohibit Outright any kind of “vaccine papers”. I also think that the States that refuse to go along with the (((program))) (wait, I meant (((pogrom))) ) will form a Core of Resistance to the ‘federal government’ in more ways than that.
Once people begin encountering Overt Efforts to control their Movement, a lot more Belligerent Opposition will begin to happen. I have already seen Confrontations in Stores where ‘unmasked’ individuals DARED the Store Personnel to “Call the Cops” and in one case, when a Store Employee grabbed a Customer by the Arm, he was Knocked to the Floor, and the Victim called the Po-Lice. Witnesses backed him up, and the Store Employee was the one arrested for Assault.
I really doubt that all but the most dedicated Thugpigs are going to want to man “vaccination checkpoints”. What do you call a “Checkpoint”? It’s a Reverse Ambush.

3 years ago
Reply to  Gryphon

Idaho was the first of the States to enact a Public Law (Idaho Public Law 17.12.2020) that made “mandatory behaviors of a medical nature” unlawful. Up to $1,000,000.00 fine for each instance of a Public (Incorporated) Entity attempting to force people to wear masks, show papers, or “social distance.” It is being enforced.
It can be seen here, on the public record:
Self-governance is what was expected and intended when the founders laid their Lives, Fortunes and Sacred Honor upon the table in 1776. Being purely lazy and surrendering your proxy to criminal “re-presentatives” only results in…well, what you see before you. Take back the delegated authority, mow your own lawn and run your own government. “Of, by, and for The People” isn’t just a saying.
Before throwing up your hands and saying that the only option remaining is violence, perhaps try the recipe that worked for “four score and six?”

Last edited 3 years ago by 1776
3 years ago

The Oregon Health Authority employees all have addresses and phone numbers. They should be on all Oregonians lists.

3 years ago

Anyone inclined to start “killing tyrants” over this insanity would have already begun doing so. Nobody is going to do a damn thing about the tyranny being Imposed on us other than flap gums.

3 years ago

Most businesses will just ask at the door, and all you have to do is say “yes, I’m vaccinated”. They don’t want to be put out of business because of a stupid, illegal law.

3 years ago
