John Fredericks interviews Lin Wood, Dec. 1st, 2020: Full transcript by NaturalNews.com – full video shown at the bottom of this transcript.
Audio Transcript
John Fredericks: Lin Wood, thanks for being with us, sir.
Lin Wood: Good morning. I guess you are finding that our mainstream media is not telling the American public the truth about this election. That does not surprise me. As I’ve said, many times, the mainstream media, I believe, is a propaganda tool for third party, bad actors, who are attempting in effect to overthrow our government, and to interfere in the election of a duly elected president of the United States. I think you’re going to see a lot of developments over the next several days that will wake up this country to foreign interference in our national election.
John Fredericks: Lin Wood, tell us about your victory last night. You had a victory, then it got reversed. Then you did a zoom call, it got reversed again. Where are we with that now, sir?
Lin Wood: Well, the court initially had impounded the voting machines, the Dominion machines, and all counties throughout Georgia. There was an interesting issue raised by the Secretary of State, claiming that he had no authority over the various counties. That’s utter nonsense, and it’s a misrepresentation of the truth.
The Dominion voting machines were purchased by the State of Georgia and not the individual counties, and the Secretary of State controls how those machines are utilized in each county. The Judge though was misled, I believe by the Secretary of State and then he changed his order. We got back before the court last night, and the court did in fact rule that in three counties. Those machines must be impounded so that we have a chance to do a mirror image of the computer drives. This is going to prove somewhere down the road in the near future. Without any question that these machines and the software used for manipulated.
Dominion originated in Venezuela, it’s a Canadian company. Servers were used in Barcelona and in Frankfurt. There’s no question that there’s going to be overwhelming evidence that foreign countries, including China, were involved in interfering with our national election. I think your viewers and listeners should recognize that the President of the United States, that was what he’s doing. Back in September of 2018, there was an executive order put in place, which gave the President the authority working with other members of the government to impose sanctions in the event of foreign interference in a United States election.
If I were Governor Brian Kemp and Brad Raffensperger, I would not be sleeping very well tonight. Time is coming up. Soon, when the provisions of that order, I believe, will be enforced, is going to be any number of individuals, including members of the media who were involved with foreign actors and tried to undermine our election, which is a clear and present danger and threat to this country.
Let this election be the democrat/communist parties waterloo. We also need to remove ourselves from this idea of world government.
In case anyone saw the #F*ckBreitbartNews article about Lin Wood last night, and their pathetic attempt to smear Lin Wood for supporting Demoncrats, here is an article the lists his political contributions… decide for yourself: https://thenationalpulse.com/breaking/heres-a-full-list-of-lin-woods-fec-registered-political-donations/
About Lin Wood, why would any sentient Republican urge Georgians to boycott the Senatorial election? Good grief, man! He would be handing the Senate over to Chuck Schumer!!!
I already stated that back on Nov 10th….
HEY,don’t under estimate this crooked state of Georgia, Wash,DC don’t have anything on this bunch of evil bastards, I been trying to get people to see what this bunch down here has done starting with the Atlanta child murders, Manard Jackson the city first black mayor,who was being groomed for a higher slot in the democrat party like vice president or president,was the apple of their eye,he just had one little flaw he like to cruise the streets and pick up young black boys to rape and molest. so they started to do away with them,and was doing a good job at it intil some reporter broke the story of an high number of black children being killed. lucky for them the FBI even then was an expert at covering up crimes done by the elite,so some poor man is setting in prison for life,and the familes was paid off to keep quite about it.so if Trump don’t declare the insurgent act, or declare martial law, this bunch in Georgia will steal this election also.
Let’s not forget that President Trump was Democrat at one time in the past as well. I believe Lin Wood and Sidney Powell support the President. I have a theory/gut feeling the the Republican party will abandon President Donald Trump.
China virus= Biological Warfare
Election Fraud= Cyber Warfare
Voter Fraud= Political Warfare/Treason
MSM/Social Media/ Media in general= PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE
Economy vs. Wall Street = Economical Warfare
Civil unrest= Insurgency
Anyone See a trend here?
I watched the rally yesterday in Ga. Lin Wood said right on stage that he voted Democrat in the past along with Republicans and even voted for the “lesser of 2 evils” in the Ga governor race when he voted for the now Ga Governor who is a Republican.
Lin Wood -- “The Evidence I have is Stunning”
Yep, Stunningly Irrelevant to the (((communists))). It wil be Ignored by all the ‘Parties’ to the Crime.
Nobody Gets Arrested.
Nobody Goes to Jail.