The U.S. Navy’s SEAL teams are literally among the most elite military forces in the world, if not the most elite, but because the Biden regime is literally made up of exactly the kind of tyrants they accused Donald Trump of being, our country is at risk of losing many of these warriors.
According to an exclusive Fox News report, “a growing number of U.S. Navy SEALs who are seeking a religious exemption to the Defense Department’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate are being threatened and, in some cases, harassed into submission.”
Added retired SEAL chief Tim Wood on Twitter: “This is a political purge. ‘A new directive by the Navy’s COVID Consolidated Disposition Authority (CCDA) issued yesterday states that if SEALs decline the vaccine, the Navy may seek to recover from each individual SEAL the money the government has spent on training them.”
He goes on to point out that all service members are at risk of losing something if they refuse the still-experimental vaccine.
“Let’s be very clear about something, SEALs get attention, but this is happening to all service members right now. That Soldier, Sailor, Airman, Marine or Guardian loses no less in this disaster,” he added.
Wood also posted a link to the Navy’s memo, which reads, in part [our emphasis]:
Policy. In order to maximize readiness, it is the policy goal of the U.S. Navy to achieve a fully vaccinated force against the persistent and lethal threat of COVID-19.
7.a. and 7.b. The Vice Chief of Naval Operations retains authority for non-judicial punishment and courts-martial. Involuntary extension of enlistments is not authorized on the basis of administrative or disciplinary action for vaccination refusal. The CCDA may seek recoupment of applicable bonuses, special and incentive pays, and the cost of training and education for service members refusing the vaccine.
Anyone that believes the training and education of service personnel, a mandatory requirement of their (voluntary) military enlistment, can/will be suddenly recouped by fedgov/DOD is pathologically brain-damaged. No offense.
Seal training would be bad enough….imagine trying to pay back fighter pilot training…in the millions! It is just so much bluster, especially when you can’t get a job to pay it back because you are not vaccinated.
Perhaps it is hurry up and get the jab so you can die? I can’t speak Chinese, and don’t know if this is real or not, but it makes sense:
History shows Revolt starts when people go hungry! Been to the stores lately? Here in NW Ohio, IN and Michigan the stores are ransacked…looks more like Venezuela each passing day. Slowly the “Normies” are waking.
i am in Indiana, have seen no ransacking, no bare shelves!
Was at the supermarket today…lots of groceries, a few bare shelves for water. I HAVE noticed new products -- they must be having a wild time sourcing things. North Carolina.
I dont want to be the only asshole in the room but. If the military would do there job and defend the Constitution, you know the OATH you took! we would not be in this situation. demand a refund for training is ridiculous and that only shows the condition of or military leaders. The Constitution clearly gives us the means to fix these problems, WE THE PEOPLE JUST HAVE TO ACT AND DO WHAT IT SAYS!
Another HUGE ASSHOLE here!
Help Wanted: More Assholes Needed, CW’s are messy affairs
Um it’s not just the military -- it is EVERYONE’S RESPONSIBILITY!!!!!
Irod Folsom you are not the only asshole in the room. I have mentioned oathtakers before. Guess when it starts costing us enough we all will do something
I just wish i knew what “enough” meant anymore. Line in sand keeps getting pushed as we back up more and more….IT HAS BEEN ENOUGH
This is probably among the most radical blogs out in the open. If the complainers here aren’t seriously misbehaving you can’t expect normies and tourists to do it.
More importantly, nobody backs a weak horse, they fight for gains, beliefs , ideology , revenge, power, money.
The Dissidents are devoid of all that except in some vague remembrance of a partially imaginary past and a tantrum of leave me alone.
They are no threat to anyone.
Bluntly, if you want to restore the Republican , your guys have to run the school system , make sure that jobs are here, unwind globalism restore by force the patriarchy and a host of of other things, many of which are quite illiberal.
The Dissidents are unwilling to do this or to even discuss victory conditions and this stinks of loser to the point anyone can smell it.
No one will follow anyone until things are so bad Clown World stinks worse and even than there may be nothing left.
Take some time to think about how you would do things better, in Chinese parlance “Become Worthy.” after that you can fulfill the second part of the Mandate of Heaven and “Take Power” and once that is done, Use Power. You will have your mandate
If your money grubbing libertarian leave me alone, hie of to Monticello 2.0 instincts take over and your guys are derelict in the duty to make a nation that respects who were were, who we are , our traditions and works in the 20th century than you lose. The Reds who are master subversives will overthrow you toot sweet just as they have done many times.
Govern well or be gone.
So for now my advice is, given even the radicals won’t fight, go figure out what is worth fighting for , what you want. Hash that out and figure out the lowest cost approach to getting it.
From that point, you can build
VCNO is a lying POS who should hang by his toes from the yard arms until the buzzards pick his carcass clean. The jab doesn’t prevent a SEAL, or anyone else from getting the jab, or from spreading it. The CNC admits this. Either VCNO is criminally uninformed or criminally derelict in his duty.
Criminally being the Key Word.
This is just more proof that the republic has been overthrown by a globalist/communist coup d’etat. There is no group or individual left in the entire federal government that is powerful enough to protect and defend the American people’s rights to life, liberty and property. We are on our own now. The cavalry ain’t a comin’.
exactly we need to put on our big boy pants and take action.
Policy. In order to maximize readiness, it is the policy goal of the U.S. Navy to achieve a fully vaccinated force against the persistent and lethal threat of COVID-19.
Actually the shot will do the exact opposite.
Getting Seals to pay for their training? Good luck with that.
They should call The Communist USMIL bluff.
And the govt WILL bill them.
They do not have the Intellect to re-think this stupidity and what they are Energizing.
Then, take that Training.
And Clean House.
I will be nice, at this point, Only Direct Actors.
And if they still don’t ….Learn.
Well, There is, The Irish Way.
There choice.
US Military being undermined from the Top Brass. Treasonous Bastards.
If the Seals fold up and submit……