A Continuing Effort to Turn Words Into Actions …

Republicans complain about Democrat policies, and then do little of value to dismantle government when they are in control of public office.

Tea Party members complain about Republican hypocrisy, and yet they do not turn out in numbers to repel the “Occupiers” who camp in their cities.

Where do we find Patriots who will stand together and act to defend the Rights of freemen and citizens of these united States?  Perhaps at a Summit?

What effect will a Summit have on the likes of the Republicans and Tea Partiers who have so far avoided any real confrontation with evil?

Will a Summit provide focus for the conservative / constitutional / liberty movement, or will it only serve to further fracture and stratify?

I don’t know, but I am certain that polarization among groups “on the right” cannot be more damaging than their current impotence.

Read and consider …

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Posted by TL Davis

The Call For A Summit

As loudly as I can I am calling for a patriot summit, a convention of sorts of those dedicated to liberty. I don’t mean those who won’t do a thing about it, but those who, given the right circumstances will give up everything they own to secure liberty to themselves and their posterity.

Our inaction is handing the field to our opponents, to the enemies of liberty. Kerodin might suggest direct action, whereas others might suggest indirect action, the fact is: there is very little action of any sort.

Opponents of a patriot summit will argue that getting us all together in one place will give the feds an edge. Let me tell you as someone who organized an event in DC, they already have my number. They know who I am and many of us in the liberty movement. Don’t fool yourselves, you are not unknown. When you step out and start a blog, you are known. You may not be tracked and followed as I have been, but you are known, so stop worrying about it. For all of the provocative things I have written, I have only been harassed on a low level, i.e. followed, harassed by the IRS, etc. An old saying I heard from the guys I knew in Vietnam was this: “They can kill you, but they can’t eat you.” Meaning, there’s only so much they can do to you.

If you are not ready to give your life and treasure to the pursuit of liberty, you are not sufficiently dedicated to the principle anyway. I have put both on the line and will do so again and again until we beat back the beast of totalitarianism, or die trying.

Right now, there needs to be a show of strength if to no one but ourselves. If there are others who will stand up for liberty, then let’s get together and make a statement. Let us gather. Second Amendment, Fourth Amendment and First Amendment proponents might not agree on everything, but they should at least agree to support the Bill of Rights and the importance of re-stating our demands that these rights be respected.

The difference between us and the Tea Party is that it should be known that defense of these rights includes a degree of insurrection, if necessary. Let us not fool ourselves or our communistic/socialistic enemies. If it is a fight that is coming, all we know right now is that each of us is alone, isolated and effectively neutralized. Our gathering to make the points we need to make could spark a consolidation of sentiment. It could motivate those who now sit idle.

I have no doubt that there are those who are willing to do any number of things to support the liberty movement, but it cannot begin without a beginning. A patriot summit would be that beginning. We can accept Tea Party members, but they must understand that this is not a Tea Party gathering, this is something a bit more determined, a bit more radical, perhaps a lot more radical. We must have a beginning to the action part of the movement.

Date and location. Lets start there. If you are a spook and live only on the invisible web, tucked away in the protection of anonymity, you can still show up. You can read the details as they emerge, but if you think fighting the enemies of liberty can be done without exposing yourself to fire, you are mistaken. All this has done so far is to leave those willing to brave the retribution of the feds to take the heat alone.

We need to emerge as a separate force from the Tea Party, but we must forge an alliance. There is no political clout without the ability to counter violence done to the political arm. We must be that force for good.

That’s my pitch. I will repeat it often. It is important. 


Posted by T.L. Davis at 10:14 PM

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13 years ago

sooooo….where and when, and does T.L.Davis have a blog?

13 years ago
Reply to  tmedlin

Hi Tina --

The underscore and color change in the title of the post are a clue … and the cursor changes to ‘give you the finger’ when you slide over it … look for and follow the hyperlink … I always include a link to the source when I repost someone elses’ work … :>)

… and know that I love you !

(regarding where and when … still to be determined)

13 years ago
Reply to  Hans

yep -- I found it 🙂

13 years ago
Reply to  tmedlin
13 years ago

Fellow patriots,

I concur. We need a convocation of those who will stand for God, liberty, and dignity. Fear not the gulag -- if you are on their list, then you are, and there is no getting off that list.

I am reminded of a saying I have heard man times, “it is what it is, and shall be remembered for what it is not”. Certainly, the present government will be remembered for what it is not. But shall we, as patriots, also be remembered for what we fall short of doing? I pray this shall not be the case. What we preserve, our children shall enjoy; what we abandon shall be lost forever.

We need to achieve consensus and develop committed resources through networking. Many do not trust the security of telecommunications, thus a mass gathering of free men in congress is needed to establish the foundations of mutual trust, and resolve a unified vision of hope and intent, in order for us to act in a firm and united manner.

The time is upon us to move beyond words and preparation. Lest we loose initiative, we must now enter upon the arena of action.


13 years ago

Great post Hans…and truly agree with this thought