A Different Take on the Debate

I want to talk about the debate last night. I will let others pontificate concerning the moderators or who won. My point is that the American people lost. A debate by definition is to bring clarity concerning the issues that impact people’s lives, future and security.


Donald Trump was asked if he wanted Ukraine to win this war? Muir should have asked him if he still beats his wife. There is no way to answer that question without losing. I am not running for office so I can speak the truth. I do not want Ukraine to win the war but this is a moot point since they lost the war already. The taxpayers have also lost the war as more money was laundered to Zelensky and his lackey oligarchs. The Ukrainian people lost an entire generation of men. As we all know, Russia will not lose the war. Trump could have done a better job but the truth once again is that Russia has and will use tactical nuclear weapons against the West.

Which brings me to my next point. We provoked Russia. Anyone who would do a cursory search on the Maidan Revolution, Victoria Nuland, the Ukrainian attacks on the Donbass for eight plus years and the Biden Crime Family money laundering would be cheering for Russia. But this is just another diversion to make us pick sides to divide us. Does anyone remember this quote:

We do not have to pick sides when our country is being destroyed by domestic enemies. Then consider the “moderator’s” above Ukrainian question in this light.

The problem is that we the people deserve answers to questions that impact our lives. The candidates should have been given a list of topics prior to the debate so that they could give cogent answers and solutions. Here are my top ten issues:

  1. Nuclear World War III.
  2. Economic collapse.
  3. Inflation.
  4. Two-tiered justice system.
  5. National debt.
  6. Border Security.
  7. State of our military.
  8. State of our educational system.
  9. State of our health care.
  10. Voter integrity.

Did we get answers to any of the above?

David DeGerolamo

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Al Buckner
Al Buckner
4 months ago


tom finley
tom finley
4 months ago

My answer to the above question is freedom is not given it is taken.

4 months ago

The South surrendering was the opening scene. We are just witnessing the final act.

4 months ago

I scan a lot of websites and blogs. I see a lot of videos and interviews. 7 days a week. I haven’t seen an upbeat or positive bit of news for several months now. We’re in the perfect storm of disaster. I knew this was coming. It’s here now. Finally. Act accordingly.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
4 months ago

The debate did exactly what it was supposed to do.

Mary Combs
Mary Combs
4 months ago

KH performed much better than I expected. She lied convincingly and T was unprepared for those lies. He stumbled several times giving credibility to her lies. DJT put in a poor performance and missed several opportunities to rebut her incorrect statements. Having said that, almost no one would have changed their voting position based on the debate. The fence sitters will still be looking for information from alt media and the alt media is already digging up the receipts and supporting video to rebut KH’s lies. Lots already being posted. My European friends believe KH will not debate a second time because she will want to stick with the gains she made last night. My US friends think DJT will not debate a second time because he will be embarrassed and licking his wounds. I think DJT has a lot thicker skin than that, but KH may not want to debate again.

4 months ago

No, David, we got SQUAT!
The entire election cycle is Kabuki theater, likely with Trump (knowingly or unknowingly) playing his part.
Yet, Trump has enough business sense and a desire to fix his place in History to try to do a good job as judged by We, the People; whereas the demo communist party and their selectee (the detestable Kamala Harris) are hell-bent to destroy all the good that is left in our once-great Nation.
I used to say, jokingly, that “America is an emerging Third-world nation.”
I no longer say that because we have arrived. We ARE a Third-world nation. Look at our major cities, their tent cities, the train, bus and airport depots which more resemble South American, African or Middle East locations than North America.
The commies here--from Hillary to Kamala--don’t give a rat’s patootie about anything but money, power, more money and maybe a hit of adrenochrome from child sacrifice [who knows about this latter since over 360,000 kids have been disappeared within our borders and NOBODY investigates, NOBODY discusses this and NOBODY cares].
What is coming will be catastrophic.
Prep like your life and the lives of your family members matter.

4 months ago

I watched the debate last night. Before I get into it I want to ask about the the possibility of a wireless ear phone. No one goes from a blithering idiot to someone who can speak with fluency over night. Add to this the moderators only fact checked Trump and didn’t hold Harris to task. What a snow job. Completely biased. Typical for a fake news outlet.

As far as the debate goes. I didn’t hear anything about the national debt. Nothing on education nor voter integrity. Trump aired the other issues but the moderators quickly moved on like, nothing to see here. So answers are back on us investigate. That’s the job of a truly objective non-biased journalist or investigator.

