Vyacheslav Volodin, Chairman of the State Duma, made a really important post on his Telegram channel, on September 25. Because of its importance, we will cite it in its entirety:
Seven facts that Washington and Brussels have lost the “war of attrition” against Russia.
Biden, Stoltenberg, and other Western officials, referring to the conflict in Ukraine, have started calling it a “war of attrition.” Huge amounts of money have been poured into militarizing the Kiev regime.
What has this led to? Just the facts:
1. Western arms and ammunition shortages.
In June this year, British Defense Secretary Wallace said that Western countries had run out of national stocks of weapons that could be supplied to Kiev. For his part, Biden admitted in July that the decision to give cluster munitions to Ukraine was made because conventional shells had been exhausted.
2. Public confidence in politicians in Europe and the U.S. has been lost.
Ratings of distrust towards the heads of state of the EU and the USA are at a historical peak. 57 percent disapprove of Biden’s actions, 69 percent disapprove of Macron’s actions, 72 percent disapprove of Scholz’s actions. The majority of people in the US and European countries oppose supplying arms to Ukraine.
3. The failure of the Kiev regime’s counteroffensive.
The Ukrainian military, backed by NATO, has suffered huge losses in equipment and manpower. The lack of any results has disappointed Western sponsors.
Our government, military and media continue to lie to us.
They also know that we will not stand up yet. For whatever reasons we give ourselves from not accepting the truth and the facts, we do not stand up.
In our case, the government continues to give us crumbs which we can only afford by going into further debt. We will never be able to shed the chains which so heavily burden our children’s future as the government continues t0 print money unless we act.
In your heart, you know. You want to be free and they want us dead. At this point, they are acting and we are not.
David DeGerolamo
100% facts. We are screwed if we continue to sit idle and hope for this madness to stop.
Very quickly it is coming to a simple choice. Kneel and be a slave or stand and be a man. Both are fraught with danger. For me the choice is simple, stand. I am simply to old to bend knee and neck to a master who is just as likely to chop it off.
danger? death await behind either door, a prolonged slave’s death or a patriot’s quick death, we each will have to make our choice. Choose wisely, your children’s freedom and your Republic’s existence depend on our choices.
This is not a movie it is happening as we comment, they have not missed a step in their mass genocide. I hope in your preps you have at a minimum 5,000 rounds of ammunition for your battle rifle.
10,000 per firestick, except double deuce, 25,000 far wider range of uses.
I am close behind you Kal.
The US is one big bio lab. We are their mice.
Age and finances has nothing to do with it. What will we sacrifice to return our beloved nation?
Good question.
For me Louis everything.
My life.
It’s time to integrate the faith and resolve of the eastern European anti-communist resisters (Solzhenitsen, Havel, etc.) with the ideals and practices of the American patriot.
After reading “Live Not By Lies — A Manual For Christian Dissidents” by Rod Dreher, I created the following image to focus my attention as I seek to apply the imperative “See, Judge, Act”.
Thoughts ?
If we weren’t afraid of suffering or Death, we could be very powerful!