A Disheartening Email

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I received the following email today with the subject line “Disheartening”:

Had a former coworker stop by today… He’s 28 years old. Doesn’t see a problem in the world. Even after pointing out several things that were going on, he just shrugged and said doesn’t bother me, I’m doing fine.

During the Presbyterian War, one third of the colonists felt the same way. They did not care who won the war; they only cared about themselves. And that has not changed today. We do not fight (passively now and actively in the future) for self-serving individuals. We fight the Deep State coup supporters for our children.

I know it is disheartening to meet or interact with people who feel no sense of public virtue. They do not see the consequences of their apathy. If we win, they will not change and they will still profit off of the sacrifices of patriots. If we lose, they will either become collaborators or realize their mistake once it is too late.

Time and resources are too valuable to waste on this type of individual. Just keep in mind that there are three types of people in our country: patriots with public virtue, insurrectionists supporting Communism and non-player characters (NPCs).

David DeGerolamo

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Publius Huldah
5 years ago


Rick Klopp
Rick Klopp
5 years ago

NPC may as well mean “No Political Concerns”.

a follower
a follower
5 years ago

A few arrows of Truth may get through to certain individuals. We must be vigilante. Even the individuals on “our side” are each at their own individual level of acceptance and or realization of what is taking place.