A Coming Era of Civil Disobedience?

By Patrick J. Buchanan

The Oklahoma Supreme Court, in a 7-2 decision, has ordered a monument of the Ten Commandments removed from the Capitol.

Calling the Commandments “religious in nature and an integral part of the Jewish and Christian faiths,” the court said the monument must go.

Gov. Mary Fallin has refused. And Oklahoma lawmakers instead have filed legislation to let voters cut out of their constitution the specific article the justices invoked. Some legislators want the justices impeached.

Fallin’s action seems a harbinger of what is to come in America — an era of civil disobedience like the 1960s, where court orders are defied and laws ignored in the name of conscience and a higher law.

Only this time, the rebellion is likely to arise from the right.

A secession of the heart has already taken place in America, and a secession, not of states, but of people from one another, caused by divisions on social, moral, cultural, and political views and values, is taking place.

America is disuniting, Arthur Schlesinger Jr. wrote 25 years ago.

And for those who, when young, rejected the views, values and laws of Eisenhower’s America, what makes them think that dissenting Americans in this post-Christian and anti-Christian era will accept their laws, beliefs, values?

Why should they?


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9 years ago

if we don’t begin civil disobedience ,you and your families will be made into cow dung and spread out on the land by these Marxist bolshevik with white and black faces, we must begin with the school boards and eliminate every communist who sits on them and then work our way thru every city council , mayor, etc.a ll of them must go and with out hesitation, these are very dangerous people preaching communism and we must eradicate it every way possible. our we must have state militia put in place of at least bare minimum of 300,000 people ready and armed to be called upon at a moments notice, and we need it now,

Teri of NC
Teri of NC
9 years ago

Thanks for linking to this article. I do cringe, though, that so many (even on the right) are referring to us as the “post-Christian era.” Ugh. The secularists certainly want us to embrace that idea, but do those on the right have to incorporate it as well?