4 months ago
Reply to  Patriot_One

P1, look up “Nova Audio Earrings.” Now exploding on the ‘net today.
I posit:

ABC gives FKH the questions in the order that they would be askedShe commits her answers to heart as best she canThe earpieces allow prompts/reminders at crucial moments, aiding her in her responses.Because, there’s not one chance in a million that FKH, who could not string two sentences together to form a paragraph two days ago, suddenly becomes articulate. Something’s fishy here because she is simply not that bright!
Remember also that she needed to divorce herself from the disastrous Biden administration and she failed to do that, so, as incumbent, she owns the economy, the border, inflation, crime and a destroyed energy sector, outright.

Last edited 4 months ago by TakeAHardLook
4 months ago

“”Trump could have done a better job but the truth once again is that Russia has and will use tactical nuclear weapons against the West.”” Serious question, when did that happen ? No other site I frequent has mentioned anything.

4 months ago
Reply to  Steiner

Steiner, the sentence was not written correctly. He should have said, “Russia has the weapons”, not “Russia has and will use the weapons” It sounds like he says Russia has used nuclear weapons already. They didn’t. I was confused at first, also.

General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
4 months ago

I posted the lengthy comment below yesterday after a meeting with a media acquaintance. It all speaks for itself.
Just now I run across this leak on X --confirming what I was told below, in that ABC provided Harris with debate questions beforehand--also it could have been the other way around--no difference. Here’s the link on X….
If any of you doubt this--then please examine the lumps on your heads. The undercover videos by various conservative organizations come to mind here (James O’Keefe and Project Veritas come to mind). And as you can see by these videos these communists do not know the meaning of OPSEC and the news of the operation trickled down to west coast ABC HQ.
Also Harris took acting lessons from a Hollywood professional leading up to the debate. And from my comments below--you can see when she turned on the facial expression on cue over her earpiece from her off stage, out-of-sight handler….
My original post from yesterday….
I just got back from the San Fernando Valley here in Comie-Fornia. I had an interesting meeting with an old acquaintance (by chance) who now works for Disney (ABC). Yes--I used to work in the film industry. Cutting to the chase--yes, Kamala Harris was given the questions and general topics to last nights debate well in advance… hence her intense, lengthy and obviously rehearsed response to nearly every question posed by the communist-shill moderators (hand-picked by top ABC co-conspirators BTW for their ability to lie straight-faced). She was just too perfect. Too rehearsed. Too on point for most of this debate and she responded on cue to everything spoken by Trump.
Now get what I see today on WSRA and it makes total sense of what I learned from my ABC contact….
comment image
The BIG CHEAT is on my friends. With every point made by Trump--with carefully scripted questions made in advance to prompt Trump into an obvious response--you can see Harris was being stage-managed off-camera via wireless ear-piece remotes.
This is the “Truman Show” in real time on network television. I can just imagine what she was being told…”laugh, mock, grimace--look surprised” by her stage-manager handler who was there with a real-time feed (no delay) somewhere adjacent in that studio setting--most likely in a facility green room, or adjacent control room hooked into the live feed.
If the communists can fly in truck-loads of emergency ballots (with 90% favoring Biden BTW) --what makes you think they/them cannot jiggle the debate odds with a little high-technology (off the shelf is seems). And that’s what these RF earrings mean--there is no other explanation.
What we are entering now and openly witnessing in real time, is an emerging era of top-down, Orwellian-style, tyranny with the MSM shamelessly collaborating with and advocating for the enemies of humanity. FYI--five major corporations control ALL of the major media outlets (radio, print, TV, movies, internet, etc.) in this country. Only one of them leans somewhat conservative (FOX). Adolf Hitler’s propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels could not even conceive of such media control such as these gigantic corporation have in modern times.
I just pray somehow Donald Trump manages to get re-elected. And if so, what can he do to remedy this situation with the leftist media? Taking away ABC’s broadcast license won’t handle the problem. Just for starters--what needs to be done is to break up these mega-media giants. Decades ago NBC had multiple broadcast networks--the Red and Blue network… which were then broken up by the government because they were too big. Now NBC is nearly 100 times more massive than just two radio networks. Ditto with ABC/Disney--with their multitude of channels and streaming services--and internet outlets. What we have now is more akin to Orwell’s “Big Brother” down to flat-screens that can actually watch you at home.
I’m just wondering when conservatives will actually do something about this form of emerging tyranny--other than cracking a beer and watching NASCAR.

Last edited 4 months ago by General 'Buck' Turgidson