A Bullet for Obama?

Has America come to the point where the president should be assassinated for not living up to the hopes of New Black Panther Party Chairman Malik Zulu Shabazz? Have we come to the point where disagreement is ended through violence? Or is there another agenda behind their threat?

1. This could be just rhetoric for attention. After all, this “party” has acted with impunity in the past: voter intimidation and George Zimmerman are two examples. Of course, this “message” is illegal in the United States: threatening the life of the president should at least require a visit by the secret service.

2. This could be an actual strategy to assassinate the president. This would cause a race war throughout the nation which would facilitate the collapse of the “evil” empire. In their minds at least.

Americans know the difference between right and wrong. Disguising this as “not being able to discern” right from wrong is just an excuse for bad or illegal actions. Will America succumb to intimidation or will we return to righteousness? The choice is ours because we still have free will.

David DeGerolamo

Disappointed in Obama, New Black Panthers openly consider ‘the bullet’

The small but vocal New Black Panther Party is woefully disappointed in President Barack Obama, and is openly implying that the best way to reach its goals is no longer through “the ballot” but through “the bullet.”

In the Spring edition of the New Black Panther Party (NBPP) newspaper — cover reading “The Ballot or The Bullet: which way for black people?” — NBPP Chairman Malik Zulu Shabazz breaks down the presidential election, concluding the Democratic Party is the “institutional pimp of Black peoples and the Black Nation” and that Obama has “been a real disappointment.”

“Black peoples are the whores and prostitutes of the Democratic Party, and mistreated mistress that is courted in the late of night, but left hanging when it is time for real change in the light of the post election day,” Shabazz wrote, following a dissertation on the need to “Vote for Revolution.”

Shabazz detailed his past hopes for Obama as the first African-American president, noting that Obama has not lived up to them — specifically by continuing the policies of the Bush administration in the so-called war on terror and ignoring the economic plight of black Americans.

“The black community is at large no better off that (sic) before he was in office. We are curious as to what his agenda is for Black people in America and if he even has one,” Shabazz added.

The lead editorial in the 36-page publication is written by the paper’s editor, Chawn Kweli, entitled “4 years and a Bucket of Hope: The Change That Never Came,” which describes the group’s excitement, and subsequent disappointment, after Obama was elected.

“Mr. Obama’s policies have not corrected the economic troubles of America, they have gotten worse,” Kweli wrote. “The debt continues to expand [into the trillions], and the administration’s handling of international relations has hardened dialogue with foreign nations. Mr. Obama’s policies have been especially harsh to us the Black community. He [Obama] bailed out Wall Street and the auto makers but kept us at the top of the unemployment ladder.”


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