If you think we can still vote our way out of the mess our country is in, you can stop reading now.
For the rest of you, I have some questions.
- How many friends do you have that you would trust with your life? Who can keep a secret? Who is willing to do some heavy lifting?
- How many friends do you have that you would trust with your family’s life?
- How many of you can support yourself and your family for let’s say 6 months to a year if the SHTF?
- How many of you are physically fit?
- What will it take for you to fight and protect your Family from the Tyranny that is here and growing?
- Why don’t people value Freedom?
I don’t want a war, no one does. I don’t want to lose my country either. It is not us that wants to start this war, it’s the leftist, the communist, our domestic enemies. They aim to rule over us, or exterminate us.
I don’t know what the triggering event will be. But every day that passes is another day that our chains get tighter.
Have you checked out our National Debt Clock lately? How’s that voting working out for you?
How about all the numerous stories of the waste of our taxpayers dollars? How’s that voting working out for you?
How about the utter destruction of the Rule of Law? The Deep State continues to walk free even though we have all seen the evidence of their crimes. How’s that voting working out for you?
The trouble with us independent free thinkers is that we tend to have a wide and diverse set of conditions upon which we will act, making cooperative action nearly impossible. Some of us will not act at all. Some will act too soon and simply become a martyr without a discernible cause. But, we have to start somewhere, sometime…don’t we?
Most men have no purpose but to exist. They aim to pass quietly through history as minor characters upon a stage they cannot even see. To be the playthings of tyrants. I believe those of us in this movement were born to fight tyranny.
We all know something is wrong in our Country. We all know there is a fight coming.
We all believe we are on the right side of history.
The Democrats have ripped their mask away for all to see.
Communism is pure evil.
This is what we have all been preparing for.
Liberty is not just handed to you, you have to fight for it.
Maybe we hesitate because we aren’t sure of what will come out the other side. Maybe we aren’t sure what we are actually fighting for.
If we listen close enough maybe we can hear the answer to our many questions.
Maybe all that is required is a Leap of Faith.
Hey Wes I would add 1 question. How many can answer these questions honestly and not get depressed!
Work the 5 steps to death and get past the depressed stage. Reach the resolution stage so you can act according. Just a suggestion.
I agree with “oldtimer505”. We need to get past the usual first stage of “Death and Dying” described by K-Ross and move ahead. She was, likely, not just describing “Death and Dying” but “Severe Stress Response”. I have seen this in other venues and Rabbi Will has likely some awareness of this process because, having read the book “Treblinka”, this process was followed even though the inmates were in a “Death Camp”. That said, I thought the questions were very good. The issue is, in my mind, what will be a trigger and are the Freedom Loving Americans ready? Too soon is a disaster and to late is as well. I, along with others with whom I talk believe our best chances are local and that starts with bringing back the feeling and qualities of “Community”. You will never be absolutely accurate on whom you choose but reconnecting with those around you is very likely important. For me, the issue of the “mayor’s son” in Red Dawn is where all things revolve and I don’t know how one can always (one of two words we, “always, never say”) make the correct decision so we can only “take our best shot” at the correct answer.
[…] Questions, questions, questions. -- All good questions. But from 20 years of personal experience, questions that have been asked again, and again. And, well… here we are, asking the same questions. But just don’t take our guns! We need our guns to prevent you from taking our… guns (That’s Patriot sarcasm folks). […]
“If Voting could Change the System, it would be Illegal” (Mark Twain?)
As the Republic was originally constituted, Everyone’s Basic Rights were simply Not Subject to a Vote of the Majority. Over Time, those Traitors to the Republic, in all three Branches, ‘voted’ for ‘laws’ that incrementally but inexorably Infringed on our Rights; most people were either Unaware of this, or because the process was so incremental, ignored the restriction of Rights they may not have exercised, like owning Weapons.
It is clear now that the (((bolsheviks))) have secured Control of both ‘political parties’ and the Bureaucracy (‘deep state’) and are going Full Retard on implementing the very same kind of ‘Dictatorship by Committee’ they had in the former Soviet Union. (and in China today)
“Voting” might be useful on a very local level, small Town or sparsely-populated County, but only from the standpoint that the politicians are easier to Find and ‘fix’ if necessary. At the State and National level, you can’t even be sure that ‘your vote’ was ‘counted’; as a famous communist once said, “It’s Not who Votes that Counts, it’s Who Counts the Votes”.
Something is going to be the “Trigger Point”, the Lit Match dropped in the pool of Gasoline that’s full of Boxes of Dynamite…. I suspect that it will (have to) be an Economic Disruption (‘collapse’ is overused) which limits the government’s ability to Pay its Minions and hangers-on to the extent that they are no longer able to exert even a minimal level of ‘control’, even if by Pretense. That is the real lesson of Richmond, the .gov was ‘pretending’ to be in ‘control’ by having a few hundred of their thugpigs standing around, but they knew full well that only a Minute or two after the first shot was fired, they would have been Crushed, and the Statehouse taken over.
Buy more Ammo. And Beans.
Is voting our way and a hot war the only two choices? Just consider.
As far as the Samuel Adams quote: i do not consider my self “wealthy in the material or worldly sense. Do not even have those aspirations.
Do not believe any one is “feeding me”, and my family other than God above. and if things get lean i pray He has convinced me well enough in my preps and will help provide as He sees fit in the future.
Tinvowoot seems to be a call to those who do not consider all the options. Makes people think one of two ways out of this. Or am i wrong?
Things seam to be changing with the quickness, lets see what tomorrow brings.
we are not in control.
Like it or not, Elections do still have consequences. Some say the election (Virginia) was stolen? i do not know. Or Did they not show up?etc. Get to the bottom of it!
Who can say the election of Trump does not have consequences?
Do not comply with false laws!