A Functional Resistance

christian mercenary

There is a post at Western Rifle Shooters Assn. referencing the Big Delusion that asks the question: What is to be done after the collapse? This is a question that has long vexed those in the liberty/patriot community. We know how to survive. We know how to fight. We know how to make it rough on those who would enslave us. But, do we know how to win? Are we even concerned about winning?

There are those focused solely on survival, but I have always wondered what was the point of survival if one emerges from the bunker with no allies and no one left to understand the purpose of one’s survival. To survive only to exist in a state of slavery to a totalitarian regime, is survival, but is it worth it? For me, the answer has always been no. I would rather go out in the first wave if liberty is not to be found at the end.

The fact is, those who are either focused on liberty or see themselves as a patriot to the Constitution, have no plan to reestablish the principles of liberty in the post-collapse America. Probably the best idea out there is to establish redoubts, or zones of liberty mutually defended during the collapse that at least for themselves ensures liberty in small enclaves. But, then what?


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Average Joe
Average Joe
9 years ago

If liberty minded people are to survive we must relocate to an area mostly occupied by liberty minded individuals or we will surely hang separately.